Game on August 23, 2024 at 18:30, 7 players
1. 353 pts Inkey
2. 269 pts LongJump22
3. 199 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 48 48 


13B 74 122 


14I 83 205 


10H 64 269 


J5 69 338 


15L 58 396 


O5 83 479 


N2 38 517 


B10 34 551 


3G 82 633 


6D 61 694 


E5 40 734 


2J 52 786 


H1 42 828 


13L 29 857 


D3 32 889 


L1 36 925 


A8 36 961 


C7 28 989 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Inkey 6 9:42 -636 353 1.9628 Pacific 3 3:33 -790 199
LongJump22 4 3:02 -720 269 Group: expert
Pacific 3 3:33 -790 199 1.8591 LongJump22 4 3:02 -720 269
Vuincunx 0 0:37 -938 51 2.8610 Vuincunx 0 0:37 -938 51
Xuincunx 0 0:48 -941 48 3.8784 Xuincunx 0 0:48 -941 48
Zuincunx 0 1:28 -941 48 4.8836 Zuincunx 0 1:28 -941 48
Wuincunx 0 1:52 -941 48 5.8848 Wuincunx 0 1:52 -941 48
Group: advanced
1.7958 Inkey 6 9:42 -636 353
On 1st draw, UNFIXT H8 48 --- UNFIX to unfasten [v]
Other moves: ENFIX H8 46, UNFIX H8 46, UNFIXT H3 34, UNFIXT H4 34, UNFIXT H7 34
UNFIXT H8 48 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, INV(O)LUTE 13B 74 --- INVOLUTE to roll or curl up [v]
Other tops: VITUL(I)NE 13F 74
Other moves: NIEV(E)FUL 10C 73, NI(E)VEFUL 10C 73, VI(R)ULENT 13A 72, V(E)INULET 13A 72, V(I)TULINE 13F 72
INV(O)LUTE 13B 74 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, HOSEMAN 14I 83 --- HOSEMAN a fireman who directs the stream of water [n]
Other moves: MANHOLES F8 67, HOSEMAN G2 66, HOSEMAN I2 66, HOUSEMAN 8F 64, HEMINAS 11E 48
HOSEMAN 14I 83 LongJump22
On 4th draw, FOAL(F)OOT 10H 64 --- FOALFOOT a plant with large soft leaves [n]
Other tops: (F)OALFOOT 10D 64
Other moves: (R)OTOLO 15J 36, LOTA 15L 30, LOTO 15L 30, TOLA 15L 30, A(U)TO 15L 26
FOAL(F)OOT 10H 64 LongJump22
On 5th draw, SUZERAIN J5 69 --- SUZERAIN a feudal lord [n]
Other tops: ZINE O12 69, ZINS O12 69
Other moves: SUIVEZ D10 56, ZEINS 15E 48, ZINES 15E 48, REZ 13L 45, ZINS 15F 45
ZINE O12 69 Pacific
ZINES 15E 48 Xuincunx, Zuincunx
ZEINS 15E 48 Wuincunx
On 6th draw, HADE 15L 58 --- HADE to incline [v]
Other moves: HEDGES 15D 51, HEADSET O4 45, GHASTED O6 42, DEASH 15F 38, HAND O12 36
HADE 15L 58 Pacific
HEDGES 15D 51 Vuincunx
On 7th draw, ASTARTED O5 83 --- ASTART to start up [v]
Other moves: DATARIES B8 72, ASSARTED 5H 68, RADE 13L 34, DATERS 15D 33, DERATS 15D 33
On 8th draw, FLYPE N2 38 --- FLYPE to strip back [v]
Other moves: FLEME N2 32, FY 14B 31, FLYPE N1 28, FLYPES 5E 28, MYSELF 5H 28
On 9th draw, BEWIG B10 34 --- BEWIG to adorn with a wig [v]
Other tops: VOGIE B10 34
Other moves: BOWIE B10 32, BEWIG K2 29, BOGIE B10 28, BEVY 4K 24, BEWIGS 5E 24
BEWIG B10 34 Inkey
On 10th draw, IMPANNEL 3G 82 --- IMPANNEL to put onto a list for jury duty [v]
Other moves: IMPANNEL F6 66, PAM 13L 38, PENMAN A6 36, PIEMAN A6 36, PIMA K4 35
PEAN M1 26 Inkey
On 11th draw, DETRITUS 6D 61 --- DETRITUS particles of rock [n]
Other moves: DEMIST H1 30, DEMITS H1 30, DIMERS H1 30, ERST 13K 30, DEMIT H1 27
REDS 15F 21 Inkey
On 12th draw, BEARDIE E5 40 --- BEARDIE a bearded person [n]
Other tops: BEADIER E5 40
Other moves: OBIED 5D 34, IAMB H1 33, ORAD 13K 33, BARDIE 4D 32, BREAD A7 31
BROAD A7 31 Inkey
On 13th draw, JO 2J 52 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other tops: JA 2J 52
Other moves: ROMAJI H1 48, G*DJ*GADJO D4 46, GAJO A7 40, JONG L1 40, JOR 9M 37
JA 2J 52 Inkey, Pacific
On 14th draw, GAMY H1 42 --- GAMY plucky [adj]
Other moves: ARMY H1 39, RIMY H1 39, YAG 13L 38, CRAY A8 36, CYMA H1 36
GAMY H1 42 Inkey
On 15th draw, RAG 13L 29 --- RAG to rate; to banter [v]
Other moves: AGOROT A6 27, RAT 13L 26, OSAR K5 25, TSAR K5 25, ARGOT A7 24
GATOR A7 24 Inkey
On 16th draw, QUOD D3 32 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: SUQ 5J 28, CONVOS K1 26, TWO A8 22, CONTOS K1 20, OWN L1 20
QUOD D3 32 Inkey
On 17th draw, KENO L1 36 --- KENO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: LIKER 8A 30, KILO A7 28, LOWER 8A 27, OWLER 8A 27, REIK 9J 27
LOWER 8A 27 Inkey
WE O1 20 Pacific
On 18th draw, CROW A8 36 --- CROW to boast [v]
Other moves: TROW A8 30, TIRONIC C9 24, CITO A7 22, IRONIC C10 22, TWO A8 22
CROW A8 36 Inkey
On 19th draw, CIVIE C7 28 --- CIVIE a civilian [n]
Other tops: CIVET C7 28
Other moves: LICIT C7 22, CIVE C7 21, VET C9 21, VICE C7 21, VIE C9 21
CIVET C7 28 Inkey
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