Game on August 23, 2024 at 21:43, 5 players
1. 137 pts LongJump22
2. 36 pts Xuincunx
3. 36 pts Wuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


I7 23 51 


6A 69 120 


A5 74 194 


J10 40 234 


13A 78 312 


K5 118 430 


B10 53 483 


L10 60 543 


E2 76 619 


M11 47 666 


15B 36 702 


N7 33 735 


D8 33 768 


L4 36 804 


15L 36 840 


M3 30 870 


N1 36 906 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
LongJump22 3 4:21 -769 137 1.8617 LongJump22 3 4:21 -769 137
Xuincunx 1 1:07 -870 36 2.8784 Xuincunx 1 1:07 -870 36
Wuincunx 1 1:26 -870 36 3.8848 Wuincunx 1 1:26 -870 36
Zuincunx 1 1:42 -870 36 4.8836 Zuincunx 1 1:42 -870 36
Vuincunx 1 1:45 -876 30 5.8610 Vuincunx 1 1:45 -876 30
On 1st draw, KANAE H4 28 --- KANAE (Maori) grey mullet, pl KANAE. No -S [n]
Other tops: ANA(N)KE H8 28, AN(O)RAK H7 28, A(N)ANKE H8 28, ENRA(N)K H7 28, E(N)RANK H7 28, KAN(T)AR H4 28, KARA(T)E H4 28, KEA(S)AR H4 28, KRA(K)EN H4 28, K(I)NARA H4 28, (U)NRAKE H8 28
Other moves: A(P)EAK H8 26, KANA(E) H4 26, KANA(S) H4 26, KANE(H) H4 26, KANE(S) H4 26
On 2nd draw, YENS I7 23 --- YEN to yearn [v]
Other tops: SEY I5 23, YENS G7 23
Other moves: YEN G7 22, YEN I7 22, YES G7 22, YES I7 22, SYNE I3 21
On 3rd draw, RADIOMEN 6A 69 --- RADIOMAN a radio operator or technician [n]
Other moves: ADMIRE H10 38, MADRE G5 29, ADMIRE G6 28, DORMIE G5 28, DERMA G5 27
On 4th draw, AR(G)ININE A5 74 --- ARGININE an amino acid [n]
Other tops: (T)RIENNIA A5 74
Other moves: (S)IRENIAN A4 71, (S)ANIDINE C2 70, ANI(L)INE J1 66, IN(S)ANIE J1 66, A(S)ININE J1 64
On 5th draw, HAILY J10 40 --- HAILY with hail falling [adj]
Other moves: AMITY 5A 39, ATIMY 5A 39, HAMAL 5E 38, MAYA 5E 35, LYM 5D 34
On 6th draw, STENCIL 13A 78 --- STENCIL to produce by means of a perforated sheet of material [v]
Other moves: LECTIONS E1 70, TELSONIC E2 70, CLIENTS J1 69, LECTINS J1 69, CLIENTS G8 66
On 7th draw, JOU(S)TED K5 118 --- JOUST en engage in personal combat [v]
Other moves: JOU(S)TED E5 56, JUDA(S) 5E 49, JE(H)AD 5E 47, JU(B)ATE 5E 47, JOTA 5E 46
On 8th draw, FANTOD B10 53 --- FANTOD an emotional outburst [n]
Other moves: FOVEA L1 39, FONDA L1 35, FLAVONE 13I 34, DEF B8 33, DOF B8 33
On 9th draw, AZOTIC L10 60 --- AZOTIC pertaining to azote [adj]
Other tops: AZOTH 5A 60, CHINTZ D10 60
Other moves: AZOTH L10 54, AZO 5D 52, AZOIC L10 52, ZA 5E 48, ZO 5E 48
On 10th draw, WALLOPER E2 76 --- WALLOPER one that wallops [n]
Other moves: PRELAW L1 42, PLEW M9 39, PRAWLE M6 38, WALLER M7 38, (S)PAWL 8K 36
On 11th draw, EXO M11 47 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: HOX L4 44, VOX L4 44, (S)HOVE 8K 42, SEX M10 41, SEX H13 40
On 12th draw, DISPRAD 15B 36 --- DISPRED to spread out (pa p DISPRAD) [v]
Other moves: PURDAS L1 35, PADRI L4 34, PURDAS N6 32, DRAPS L3 31, PURDA L1 31
On 13th draw, BREWS N7 33 --- BREW to make beer or the like [v]
Other moves: BRUTES N6 31, BURETS N6 31, TREWS N7 31, REWS N8 30, SCREW 15K 30
On 14th draw, MORGEN D8 33 --- MORGEN a Dutch unit of land area [n]
Other moves: EMO O8 30, MOER O6 30, GORM L4 29, GOER O6 27, GREGO L1 27
On 15th draw, FORGO L4 36 --- FORGO to refrain from [v]
Other moves: FORGO L1 35, GROOF L2 32, FROE O5 31, FORGAVE 3A 30, GOOF L3 30
FORGO L1 35 LongJump22
On 16th draw, CHIV 15L 36 --- CHIV to knife [v]
Other moves: HIE O6 28, VIE O6 28, CHIT 15L 27, CHUT 15L 27, CIVE 15L 27
CHIV 15L 36 LongJump22, Xuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
On 17th draw, BETE M3 30 --- BETE to improve [v]
Other tops: BEET M3 30, BEET O6 30
Other moves: EVET M2 29, DEEV C6 28, VEE O6 28, VIE O6 28, BEET M2 27
BEET M3 30 LongJump22, Vuincunx
On 18th draw, QUIT N1 36 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: QUAG 3C 28, QUID C3 28, QUILT 4B 28, QI I3 27, QI N2 26
QUIT N1 36 LongJump22
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