Game on August 25, 2024 at 08:10, 11 players
1. 487 pts vendanges
2. 244 pts Chelsea
3. 190 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 66 66 


I11 23 89 


11E 86 175 


K4 66 241 


E6 65 306 


D12 32 338 


G3 80 418 


8A 33 451 


L1 80 531 


15D 39 570 


2J 38 608 


J4 42 650 


H1 32 682 


N5 73 755 


O6 35 790 


3C 28 818 


C11 59 877 


15A 60 937 


M9 26 963 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
vendanges 4 13:53 -476 487 1.8474 LongJump22 3 3:47 -773 190
Chelsea 3 8:44 -719 244 2.8685 Vuincunx 1 1:54 -928 35
LongJump22 3 3:47 -773 190 3.8835 Xuincunx 0 1:37 -931 32
moonmonkey 1 1:36 -928 35 4.8801 Zuincunx 0 1:57 -931 32
Vuincunx 1 1:54 -928 35 5.8848 Wuincunx 0 1:27 -941 22
queen66 0 0:54 -931 32 Group: advanced
Mycophot 0 1:16 -931 32 1.7213 Chelsea 3 8:44 -719 244
Xuincunx 0 1:37 -931 32 2.7559 moonmonkey 1 1:36 -928 35
Zuincunx 0 1:57 -931 32 3.7619 queen66 0 0:54 -931 32
HollyIvy 0 0:56 -941 22 4.7514 Mycophot 0 1:16 -931 32
Wuincunx 0 1:27 -941 22 5.7758 HollyIvy 0 0:56 -941 22
Group: intermediate
1.6822 vendanges 4 13:53 -476 487
On 1st draw, ROUILLE H7 66 --- ROUILLE a peppery garlic sauce [n]
Other tops: ROUILLE H2 66, ROUILLE H3 66, ROUILLE H4 66, ROUILLE H6 66, ROUILLE H8 66
Other moves: ROUILLE H5 64, LOURIE H3 14, LOURIE H4 14, LOURIE H7 14, LOURIE H8 14
On 2nd draw, AAH I11 23 --- AAH to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise [v]
Other tops: AAH G11 23, HOA I9 23
Other moves: AHA G12 21, AHA I12 21, AH G12 20, AH I12 20, EH G12 20
AAH I11 23 vendanges
On 3rd draw, U(R)OLAGNIA 11E 86 --- UROLAGNIA
Other moves: (S)AGOUIN 14I 74, AU(T)OING G4 70, OU(T)GAIN G3 68, U(R)OLAGNIA 12E 68, (S)AGOUIN G3 67
(S)AGOIN 14I 22 vendanges
On 4th draw, IG(U)ANIAN K4 66 --- IGUANIAN a lizard related to the iguana [n]
Other tops: (M)AGAININ K4 66
Other moves: IGNA(T)IA G1 62, IGUA(N)IAN 9F 62, ARAI(S)ING 7G 61, IGUANIA(N) 9F 61, GAR(C)INIA 7F 60
On 5th draw, BOHRIUMS E6 65 --- BOHRIUM a radioactive element [n]
Other moves: MIHRABS M7 42, HIMBOS L10 33, HIMBOS N6 33, MHOS J6 33, SHIM 12L 33
SOB 12K 27 vendanges
On 6th draw, MOPE D12 32 --- MOPE to act in a dejected or gloomy manner [v]
Other tops: MEND D12 32
Other moves: MODE D12 30, DOME L4 28, DOPE L4 28, MENO D12 28, MINDED L10 28
MOPE D12 32 Chelsea
On 7th draw, TRITELY G3 80 --- TRITE used so often as to be made commonplace [adv] --- TRITELY in a trite manner [adv]
Other moves: LYRE F5 37, TYRE F5 37, YIRTH 8A 36, TILERY F1 34, TITELY F1 34
YIRTH 8A 36 vendanges
RYE F5 31 Chelsea
On 8th draw, BEATH 8A 33 --- BEATH to bathe [v]
Other tops: BAITH 8A 33, BEWENT 15A 33, BEWENT 15C 33, INBENT 8J 33, NEWBIE 15C 33
Other moves: WEBINAR 4A 32, BANE F5 30, BEWET 15A 30, BINATE D3 30, BINE F5 30
BEATH 8A 33 vendanges
WINE 15A 21 Chelsea
On 9th draw, DISTORT L1 80 --- DISTORT to twist or bend out of shape [v]
Other tops: DISTORT N9 80
Other moves: STRADIOT M8 70, DISTORT I2 67, DORTIEST B3 63, DITTOS L4 33, DITTO L4 29
DOT C13 22 Chelsea, vendanges
On 10th draw, EXINES 15D 39 --- EXINE the outer layer of certain spores [n]
Other tops: NIXED 1H 39
Other moves: EX 9B 36, EXIES 15A 36, EXIES 15D 36, EXINE 15D 36, NIXES 15A 36
NIXES 15A 36 vendanges
XIS 14F 34 Chelsea
On 11th draw, VEINY 2J 38 --- VEINY full of veins [adj]
Other tops: VENEYS N6 38
Other moves: VENDEES 1I 33, SENVY N11 32, SEVERY 4C 32, SNYE 12K 32, VEINS 2J 32
VEINY 2J 38 Chelsea
SYEN 12L 25 vendanges
On 12th draw, CAFE J4 42 --- CAFE a small restaurant [n]
Other moves: FACE J4 38, FAWN 12L 34, NEF J4 34, FAIENCE L9 33, FENCE J4 33
FAWN 12L 34 Chelsea
FA 1N 23 vendanges
On 13th draw, JOE H1 32 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JAPED M10 30, JEEP B6 29, JEDI 10B 28, JEED B6 28, DEV F5 26
JOE H1 32 vendanges, Chelsea, LongJump22
On 14th draw, NODDLES N5 73 --- NODDLE to nod frequently [v]
Other moves: ENDEXINES 15A 51, DONDERS 4B 32, NODDERS 4B 32, SOLED 12K 31, SOLDE 12K 29
NODDLES N5 73 LongJump22
ENDEXINES 15A 51 vendanges
NODDERS 4B 32 queen66, Mycophot, Xuincunx, Zuincunx
On 15th draw, WEE O6 35 --- WEE a short time [n] --- WEE to urinate [v] --- WEE very small [adj]
Other moves: PEE O6 31, PAWNCE M10 30, PEW F5 28, PAWNEE M10 26, WINCE L10 25
WEE O6 35 vendanges, LongJump22, moonmonkey, Vuincunx
On 16th draw, GRAFTED 3C 28 --- GRAFT to unite with a growing plant by insertion [v]
Other tops: FARDAGE B2 28
Other moves: AFARA M9 26, AIRGAP L10 26, OAF G11 26, ARF 7A 25, ADAPT D4 24
FA 1N 23 vendanges
FA 12L 22 HollyIvy, Wuincunx
On 17th draw, CUZ C11 59 --- CUZ a cousin [n]
Other moves: ZO C13 50, ZERO D1 46, COUP C10 33, ZEE B6 32, CUP C11 31
ZO C13 50 LongJump22
ZERO D1 46 vendanges
On 18th draw, EKTEXINES 15A 60 --- EKTEXINE an outer layer of the exine [n]
Other moves: AWAKE M9 34, KA 14F 34, KAW F5 32, DEAW 1L 31, QI F14 31
QI F14 31 vendanges
On 19th draw, AWARN M9 26 --- AWARN to warn [v]
Other moves: WIRRA D1 24, WAIRUA M10 23, DUAN 1L 22, DUAR 1L 22, WARN D1 22
WARN D1 22 vendanges
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