Game on August 25, 2024 at 13:33, 10 players
1. 180 pts LongJump22
2. 143 pts vendanges
3. 37 pts Xuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H2 74 74
2. I6 32 106
3. H10 53 159
4. 2A 70 229
5. G13 36 265
6. D1 26 291
7. A1 30 321
8. F2 63 384
9. 3A 22 406
10. I13 40 446
11. 8A 27 473
12. 15H 33 506
13. N10 30 536
14. O6 37 573
15. 11D 90 663
16. 10H 31 694
17. D10 30 724
18. 13K 28 752
19. 15A 24 776
20. A10 27 803
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8402 LongJump22 3 3:26 -623 180 1.8402 LongJump22 3 3:26 -623 180
2.6820 vendanges 2 5:35 -660 143 2.8835 Xuincunx 1 1:17 -766 37
3.8835 Xuincunx 1 1:17 -766 37 3.8625 Vuincunx 1 1:38 -766 37
4.8625 Vuincunx 1 1:38 -766 37 4.8801 Zuincunx 0 1:08 -767 36
5.8801 Zuincunx 0 1:08 -767 36 5.8848 Wuincunx 0 1:48 -767 36
6.8848 Wuincunx 0 1:48 -767 36 Group: intermediate
7.6700 ShotPut22 0 1:13 -778 25 1.6820 vendanges 2 5:35 -660 143
8.6528 Javelin22 1 1:07 -779 24 2.6700 ShotPut22 0 1:13 -778 25
9.6352 Discus22 1 1:31 -779 24 3.6528 Javelin22 1 1:07 -779 24
10.6536 Hammer22 1 1:49 -779 24 4.6352 Discus22 1 1:31 -779 24
5.6536 Hammer22 1 1:49 -779 24
On 1st draw, DIPN(O)AN H2 74 --- DIPNOAN a lungfish [n]
Other tops: PAND(A)NI H4 74, PINDAN(S) H4 74, P(A)NDANI H4 74
Other moves: DIPN(O)AN H4 72, N(O)NPAID H6 72, DIPN(O)AN H3 70, DIPN(O)AN H6 70, DIPN(O)AN H7 70
On 2nd draw, SHOVEL I6 32 --- SHOVEL to take up with a shovel (a digging implement) [v]
Other tops: SHOVEL G6 32
Other moves: HOVELS G7 31, HOVELS I7 31, SHOVE G6 31, SHOVE I6 31, HOVEL G7 30
On 3rd draw, DEFOAM H10 53 --- DEFOAM to remove foam from [v]
Other moves: FAMED J10 38, FOAMED J10 37, FOAMED G7 33, FAME J10 32, FOAM J10 32
On 4th draw, STE(R)EOED 2A 70 --- STEREO to make a type of printing plate [v]
Other moves: DE(V)OTEES 2H 66, STE(R)EOME 15B 60, E(R)OTEMES 15C 59, OS(S)ELET 11E 24, O(S)SELET 11E 24
On 5th draw, JA G13 36 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: EVEJAR C2 34, JADEITE 10F 33, EVEJAR E2 32, JAVEL 11E 30, JADE 10F 28
On 6th draw, W(R)APT D1 26 --- WRAP to enclose in something wound or folded about [v]
Other tops: PEWIT 1C 26
Other moves: W(R)AP D1 24, WEEP 1C 23, WEPT 1C 23, PEEWIT 4H 22, PEEWIT C1 22
On 7th draw, ASKOI A1 30 --- ASKOS an oil jar used in ancient Greece [n]
Other tops: ASKOS A1 30
Other moves: OAKIES E4 28, ASKS A1 27, AWOKE 1C 24, EIKS E4 24, OAKIES E5 24
On 8th draw, OVERLAIN F2 63 --- OVERLAY to lay over [v] --- OVERLIE to lie over [v]
Other moves: RAVELIN 11E 40, NONRIVAL 8H 36, NONVIRAL 8H 36, VLEI J10 33, SHOVELER I6 31
On 9th draw, KETA 3A 22 --- KETA a Pacific salmon [n]
Other tops: BETED E8 22
Other moves: BE F14 21, BO F14 21, BEDE E8 20, BODE E8 20, DEBE E8 19
On 10th draw, WHA I13 40 --- WHA (Scots) who [pron]
Other tops: WHO I13 40
Other moves: DEWANI 8A 33, HAWED E8 31, HAWMED 15E 28, HEWN E8 27, HOAED E7 27
On 11th draw, BURITI 8A 27 --- BURITI a miriti palm [n]
Other moves: BURITI E8 22, BURG E8 20, BIMA 15F 18, IMARI 15G 17, GIBEL 11E 16
BURITI 8A 27 LongJump22
On 12th draw, MARINERA 15H 33 --- MARINERA a Peruvian folk-dance [n]
Other moves: NEAR J5 19, REAN J5 19, REAR J5 19, REIN J5 19, AIRMAN 15E 18
On 13th draw, BULGER N10 30 --- BULGER a golf club [n]
Other tops: BUGLER N10 30
Other moves: BOUCLEE M9 28, LOBE 14K 24, LUBE 14K 24, CIBOULE D7 22, ECLOGUE M9 22
BUGLER N10 30 LongJump22
On 14th draw, DOGEY O6 37 --- DOGEY a stray calf [n]
Other tops: DUNGY O6 37, GUNDY O6 37
Other moves: DOGY O7 34, EDGY O7 34, OUNDY O6 34, DOYEN O7 33, DENY O7 31
DOGEY O6 37 LongJump22, Xuincunx, vendanges, Vuincunx
On 15th draw, URODELANS 11D 90 --- URODELAN a tailed Amphibia e.g. newts and salamanders [n]
Other moves: BAUDRONS A8 86, PANDOURS 4H 74, DINOSAUR D7 68, URODELAN 11D 36, ANDROS N2 25
BAUDRONS A8 86 LongJump22
BAUDRONS A8 36 Zuincunx, Wuincunx
On 16th draw, DEFI 10H 31 --- DEFI a challenge [n]
Other tops: FOMITE N1 31
Other moves: FAG J10 30, FAE J10 29, FAT J10 29, DEF 10H 28, FA J10 28
FAG J10 30 vendanges
On 17th draw, CUTELY D10 30 --- CUTE pleasingly attractive [adv] --- CUTELY in a cute manner [adv]
Other moves: GUILTY D10 28, GEY 12D 27, CLEG 12A 26, ILLY 12L 26, YELT 12A 26
YELT 12A 26 vendanges
On 18th draw, ZING 13K 28 --- ZING to move with a high-pitched humming sound [v]
Other tops: GEEZ 13B 28, ZEIN J5 28
Other moves: CITY 15A 27, ZIG 9K 27, ZIG 13L 26, ZINE 13A 26, ZITE 13A 26
ZIG 13L 26 vendanges
On 19th draw, TROYS 15A 24 --- TROY a system of weights [n]
Other moves: OUTROS N2 23, IS O12 21, OOSY 15A 21, OS O12 21, ROSY 15A 21
TROYS 15A 24 Javelin22, Discus22, vendanges, Hammer22
On 20th draw, COQUET A10 27 --- COQUET to flirt [v]
Other moves: QUOTE 12A 26, COGUE N2 25, QUA 7D 25, OM G6 22, COGUE J2 20
QUA 7D 25 ShotPut22
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