Game on August 26, 2024 at 10:04, 7 players
1. 349 pts Chelsea
2. 143 pts LongJump22
3. 105 pts LLLLLL1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 28 28 


12B 34 62 


G3 73 135 


E5 86 221 


13F 78 299 


H1 49 348 


1H 92 440 


14B 95 535 


15A 53 588 


12K 32 620 


F2 42 662 


O7 48 710 


8A 30 740 


D2 40 780 


11K 27 807 


2A 26 833 


A1 33 866 


L1 20 886 


K5 30 916 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 3 11:21 -567 349 1.7212 Chelsea 3 11:21 -567 349
LongJump22 1 4:28 -773 143 Group: novice
LLLLLL1112 1 3:05 -811 105 1.5726 LongJump22 1 4:28 -773 143
4. -
cccc2246 1 1:58 -821 95 2.5500 LLLLLL1112 1 3:05 -811 105
OOOOOO1112 0 1:34 -874 42 3.5491 OOOOOO1112 0 1:34 -874 42
MMMMMM1112 0 1:17 -883 33 4.5469 MMMMMM1112 0 1:17 -883 33
NNNNNN1112 0 1:40 -883 33 5.5502 NNNNNN1112 0 1:40 -883 33
Group: not rated
1. - cccc2246 1 1:58 -821 95
On 1st draw, SALEWD H8 28 --- SALUE to salute [v]
Other tops: DWALES H3 28, SWALED H3 28, WAULED H4 28, WEALDS H4 28
Other moves: WADES H4 26, WALDS H4 26, WALED H4 26, WEALD H4 26, WELDS H4 26
SWALED H3 28 Chelsea
On 2nd draw, CUMSHAW 12B 34 --- CUMSHAW a gift [n]
Other moves: VAUCHES 11C 30, CUSHAW 12C 28, CHAM G6 27, CHUM G6 27, HAM G9 27
HAM I9 27 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, BATONED G3 73 --- BATON to strike with a truncheon [v]
Other moves: BACON B10 30, DECANT B10 26, DOCENT B10 26, ADOBE G6 24, BEACON B9 24
BOLTED 10F 17 Chelsea
On 4th draw, OSTEOIDS E5 86 --- OSTEOID uncalcified bone matrix [n]
Other moves: SODOMITE D8 63, OSTEOID 11E 43, DIES I9 36, DITS I9 36, DOES I9 36
DOTS I9 36 Chelsea
On 5th draw, ORDI(N)ATE 13F 78 --- ORDINATE a particular geometric coordinate [n] --- ORDINATE to ordain [v]
Other moves: ESOTERI(C)A 8G 77, (E)TAERIO D4 77, (M)EDIATOR 13F 77, ETA(E)RIO D4 76, ADROITE(R) 13G 73
*R(S)* I10AR(S)E I10 29 Chelsea
On 6th draw, BRAME H1 49 --- BRAME fierce passion [n]
Other tops: BROME H1 49
Other moves: BEAM H1 44, BREAM 14B 44, REAM H1 38, ROAM H1 38, BERME 8A 36
On 7th draw, BRAIDING 1H 92 --- BRAIDING something made of braided material [n]
Other moves: DRAINI(N)G J7 65, AIDING 14A 35, DARING 14A 35, RIDING 14A 35, GRADIN N10 34
DICING B10 28 Chelsea
On 8th draw, CHOUX 14B 95 --- CHOU cabbage [n]
Other moves: CHO(U)X 14B 93, CH(O)UX 14B 93, (C)HOUX 14B 89, C(H)OUX 14B 87, COX(Y) 14D 59
CHOUX 14B 95 cccc2246
HOX 14D 58 Chelsea
On 9th draw, P(H)EW 15A 53 --- PHEW used to express relief, fatigue, or disgust [interj]
Other moves: W(H)AP 15A 48, W(H)IP 15A 48, WAI(D)E N10 38, (S)WIPE 8A 36, PAWE(D) I3 33
(S)WIPE 8A 36 Chelsea, LongJump22
On 10th draw, LINEY 12K 32 --- LINEY resembling a line [adj]
Other tops: NIRLY 12K 32
Other moves: NYE 14I 30, OYE 14I 30, YIN I3 30, ONELY 14J 29, ONERY 14J 29
NIRLY 12K 32 LongJump22
On 11th draw, QAT F2 42 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 11J 33, QATS 6B 33, RETIARY O6 30, TALAQ K10 28, ARTERY O7 27
QAT F2 42 Chelsea
QAT 11J 33 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112
On 12th draw, JERSEY O7 48 --- JERSEY a close-fitting knitted shirt [n]
Other moves: JEERS D1 42, JEES N10 36, JEERS D5 31, REJIG D1 31, GEYSER O10 30
JERSEY O7 48 Chelsea
JEERS D1 42 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, OOOOOO1112
On 13th draw, FOGIE 8A 30 --- FOGIE a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other tops: FLEABAG 3C 30, FOGLE 8A 30
Other moves: FILLE 8A 27, FOLIE 8A 27, FILLO D1 26, LIEF D5 26, FIG D8 25
On 14th draw, ZONK D2 40 --- ZONK to stupefy [v]
Other tops: ZOUK D2 40
Other moves: FRIZ 10C 36, FIZ 10D 35, AZURN J1 34, AZON J1 33, ZOON B6 33
On 15th draw, AGENE 11K 27 --- AGENE a chemical compound used in bleaching flour [n]
Other moves: REGNA 2H 24, NUGAE 14I 23, GANE 11J 22, GENUA 11G 22, AGE 11K 21
On 16th draw, RITZ 2A 26 --- RITZ pretentious display [n]
Other tops: TREZ 2A 26
Other moves: REZ 2B 24, RIZ 2B 24, ETUI 2L 20, TARE 14I 20, ARETE I5 18
On 17th draw, TREF A1 33 --- TREF unfit for use according to Jewish law [adj]
Other moves: FRORE A1 27, FORE 14I 26, FLOTE I5 24, FORTE I5 24, FRET A1 24
On 18th draw, DRIVEN L1 20 --- DRIVE to urge or convey forward [v]
Other tops: DEVOIR L1 20, DEVOUR L1 20, DOVIER L1 20
Other moves: AVENIR J1 19, AVOURE J1 19, DEVON L1 18, DIVER L1 18, DOVEN L1 18
On 19th draw, YAUP K5 30 --- YAUP to utter a loud harsh cry [v]
Other tops: PALLY K5 30, POLLY K5 30
Other moves: PALY K5 28, POLY K5 28, PULY K5 28, YAP K5 28, YUP K5 28
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