Game on August 26, 2024 at 12:22, 11 players
1. 254 pts LongJump22
2. 213 pts Chelsea
3. 105 pts NNNNNN1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 78 78 


7F 67 145 


8A 67 212 


13C 42 254 


9G 67 321 


11E 40 361 


10B 42 403 


14I 65 468 


12H 25 493 


15L 49 542 


M1 26 568 


12A 34 602 


1J 39 641 


O1 80 721 


A11 24 745 


B6 32 777 


C2 38 815 


2B 30 845 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
LongJump22 4 3:12 -591 254 1.7194 Chelsea 5 6:40 -632 213
Chelsea 5 6:40 -632 213 2.7905 sicilianc5 1 0:45 -807 38
NNNNNN1112 1 3:34 -740 105 3.7619 queen66 1 1:13 -813 32
OOOOOO1112 1 2:42 -746 99 4.7514 Mycophot 1 1:35 -813 32
5. -
pppp2246 1 1:56 -780 65 5.7559 moonmonkey 1 1:51 -813 32
sicilianc5 1 0:45 -807 38 Group: novice
queen66 1 1:13 -813 32 1.5726 LongJump22 4 3:12 -591 254
Mycophot 1 1:35 -813 32 2.5532 NNNNNN1112 1 3:34 -740 105
moonmonkey 1 1:51 -813 32 3.5523 OOOOOO1112 1 2:42 -746 99
LLLLLL1112 0 1:17 -819 26 4.5482 LLLLLL1112 0 1:17 -819 26
MMMMMM1112 0 1:46 -819 26 5.5457 MMMMMM1112 0 1:46 -819 26
Group: not rated
1. - pppp2246 1 1:56 -780 65
On 1st draw, OUTGAV(E) H7 78 --- OUTGIVE to give more than [v]
Other moves: OUTGAV(E) H2 72, OUTGAV(E) H3 72, OUTGAV(E) H4 72, OUTGAV(E) H8 72, OUTGAV(E) H5 70
OUTGAV(E) H7 78 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, BLOOPING 7F 67 --- BLOOP to hit a short fly ball [v]
Other tops: BLOOPING 7E 67
Other moves: INGLOB(E) 13B 24, (E)PIGON 13H 22, (E)PILOG 13H 22, BOI G7 21, POI G7 21
BLOOPING 7E 67 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, (H)ADJEE 8A 67 --- HADJEE a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other moves: DEEJA(Y) 8A 66, (B)EJADE 8A 46, JAG(A)ED 10F 32, JAG(G)ED 10F 32, J(A)GAED 10F 32
(H)ADJEE 8A 67 LongJump22
On 4th draw, TWINK(E)D 13C 42 --- TWINK to blink [v]
Other moves: TWANK L4 34, TWINK L4 34, DAINT 8K 30, INTAK(E) 13C 28, KAWING M2 28
TWINK(E)D 13C 42 LongJump22
On 5th draw, ATWITTER 9G 67 --- ATWITTER twittering [adj]
Other moves: WEAR 9B 28, WRITTEN L1 28, TREAT 12A 26, VAWTE 12H 25, ARETT 9D 22
On 6th draw, FUSAROL 11E 40 --- FUSAROL a semi-circular moulding around a column [n]
Other moves: FOOL 10J 34, LOOF 9B 28, ROOF 9B 28, LOOF 14B 26, ROOF 14B 26
FOOL 10J 34 NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
On 7th draw, MONEY 10B 42 --- MONEY an official medium of exchange and measure of value [n]
Other moves: ENEMY L11 39, MEINEY 10A 39, MOY 10D 34, ONY 14D 34, NOY 10D 32
On 8th draw, EXPORT 14I 65 --- EXPORT to send to other countries for commercial purposes [v]
Other moves: EXPO L11 37, POX 6I 33, EXPO 14I 32, EXO L11 31, OXTER 14I 31
EXPORT 14I 65 OOOOOO1112, pppp2246
On 9th draw, VARAN 12H 25 --- VARAN a lizard [n]
Other moves: ADORN 15E 22, RADON 15E 22, URAO 12A 22, DUO 12B 20, DARN 15F 19
On 10th draw, YEED 15L 49 --- YEED to go or proceed [v]
Other tops: YEAD 15L 49
Other moves: YA 14F 32, DEAL 15L 30, AWAY D12 28, DELAYED C2 26, YEED 14B 26
YEAD 15L 49 NNNNNN1112, Chelsea
On 11th draw, FARCING M1 26 --- FARCE to fill out with witty material [v] --- FARCING in cookery, stuffing [n]
Other moves: AUF 8M 24, FACING M2 24, FARCIN L2 22, FRIAND C3 22, FRUICT K4 22
FARCING M1 26 Chelsea
On 12th draw, HUSO 12A 34 --- HUSO the great sturgeon [n]
Other moves: HULAS 2J 32, FOH 1M 27, LOFTS 1K 27, TOFUS 1K 27, GOULASH 2I 26
On 13th draw, COIFED 1J 39 --- COIF to style the hair [v]
Other moves: CHADO A11 33, CHIDE A11 33, CHODE A11 33, CHEAT A11 30, CHIAO A11 30
On 14th draw, DESOLATE O1 80 --- DESOLATE to lay waste [v]
Other moves: OLEASTER 3F 60, SHALE A11 24, SHALT A11 24, SHEAL A11 24, SHEEL A11 24
HOLT A12 21 Chelsea
On 15th draw, SHIAI A11 24 --- SHIAI (Japanese) a judo contest [n]
Other tops: SHINE A11 24
Other moves: HAEN A12 21, HAES A12 21, HAIN A12 21, HENS A12 21, HIES A12 21
SHINE A11 24 Chelsea
On 16th draw, ZEA B6 32 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: OUZEL K1 28, ZA 7B 27, NAZI 5J 26, NAZI K4 26, DZO C8 23
ZEA B6 32 Chelsea, queen66, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 17th draw, UNHEARD C2 38 --- HEAR to perceive by the ear [adj] --- UNHEARD not heard [adj]
Other moves: BHUNA 2I 37, BUHR 2H 34, ARUHE 2G 33, BAH 2H 31, BHUNA C2 31
UNHEARD C2 38 sicilianc5
BAH 2H 31 Chelsea
On 18th draw, QUIM 2B 30 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: LIMBIC 4H 26, GHIBLI 4B 24, MIHI 4A 24, LIMBI 5I 18, LIMBI K3 18
QUIM 2B 30 Chelsea
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