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Game on August 26, 2024 at 20:49, 6 players
1. 473 pts LongJump22
2. 46 pts OOOOOO1112
3. 46 pts NNNNNN1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeejptu   H8    30    30   upjet
 2. einorst  13H    81   111   stonier
 3. aeefkst   N8    48   159   fakeers
 4. ghilnop   9E    70   229   hoppling
 5. aegoorw   O5    44   273   wager
 6. abdeino   8A    38   311   adobe
 7. ?amoruv   N1    47   358   varoom
 8. ?einnvy   L3    80   438   envyings
 9. adeghmn  11E    44   482   maneged
10. abdefot   1L    42   524   fave
11. ceilrtw   C7    38   562   cowrite
12. abchilu  10F    39   601   baju
13. adeirsu  14A    83   684   residua
14. eiiortx  14I    55   739   exo
15. hiilnot  15D    40   779   nihil
16. ailqrtu   3E    69   848   quartile
17. cdilosz  A12    69   917   zori
18. cdoosty   H1    39   956   corody

Remaining tiles: lstt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5512 FileLongJump22  3  8:54  -483  473     1.5512 LongJump22  3  8:54  -483  473 
  2.5523 FileOOOOOO1112  0  0:56  -910   46     2.5523 OOOOOO1112  0  0:56  -910   46 
  3.5532 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:19  -910   46     3.5532 NNNNNN1112  0  1:19  -910   46 
  4.5457 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:43  -910   46     4.5457 MMMMMM1112  0  1:43  -910   46 
  5.  -  Filewwww2246    1  1:59  -912   44     5.5452 LLLLLL1112  0  0:53  -925   31 
  6.5452 FileLLLLLL1112  0  0:53  -925   31            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  wwww2246    1  1:59  -912   44 

On 1st draw, UPJET H8 30 --- UPJET to spout up [v]
Other tops: UPJET H4 30
Other moves: UPJET H5 28, UPJET H6 28, UPJET H7 28, JAPE H5 26, JAPE H6 26
UPJET H4 30 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, STONIER 13H 81 --- STONY abounding in small rocks [adj]
Other tops: NORITES 13B 81, ORIENTS 13B 81, TRIONES 13B 81
Other moves: TRIONES I7 80, TERSION I5 77, OESTRIN 13F 74, TERSION 13E 74, JOINTERS 10H 69
STONIER 13H 81 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, FAKEERS N8 48 --- FAKEER a Hindu ascetic [n]
Other moves: KEEF 12L 46, AKEES 12K 38, AFTERS N9 34, AKEE 12K 34, FAST 14J 34
KEEF 12L 46 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, NNNNNN1112, MMMMMM1112

On 4th draw, HOPPLING 9E 70 --- HOPPLE to hobble [v]
Other moves: HOLPEN 12J 39, POH 12J 32, HIP 12J 31, HON 14J 31, HOP 12J 31
HON 14J 31 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112

On 5th draw, WAGER O5 44 --- WAGER to risk on an uncertain outcome [v]
Other tops: GREW O6 44, WAGONER K5 44, WERO O7 44
Other moves: AREW O6 41, WOOER O5 41, REGO O7 39, WAG O7 39, WAGE O5 39
WAGONER K5 44 LongJump22, wwww2246

On 6th draw, ADOBE 8A 38 --- ADOBE an unburnt, sun-dried brick [n]
Other moves: ABIDE 8A 35, ABODE 8A 35, ABODES 14I 34, BEANED 12J 34, DOBIE 8A 32
DAB N4 27 LongJump22

On 7th draw, VAR(O)OM N1 47 --- VAROOM to run an engine at high speed [v]
Other tops: VA(G)ROM N1 47
Other moves: VARO(O)M N1 46, VR(O)OM N2 45, VRO(O)M N2 44, (C)AROM N2 39, (C)ORAM N2 39
RAM N4 26 LongJump22

On 8th draw, ENVYING(S) L3 80 --- ENVYING jealousy [n]
Other moves: VIVE 1L 42, (B)EVVY 1K 42, (B)IVVY 1K 42, (C)IVVY 1K 42, (D)IVVY 1K 42
N(A)VY 1L 30 LongJump22

On 9th draw, MANEGED 11E 44 --- MANEGE to train horses [v]
Other moves: HAVE 1L 42, HOMAGED C7 42, HAGDEN 12J 40, HAJ 10F 38, HOGMANE C7 38
HEN 14J 31 LongJump22

On 10th draw, FAVE 1L 42 --- FAVE teenage slang for a favourite person or thing [n] --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: ABOVE 1K 39, FADES 14J 37, FEODS 14J 37, BEEF 12L 36, BAFTS 14J 35
BEE 12L 20 LongJump22

On 11th draw, COWRITE C7 38 --- COWRITE to collaborate in writing [v]
Other moves: WET 14J 31, TWICER 12A 30, TREW 12L 28, WE 14J 28, WRITE 12A 28
TEER 12L 16 LongJump22

On 12th draw, BAJU 10F 39 --- BAJU a short Malayan jacket [n]
Other moves: BHEL 12L 33, CAB 12J 31, CUB 12J 31, TICAL 12H 31, BUHL B11 29
OBA F9 11 LongJump22

On 13th draw, RESIDUA 14A 83 --- RESIDUUM residue [n]
Other moves: RESAID 14A 35, ARSED 14B 33, URSID 14B 33, DISEUR 14A 31, IRADES 14B 31
DEER 12L 20 LongJump22

On 14th draw, EXO 14I 55 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EX 14I 52, OX 14I 52, OXTER 12K 50, EX 15A 42, EX 12K 40
XI 15G 36 LongJump22

On 15th draw, NIHIL 15D 40 --- NIHIL nothing [n]
Other moves: THIRL A11 36, THORN A11 36, HORI A12 33, HORN A12 33, HILT 15F 31
HI 15G 20 LongJump22

On 16th draw, QUARTILE 3E 69 --- QUARTILE a portion of a frequency distribution [n]
Other moves: QUART A11 45, QUIRT A11 45, QUALITY 6F 41, QUAI J6 33, QUARTE 3G 26
AE M12 4 LongJump22

On 17th draw, ZORI A12 69 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: ZORILS H1 48, ZITS 12A 46, ZORIL H1 45, ZORIS H1 45, ZORI H1 42

On 18th draw, CORODY H1 39 --- CORODY an allowance of food or clothes [n]
Other tops: CORY H1 39, SCRY H1 39
Other moves: DORY H1 36, TORY H1 33, COTISE J6 32, CORDS H1 30, DORTY H1 30

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