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Game on August 30, 2024 at 06:28, 1 player
1. 217 pts Papa_Sloth

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deefss   H2    78    78   defuses
 2. ?acegir   8H    89   167   searcing
 3. aiknnor   7M    27   194   koa
 4. ailnoru   O3    61   255   urolagnia
 5. adhnort  N10    51   306   hadron
 6. acdeipy  15L    36   342   piny
 7. abdeimv   K5    48   390   embraid
 8. dennoty   L8    34   424   cytode
 9. enorsvw   3C    88   512   oversewn
10. cmnortu   J6    34   546   moat
11. aepsttv   L1    30   576   vespa
12. cegirtu   1K    30   606   evict
13. aeillnr   D1    22   628   ravelin
14. abgilnu   8A    41   669   lingua
15. aintuwx   M1    39   708   ixia
16. befnotw   1A    27   735   bowr
17. efirttu   C7    85   820   unfitter
18. ehjlnou  12A    40   860   jeton
19. eglqtuz   F6    36   896   quale

Remaining tiles: ghtz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7028 FilePapa_Sloth  1  6:52  -679  217     1.7028 Papa_Sloth  1  6:52  -679  217 

On 1st draw, DEF(U)SES H2 78 --- DEFUSE to remove the fuse from [v]
Other moves: DEF(U)SES H4 74, DEF(U)SES H3 72, DEF(U)SES H6 72, DEF(U)SES H7 72, DEF(U)SES H8 72

On 2nd draw, SEARCI(N)G 8H 89 --- SEARCE to sift [v]
Other tops: GRACI(L)ES 8A 89, GRECIA(N)S 8A 89, G(L)ACIERS 8A 89, RI(B)CAGES 8A 89
Other moves: DECIGRA(M) 2H 84, GRI(M)ACED 2A 84, CIGARE(T)S 8A 83, S(P)AGERIC 8H 83, GRI(M)ACES 8A 80

On 3rd draw, KOA 7M 27 --- KOA a timber tree [n]
Other moves: EINKORN 3H 24, FAKIR 4H 24, FRANK 4H 24, KAONIC L3 24, KA 7M 23

On 4th draw, UROLAGNIA O3 61 --- UROLAGNIA
Other moves: LARINE I3 22, DIURNAL 2H 20, FLUORIN 4H 20, CLARINO L8 18, CLARION L8 18

On 5th draw, HADRON N10 51 --- HADRON an elementary particle [n]
Other moves: DONAH G3 37, NORTHED 3C 34, ANTHER I4 31, HAND N10 31, HARD N10 31

On 6th draw, PINY 15L 36 --- PINY a showy flower [n] --- PINY suggestive of or covered with pine trees [adj]
Other tops: CANY 15L 36, DECANI 15J 36, PYNE 15L 36
Other moves: PACIFY 4D 32, PAYED N1 32, DENY 15L 30, DYNE 15L 30, PAND 15L 30
CANY 15L 36 Papa_Sloth

On 7th draw, EMBRAID K5 48 --- EMBRAID to braid [v]
Other moves: BEMAD G3 37, AMIE M10 30, VIDAME 3C 30, AIMED G3 29, BEMAD N1 29
KIVA M7 21 Papa_Sloth

On 8th draw, CYTODE L8 34 --- CYTODE a protoplasm body without nucleus [n]
Other moves: TONEY G3 33, DONNY J10 31, DOYEN G1 31, DOYEN G3 31, NOYED G3 31

On 9th draw, OVERSEWN 3C 88 --- OVERSEW to sew overhand [v] --- OVERSOW to sow over [v]
Other tops: OVERSEWN 3F 88
Other moves: DOWNERS 2H 38, OVERNEW 3C 36, OVERSEW 3C 36, REWOVEN 3C 36, REWOVEN 3G 36
DODS 12L 19 Papa_Sloth

On 10th draw, MOAT J6 34 --- MOAT to surround with a moat (a water-filled trench) [v]
Other tops: MOAN J6 34
Other moves: ARC J8 28, CUM J10 28, C*NT J10 27, CURN J10 27, CURT J10 27

On 11th draw, VESPA L1 30 --- VESPA a common wasp [n]
Other moves: PAVES L1 28, VAVS D1 28, PAVES D1 26, VESTA L1 26, PAVE D1 24

On 12th draw, EVICT 1K 30 --- EVICT to expel by legal process [v]
Other moves: VICE 1L 27, CIVET D1 26, CIVE D1 24, ERECT 2J 22, GIVER D1 22
VICE 1L 27 Papa_Sloth

On 13th draw, RAVELIN D1 22 --- RAVELIN a type of fortification [n]
Other moves: ALVINE D1 20, RAVINE D1 20, VAINER D3 20, VALINE D3 20, VEINAL D3 20

On 14th draw, LINGUA 8A 41 --- LINGUA the tongue or a tonguelike part [n]
Other tops: BANG 8A 41, BING 8A 41, BLAG 8A 41, BUNG 8A 41, NILGAU 8A 41
Other moves: ALIGN 8A 38, LINGA 8A 38, LUNGI 8A 38, LANG 8A 35, LING 8A 35

On 15th draw, IXIA M1 39 --- IXIA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: EXIT E3 37, TANUKI M3 31, WAXEN 4A 30, AUXIN F8 28, WEX 4C 27
AX C5 20 Papa_Sloth

On 16th draw, BOWR 1A 27 --- BOWR a muscle [n]
Other tops: BOWAT 2A 27
Other moves: BETON E2 26, BOWET C2 23, BOWFIN B4 22, NEF G5 22, NEW G5 22

On 17th draw, UNFITTER C7 85 --- UNFIT not fit [adj]
Other moves: FRUITLET A3 62, REFIT E2 29, EF 2A 24, IF 2A 24, EF G6 20
IF 2A 24 Papa_Sloth

On 18th draw, JETON 12A 40 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other tops: JOTUN 12A 40
Other moves: JUTE 12A 38, HUE B10 31, NOAH 2B 29, HE B10 28, HOA 2B 28
JUTE 12A 38 Papa_Sloth

On 19th draw, QUALE F6 36 --- QUALE a property considered apart from things having the property [n]
Other tops: QUATE F6 36
Other moves: GAUZE F7 35, EQUAL F5 34, QUAG F6 34, JUTE A12 33, QUAT F6 33
ZIT 10B 32 Papa_Sloth

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