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Game on August 30, 2024 at 19:11, 7 players
1. 657 pts Muincunx
2. 559 pts ArcticFox
3. 82 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. akmnost   H8    28    28   stank
 2. aceiqrt  11E    36    64   crinate
 3. delootw  10G    81   145   latewood
 4. deefisw   O7    49   194   weised
 5. aeiprru   8C    63   257   upraiser
 6. ?bemnsu  13B    86   343   benumbs
 7. beilotz   M9    52   395   zoolite
 8. ?ailqsy  14I    76   471   squatly
 9. aehinot   E2    72   543   antihero
10. deefgiv   D2    30   573   feed
11. fgimnor   3D    69   642   enforming
12. abcgjlo   L1    42   684   jagg
13. aaeglrv   1L    42   726   java
14. agilopu   2G    32   758   gaup
15. cdinorx   7A    37   795   cox
16. delnort   A7    33   828   corned
17. ehilnry   1G    51   879   yeh
18. binrtuv  15G    29   908   rutin

Remaining tiles: biilov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7758 FileMuincunx    8 15:48  -251  657     1.7758 Muincunx    8 15:48  -251  657 
  2.7167 FileArcticFox   5 21:52  -349  559     2.7167 ArcticFox   5 21:52  -349  559 
  3.5207 FileLongJump22  0  1:04  -826   82            Group: novice
  4.5589 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:12  -862   46     1.5207 LongJump22  0  1:04  -826   82 
  5.5651 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:36  -862   46     2.5589 MMMMMM1112  0  1:12  -862   46 
  6.5611 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:29  -878   30     3.5651 NNNNNN1112  0  1:36  -862   46 
  7.5588 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:48  -886   22     4.5611 LLLLLL1112  0  1:29  -878   30 
                                             5.5588 OOOOOO1112  0  1:48  -886   22 

On 1st draw, STANK H8 28 --- STANK a pond [n] --- STANK to dam [v]
Other tops: KANTS H4 28, KAONS H4 28, KNOTS H4 28, KOANS H4 28, MAKOS H4 28, MONKS H4 28, STONK H8 28
Other moves: AMOKS H4 24, AMOKS H8 24, MAKOS H8 24, MONKS H8 24, AMOKS H5 22
STANK H8 28 Muincunx
KNOTS H4 28 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, CRINATE 11E 36 --- CRINATE having hair [adj]
Other moves: QINTAR 11F 30, TRANQ 11E 28, AREIC I9 24, EIRACK 12C 24, RETACK 12C 24
QINTAR 11F 30 Muincunx, LLLLLL1112
TRANQ 11E 28 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, LATEWOOD 10G 81 --- LATEWOOD a part of an annual ring of wood [n]
Other moves: DOWEL L11 31, DOWLE L11 31, DWELT L11 31, DOWL L11 27, DOWT L11 27
DOWEL L11 31 Muincunx
WOOD L8 23 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, WEISED O7 49 --- WEISE to guide in a certain direction [v]
Other moves: WIFES O6 46, WISED O8 46, DEFIES O5 43, DEFIS O6 40, FEEDS O6 40
WIFES O6 46 Muincunx, MMMMMM1112, ArcticFox, NNNNNN1112

On 5th draw, UPRAISER 8C 63 --- UPRAISER one that upraises [n]
Other moves: DRAPER N10 23, EUPAD 12K 22, PORIER M9 22, POURER M9 22, POURIE M9 22
POURER M9 22 Muincunx, OOOOOO1112
PAR N6 18 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, (B)ENUMBS 13B 86 --- BENUMB to make numb [v]
Other moves: NUMBES(T) 13C 82, NUMB(L)ES 13B 82, SUBMEN(U) 13H 82, SUNBE(A)M 13H 82, SUNBE(A)M N2 82
SUNBE(A)M 13H 82 LongJump22
SUNBE(A)M 13H 32 Muincunx
BE(A)MS K4 27 ArcticFox

On 7th draw, ZOOLITE M9 52 --- ZOOLITE a fossil animal [n]
Other moves: BLITZER J2 44, BOOZE M9 38, BEZ 12K 36, BIZ 12K 36, BLITZER E2 36
BOOZE M9 38 Muincunx
ZO N6 36 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, SQ(U)ATLY 14I 76 --- SQUAT short and thick [adv] --- SQUATLY in a squat manner [adv]
Other moves: Q(U)ATS 14J 66, Q(U)ITS 14J 66, SIL(I)QUA C3 52, S(I)LIQUA C3 52, QA(D)I 12A 50
SQ(U)ATLY 14I 76 ArcticFox
Q(U)ATS 14J 66 Muincunx

On 9th draw, ANTIHERO E2 72 --- ANTIHERO a protagonist who is notably lacking in heroic qualities [n]
Other moves: THIN 15H 38, AHI 15H 34, HEN(B)IT B10 32, HOI 15H 31, HATE 12A 29
THIN 15H 38 Muincunx
HOT N6 21 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, FEED D2 30 --- FEED to give food to [v]
Other moves: DEIF F2 28, EGAD L12 28, FEIGNED 3A 28, DEFI 10B 27, DEFI 15F 26
FEED D2 30 ArcticFox, Muincunx

On 11th draw, ENFORMING 3D 69 --- ENFORM to pass on information [v]
Other moves: FORM 14C 36, FOIN 15H 35, FORAM F5 32, GROIN 15G 32, MIRO 12C 30
FORM 14C 36 Muincunx
MO 14F 26 ArcticFox

On 12th draw, JAGG L1 42 --- JAGG to cut unevenly [v]
Other moves: GAJO 15F 38, JAB N6 37, JOB N6 37, CARBO H1 36, JARL H1 36
JAGG L1 42 Muincunx
JOG L1 19 ArcticFox

On 13th draw, JAVA 1L 42 --- JAVA coffee [n]
Other moves: LARVAE H1 39, JAGA 1L 36, LARVA H1 36, FAVELA F3 33, JARL 1L 33
JAVA 1L 42 Muincunx
VER(B)AL B10 32 ArcticFox

On 14th draw, GAUP 2G 32 --- GAUP to stare stupidly [v]
Other moves: ALAP L12 31, GORP H1 30, LOUP 2G 30, PARGO H1 30, AULOI 15F 28
GAUP 2G 32 Muincunx
GORP H1 30 ArcticFox

On 15th draw, COX 7A 37 --- COX to steer a racing rowboat [v]
Other moves: COX 14A 35, NIX 7A 35, NOX 7A 35, OX 7B 34, CARDIO H1 33
COX 7A 37 Muincunx, ArcticFox

On 16th draw, CORNED A7 33 --- CORN to preserve with salt [v]
Other tops: CLONED A7 33, COLTED A7 33, DELT 1F 33
Other moves: COLDER A7 30, CONDER A7 30, DOLCE A4 30, DOLENT 15D 29, DONER 12A 28
COLTED A7 33 Muincunx
CORNED A7 33 ArcticFox

On 17th draw, YEH 1G 51 --- YEH yeah [adv]
Other moves: HEY 1F 49, HYE 1F 43, HERY 14C 42, RELY 1F 42, HYE 14E 41
YEH 1G 51 Muincunx
HARRY H1 36 ArcticFox

On 18th draw, RUTIN 15G 29 --- RUTIN a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: VINA F5 25, VITA F5 25, BRUIT 15E 23, BRUNT 15E 23, BUR 12C 23
VINT 15F 23 Muincunx
NUB K3 13 ArcticFox

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