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Game on September 1, 2024 at 10:42, 7 players
1. 277 pts Chelsea
2. 161 pts LongJump22
3. 43 pts Hammer22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. giostwy   H8    30    30   towsy
 2. ?cdeipt  12E    80   110   copyedit
 3. abdnost   K8    72   182   banditos
 4. aelnorr   8F    62   244   laterborn
 5. ?aegjkm   O4   102   346   jakes
 6. aaelntw  15K    36   382   sweat
 7. afilnor  14J    34   416   loofa
 8. eeoprru   E9    22   438   procure
 9. defimns  15A    51   489   misfeed
10. adghinu  14B    31   520   hair
11. aceiimt  13A    30   550   cam
12. ehinosv  H14    48   598   es
13. eglloru   D4    20   618   regulo
14. aeglqrv   E1    24   642   gavel
15. deinnqt   7C    30   672   quiet
16. eginouv   1C    92   764   vogueing
17. abehinz   6F    77   841   zineb
18. adiouxy   8A    44   885   axil
19. dinnort   A3    60   945   ordinant

Remaining tiles: hiuy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7288 FileChelsea     1 12:10  -668  277     1.7288 Chelsea     1 12:10  -668  277 
  2.6360 FileLongJump22  1  2:26  -784  161            Group: intermediate
  3.6617 FileHammer22    0  0:50  -902   43     1.6360 LongJump22  1  2:26  -784  161 
  4.6436 FileJavelin22   0  0:59  -903   42     2.6617 Hammer22    0  0:50  -902   43 
  5.6707 FileShotPut22   0  1:22  -903   42     3.6436 Javelin22   0  0:59  -903   42 
  6.6450 FileDiscus22    0  1:45  -903   42     4.6707 ShotPut22   0  1:22  -903   42 
  7.  -  FileFFFFFF1144  1  1:59  -911   34     5.6450 Discus22    0  1:45  -903   42 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  FFFFFF1144  1  1:59  -911   34 

On 1st draw, TOWSY H8 30 --- TOWSY shaggy [adj]
Other moves: STOGY H8 26, YOGIS H4 26, TOWSY H4 24, TOWSY H5 22, TOWSY H6 22

On 2nd draw, C(O)PYEDIT 12E 80 --- COPYEDIT to prepare copy for the printer [v]
Other moves: DESP(O)TIC 11F 74, DISCEPT(S) 11F 74, DI(S)CEPTS 11A 74, PECTIS(E)D 11C 74, PIC(O)TED G3 74

On 3rd draw, BANDITOS K8 72 --- BANDITO a bandit [n]
Other moves: BOAST M9 36, BASON M10 30, BASTO M10 30, SNABS 11H 29, SNOBS 11H 29

On 4th draw, LATERBORN 8F 62 --- LATERBORN [n]
Other moves: ABORNE 8J 27, LOADEN J9 26, BALER 8K 24, BARER 8K 24, BARON 8K 24

On 5th draw, JAKE(S) O4 102 --- JAKES an outhouse [n]
Other moves: JAME(S) O4 96, KAME(S) O4 78, (S)AMEK O8 78, JAK(S) O5 75, MAKE(S) O4 72

On 6th draw, SWEAT 15K 36 --- SWEAT to perspire [v]
Other tops: SWALE 15K 36, SWEAL 15K 36, SWELT 15K 36
Other moves: ADAW J11 34, DAW J12 30, DEW J12 30, LAWEST 15G 30, WE J14 28

On 7th draw, LOOFA 14J 34 --- LOOFA a tropical vine [n]
Other tops: FARINA N10 34
Other moves: FA 14N 22, FALCON E9 22, FARCIN E9 22, FAT 13I 22, FIT 13I 22

On 8th draw, PROCURE E9 22 --- PROCURE to obtain by effort [v]
Other tops: PRECURE E9 22, REPO I7 22
Other moves: PUREE J6 21, APO G8 20, RECOUP E10 20, PERCE E9 18, PERE I7 18

On 9th draw, MISFEED 15A 51 --- MISFEED to feed incorrectly [v]
Other moves: MISFED 15A 48, FEMES 15D 42, FEEDS 15D 39, FENDS 15D 39, DEFIES 15D 36

On 10th draw, HAIR 14B 31 --- HAIR a threadlike growth [n] --- HAIR to free from hair [v]
Other moves: HADJ 4L 30, AHI 14A 28, DOH 9G 27, HOD 9G 27, DHURNA J5 26
HAIR 14B 31 Chelsea

On 11th draw, CAM 13A 30 --- CAM a rotating or sliding piece of machinery [n] --- CAM to whiten with camstone [v]
Other moves: CAMA G7 26, TAM 13A 26, ACE 13A 24, ACT 13A 24, AM 13B 24

On 12th draw, ES H14 48 --- ES ess [n]
Other tops: IS H14 48, OS H14 48
Other moves: MISFEEDS 15A 42, HEROINS M6 28, RHIES M8 28, SHIVER M3 26, SHOVER M3 26
MISFEEDS 15A 42 Chelsea

On 13th draw, REGULO D4 20 --- REGULO the scale of temperature in a gas oven [n]
Other moves: AGO G8 16, GERE I7 16, GOLLER M3 16, GULLER M3 16, POGO 9E 16
POGO 9E 16 Chelsea

On 14th draw, GAVEL E1 24 --- GAVEL to signal for attention or order by use of a gavel (a small mallet) [v]
Other moves: GRAVER M3 22, LAVER E1 22, QUA 7C 22, RAVEL E1 22, AVEL 8A 21
QUA 7C 22 Chelsea

On 15th draw, QUIET 7C 30 --- QUIET making little or no noise [adj] --- QUIET to cause to be quiet [v]
Other moves: QAT G7 26, QI C3 25, GINNED 1E 24, NED C7 20, INNED C1 19
QAT G7 26 LongJump22, Chelsea

On 16th draw, VOGUEING 1C 92 --- VOGUE to imitate poses of fashion models [v] --- VOGUEING models moving to groovy music a pr p of VOGUE [n]
Other moves: VOGUING 1C 39, EVIL 8A 32, VEIL 8A 32, OGIVE 1D 30, GIVEN 1E 27
VOGUEING 1C 92 LongJump22
VOGUEING 1C 42 Javelin22, ShotPut22, Discus22
GAVE 2D 16 Chelsea

On 17th draw, ZINEB 6F 77 --- ZINEB a chemical spray for grass and fruit [n]
Other moves: ZEIN 6F 68, ZINE 6F 68, ZEA 6F 67, ZIN 6F 67, BEZ C3 43
ZEA 6F 67 Chelsea
BEZ C3 43 LongJump22, Hammer22

On 18th draw, AXIL 8A 44 --- AXIL the angle between the upper side of a leaf and its supporting stem [n]
Other moves: EXO I8 40, DOXY 5I 37, EX I8 34, OX 9H 34, HAIRY 14B 32
EXO I8 40 Chelsea

On 19th draw, ORDINANT A3 60 --- ORDINANT one who ordains [n]
Other moves: INTRON 2J 21, TEREDO I5 20, INTRO 2J 19, DINO 5G 18, TONDI 5I 18
VINO C1 17 Chelsea

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