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Game on September 2, 2024 at 07:11, 13 players
1. 513 pts Chelsea
2. 313 pts babsbedi
3. 185 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. befgoor   H4    28    28   forego
 2. elosttv   G3    25    53   volet
 3. ainrsxy   I7    47   100   nixy
 4. ?ceinsw   G9    83   183   wincers
 5. aeiilmr   J1    67   250   ramilie
 6. aeiloty  15G    39   289   slatey
 7. adeinot   1H   140   429   deration
 8. abehktu   N1    46   475   outbake
 9. aefgisw   O5    49   524   wifes
10. aehinnt  12G    32   556   chantie
11. adiorsu   K3    30   586   adios
12. abdlpsu  14J    35   621   spauld
13. ?beiprz  O11    72   693   azide
14. aehjort  14D    32   725   hejra
15. abdggoq  10F    31   756   qi
16. aegmnou  15A    45   801   gnome
17. adprrtu   8L    21   822   rude
18. acnortv  B10    28   850   craton
19. gnopruv  12A    28   878   vapor

Remaining tiles: bgnru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7280 FileChelsea     3 12:24  -365  513     1.7280 Chelsea     3 12:24  -365  513 
  2.6793 Filebabsbedi    1  8:24  -565  313     2.7525 Mycophot    1  1:18  -847   31 
  3.5959 FileLongJump22  2  3:07  -693  185            Group: intermediate
  4.  -  FileFFFFFF1144  1  2:00  -829   49     1.6793 babsbedi    1  8:24  -565  313 
  5.6436 FileJavelin22   1  0:47  -847   31     2.6436 Javelin22   1  0:47  -847   31 
  6.6450 FileDiscus22    1  1:01  -847   31     3.6450 Discus22    1  1:01  -847   31 
  7.7525 FileMycophot    1  1:18  -847   31     4.6555 Hammer22    1  1:33  -847   31 
  8.6555 FileHammer22    1  1:33  -847   31     5.6585 ShotPut22   1  1:45  -847   31 
  9.6585 FileShotPut22   1  1:45  -847   31            Group: novice
 10.5611 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:15  -851   27     1.5959 LongJump22  2  3:07  -693  185 
 11.5666 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:40  -851   27     2.5611 LLLLLL1112  0  1:15  -851   27 
 12.5609 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:25  -852   26     3.5666 NNNNNN1112  0  1:40  -851   27 
 13.5687 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:49  -852   26     4.5609 OOOOOO1112  0  1:25  -852   26 
                                             5.5687 MMMMMM1112  0  1:49  -852   26 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  FFFFFF1144  1  2:00  -829   49 

On 1st draw, FOREGO H4 28 --- FOREGO to go before [v]
Other tops: BEFOG H4 28
Other moves: BEFOG H8 26, FORGE H4 26, FORGO H4 26, GROOF H8 26, BOOGER H4 24

On 2nd draw, VOLET G3 25 --- VOLET a short veil [n]
Other moves: REVOLTS 6H 20, VETO G3 20, VOLE G3 20, VOTE G3 20, LOVES G1 19

On 3rd draw, NIXY I7 47 --- NIXY an undeliverable piece of mail [n]
Other tops: AXIS I6 47
Other moves: NIX I7 43, SIX I7 43, XIS I7 43, RAX I5 42, SAX I5 42
SAX I5 42 Chelsea

On 4th draw, WINCE(R)S G9 83 --- WINCER one that winces [n]
Other tops: WIC(K)ENS G9 83, WINCE(Y)S G9 83
Other moves: WINC(H)ES G9 82, WINC(H)ES J2 77, WIC(K)ENS J1 69, WINC(H)ES J1 69, WINCE(R)S J1 67
WINCES G9 33 Chelsea

On 5th draw, RAMILIE J1 67 --- RAMILIE a type of wig [n]
Other moves: MAILERS 15A 30, MAISE 15D 30, MARSE 15D 30, MILREIS 15A 30, REALISM 15B 30
SLIMIER 15G 30 Chelsea

On 6th draw, SLATEY 15G 39 --- SLATEY resembling slate [adj]
Other tops: RAYLET 1J 39
Other moves: EARLY 1H 36, YEAST 15D 36, IRATELY 1I 33, ORALITY 1I 33, TAILYES 15A 33

On 7th draw, DERATION 1H 140 --- DERATION to free from rationing [v]
Other moves: (R)ATIONED 14G 85, DE(R)ATION 14E 77, ACTIONED 12F 74, CATENOID 12G 74, DETAIN 14I 32
TARED 1H 24 Chelsea

On 8th draw, OUTBAKE N1 46 --- OUTBAKE to surpass in baking [v]
Other moves: CHABUK 12G 42, KUTCHA 12D 38, THACK 12D 38, KETCH 12D 36, KUTCH 12D 36
THACK 12D 38 Chelsea
KA F10 34 babsbedi

On 9th draw, WIFES O5 49 --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: WASE 8L 47, WISE 8L 47, WIFE O5 46, SWAGE 14J 36, FAWS O7 35
WIFES O5 49 Chelsea, LongJump22, FFFFFF1144
WASE 8L 47 babsbedi

On 10th draw, CHANTIE 12G 32 --- CHANTIE a type of song [n]
Other moves: CHAINE 12G 30, NINTH K4 29, TANNIE 14I 29, AITCH 12D 28, HA F10 28
TEACH 12D 28 Chelsea

On 11th draw, ADIOS K3 30 --- ADIOS used to express farewell [interj]
Other moves: AROIDS 14J 29, URSID N10 29, RAIDS 13I 28, ROADS 13I 28, AROID 14J 27
SODA N12 23 Chelsea
DOUSE 8K 21 babsbedi

On 12th draw, SPAULD 14J 35 --- SPAULD the shoulder [n]
Other moves: SPALD 14J 33, SPAUL 14J 31, ASP L3 28, UDALS 14J 28, BAPUS 14K 27
BAPUS 14K 27 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112
BALDS 14K 25 babsbedi
BAPS 14K 25 Chelsea

On 13th draw, (A)ZIDE O11 72 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ZED(S) O12 69, ZERD(A) O11 45, Z(E)BRINE 11B 39, BIZ(A)R(R)E 14B 38, ZEBRIN(A) 11B 38
(A)ZIDE O11 72 LongJump22, Chelsea
ZED(S) O12 69 babsbedi

On 14th draw, HEJ(R)A 14D 32 --- HEJRA the flight of Mohammed from Mecca [n]
Other moves: HAJI 10D 30, HA F10 28, HE F10 28, HO F10 28, JEHU M11 28
JA N10 26 Chelsea, OOOOOO1112, babsbedi, MMMMMM1112

On 15th draw, QI 10F 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: D*G* 15A 27, BADE 8L 25, BODE 8L 25, QAT K10 24, DOAB 13B 23
QI 10F 31 Chelsea, babsbedi, Javelin22, Discus22, Mycophot, Hammer22, ShotPut22

On 16th draw, GNOME 15A 45 --- GNOME a fabled little person [n] --- GNOME a pithy saying [n]
Other tops: NGOMA 15A 45
Other moves: GAUM 15A 40, GEUM 15A 40, OGAM 15A 40, GENOM 15A 37, NEUM 15A 37
GENOM 15A 37 LongJump22
MAGE 15A 30 Chelsea
GAME 15A 30 babsbedi

On 17th draw, RUDE 8L 21 --- RUDE a rude boy [n] --- RUDE discourteous or impolite [adj]
Other tops: RADE 8L 21, URDE 8L 21
Other moves: APT 11K 20, DAP M7 20, DUP M7 20, DARTRE M7 19, DRAP M7 19
APT 11K 20 Chelsea
PER 6F 11 babsbedi

On 18th draw, CRATON B10 28 --- CRATON a part of the earth's crust [n]
Other tops: CANTON B10 28, CARTON B10 28
Other moves: TAROC 13A 27, ACTON 13A 25, ACTOR 13A 25, ATOC 13B 25, RACON 13A 25
CRAVER 6C 19 babsbedi
RUC M7 16 Chelsea

On 19th draw, VAPOR 12A 28 --- VAPOR mist, fume or smoke [n] --- VAPOR to emit vapor (visible floating moisture) [v]
Other moves: PARVO 12A 26, TROP 13B 25, VANG 12A 24, PARGO 12A 22, TROG 13B 22
PARVO 12A 26 Chelsea

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