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Game on September 2, 2024 at 12:36, 9 players
1. 607 pts Inkey
2. 409 pts Chelsea
3. 380 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eiottu   H7    64    64   toustie
 2. eeilmrt  14B    79   143   meltier
 3. addehrw  12D    82   225   rawhided
 4. adeilns   K5    90   315   islanded
 5. ailnosu  15A    29   344   auloi
 6. adgiorr   8J    27   371   gardai
 7. aeinsvy  11A    34   405   savey
 8. ?ceinru   A4    80   485   numerics
 9. abeejor  13A    39   524   jab
10. ainpqss  10F    31   555   qis
11. eelppss   O7    63   618   pipeless
12. aeiknoo  14J    40   658   koines
13. abeinuw  N10    35   693   wab
14. efhiort  15J    30   723   orfe
15. aginooz   L1    52   775   zigan
16. ahortux   B2    52   827   thorax
17. emnottu   1L    39   866   zone
18. cfgnoot   C6    29   895   conf
19. gmotuvy   C3    34   929   my

Remaining tiles: gottuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7989 FileInkey       9 19:52  -322  607     1.9847 Pacific     0  1:28  -897   32 
  2.7303 FileChelsea     5 15:31  -520  409            Group: advanced
  3.7142 FileArcticFox   2 14:29  -549  380     1.7989 Inkey       9 19:52  -322  607 
  4.5959 FileLongJump22  4  1:59  -739  190     2.7303 Chelsea     5 15:31  -520  409 
  5.5649 FileLLLLLL1112  3  7:49  -744  185     3.7142 ArcticFox   2 14:29  -549  380 
  6.5757 FileMMMMMM1112  3  8:12  -744  185            Group: novice
  7.5671 FileNNNNNN1112  3  9:18  -744  185     1.5959 LongJump22  4  1:59  -739  190 
  8.5500 FileKKKKKK1112  1  1:54  -894   35     2.5649 LLLLLL1112  3  7:49  -744  185 
  9.9847 FilePacific     0  1:28  -897   32     3.5757 MMMMMM1112  3  8:12  -744  185 
                                             4.5671 NNNNNN1112  3  9:18  -744  185 
                                             5.5500 KKKKKK1112  1  1:54  -894   35 

On 1st draw, TOU(S)TIE H7 64 --- TOUSTIE irascible [adj]
Other tops: TI(M)EOUT H3 64, TI(M)EOUT H4 64, TI(M)EOUT H6 64, TI(M)EOUT H7 64, TI(M)EOUT H8 64, TOUTIE(R) H2 64, TOUTIE(R) H3 64, TOUTIE(R) H4 64, TOUTIE(R) H7 64, TOUTIE(R) H8 64, TOU(S)TIE H2 64, TOU(S)TIE H3 64, TOU(S)TIE H4 64, TOU(S)TIE H6 64, TOU(S)TIE H8 64
Other moves: TI(M)EOUT H2 62, TI(M)EOUT H5 62, TOUTIE(R) H5 62, TOUTIE(R) H6 62, TOU(S)TIE H5 62

On 2nd draw, MELTIER 14B 79 --- MELTY resembling a melted solid [adj]
Other moves: MELTIER I3 72, TIMELIER 12C 70, TIMELIER 12G 70, MELTIER I2 66, TERMLIE(S) 10A 63
MEET G9 21 Inkey

On 3rd draw, RAWHIDED 12D 82 --- RAWHIDE to beat with a type of whip [v]
Other moves: HEADWORD 8C 67, WRATHED 11E 56, HAED 13C 33, HEAD 13C 33, REDHEAD 13G 33
WRATHED 11E 56 Inkey
HEW 13A 32 Pacific

On 4th draw, ISLANDED K5 90 --- ISLAND to make into an island (a land area entirely surrounded by water) [v]
Other moves: ISLANDED K7 70, LANDSIDE K6 70, SNAILED G2 66, SNAILED I2 66, DELAINES J6 65
LASTED 11E 34 Inkey

On 5th draw, AULOI 15A 29 --- AULOS an ancient wind instrument [n]
Other moves: LINO 15A 24, LUNA 15A 24, SILO 15A 24, SOLA 15A 24, SOLI 15A 24
LANAIS 8J 21 Inkey
NAILS L1 14 Chelsea

On 6th draw, GARDAI 8J 27 --- GARDA a police officer in Ireland [n]
Other moves: DOAT 11E 26, AGORA 8K 24, AGRIA 8K 24, DAG 13A 23, GAD 13A 23
DOAT 11E 26 Inkey
ODA 11D 21 Chelsea
RADIO L1 16 ArcticFox

On 7th draw, SAVEY 11A 34 --- SAVEY to understand [v]
Other moves: YEAN 13G 31, YEAS 13G 31, VEINY G5 30, AYE 13F 29, VINY G6 29
SAVEY 11A 34 Inkey
AYE 13F 29 Chelsea
YE G9 19 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, NU(M)ERICS A4 80 --- NUMERIC a numeral [n]
Other tops: INCUR(V)ES A4 80, IN(D)UCERS A4 80, N(O)URICES A4 80, REINCU(R)S A4 80, R(O)UNCIES A4 80
Other moves: CURNIES(T) A5 77, INCI(S)URE O8 77, (B)RUCINES A4 77, (R)EINCURS A4 77, INDUCER(S) M6 74
CRUISE A7 27 Inkey
(P)RINCES A5 24 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, JAB 13A 39 --- JAB to poke sharply [v]
Other moves: JEE 13A 31, BAJRA N4 30, JOBE B1 28, JEER B2 26, ABORE B2 25
JAB 13A 39 Inkey, ArcticFox
JOBE B1 28 Chelsea

On 10th draw, QI(S) 10F 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI J5 28, QIS L3 26, QUA 9G 23, SUQ 9G 23, PAINS L1 22
QI(S) 10F 31 Chelsea, Inkey
QI J5 28 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, PIPELESS O7 63 --- PIPELESS having no pipe [adj]
Other moves: PEEPS L1 26, LEPPED M3 24, PEELS L1 22, PEEP B2 22, PELES B5 22
PIPELESS O7 63 LongJump22
PEEPS L1 26 Inkey, Chelsea
PUP 9G 20 ArcticFox

On 12th draw, KOINES 14J 40 --- KOINE a type of dialect [n]
Other moves: DAIKON M8 24, EIKONS 14J 24, ENOKIS 14J 24, KUE 9G 24, NAIK N12 24
KOINES 14J 40 Inkey, LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112, MMMMMM1112
KUE 9G 24 ArcticFox
NOOK N12 24 Chelsea

On 13th draw, WAB N10 35 --- WAB a web [n]
Other tops: WEB N10 35
Other moves: WAE N10 31, WAN N10 31, WEN N10 31, WE N10 28, ABUNE B2 25
WAB N10 35 Chelsea, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
WEB N10 35 LongJump22, ArcticFox, Inkey, NNNNNN1112, KKKKKK1112

On 14th draw, ORFE 15J 30 --- ORFE a golden-yellow fish [n]
Other tops: FROTHED M2 30, HERIOT L1 30
Other moves: FEH 15L 29, FIRTH L2 29, FOH 15L 29, FORTH L2 29, FRITH L2 29
FROTHED M2 30 Inkey
FEH 15L 29 Chelsea
HA B10 28 ArcticFox, LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112

On 15th draw, ZIGAN L1 52 --- ZIGAN a Hungarian gypsy [n]
Other moves: ZING J2 37, GAZON L1 36, GAZOO L1 36, GINZO L1 36, GONZO L1 36
ZIGAN L1 52 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112, MMMMMM1112
ZING J2 37 Inkey
ZOA N6 36 Chelsea, ArcticFox

On 16th draw, THORAX B2 52 --- THORAX the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen [n]
Other moves: AZOTH 1K 51, TUX M2 37, XI G9 34, XU 9G 34, OX M3 33
THORAX B2 52 Inkey
XI G9 34 ArcticFox, Chelsea
AT M1 15 LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112

On 17th draw, ZONE 1L 39 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: OMEN C3 32, MOE C3 30, MON C3 30, EMO C2 29, MENO C4 28
ZONE 1L 39 Inkey, Chelsea
T*M C1 26 ArcticFox
ZO 1L 11 NNNNNN1112, LLLLLL1112
UG 3K 3 MMMMMM1112

On 18th draw, CONF C6 29 --- CONF an online conference [n]
Other tops: COOF C6 29, FOOT C1 29
Other moves: COON C1 27, COOT C1 27, GOOF C6 27, COFT C6 26, OONT C3 26
COOF C6 29 Inkey
FOOT C1 29 Chelsea
GOON C1 25 ArcticFox
OI 2K 2 MMMMMM1112
AN 4L 2 NNNNNN1112
OO 8G 2 LLLLLL1112

On 19th draw, MY C3 34 --- MY the possessive form of the pronoun I [pron]
Other tops: VUGGY 3I 34
Other moves: YOM C1 32, MOGGY 3I 30, MUGGY 3I 30, OY C3 26, T*M C1 26
MY C3 34 Chelsea
MOGGY 3I 30 Inkey
OY C3 26 ArcticFox
AT 4L 2 LLLLLL1112
OI 2K 2 NNNNNN1112
TO 2B 2 MMMMMM1112

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