Game on September 2, 2024 at 14:08, 8 players
1. 338 pts Inkey
2. 288 pts Chelsea
3. 259 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 74 74 


5C 72 146 


E4 72 218 


12A 91 309 


B10 34 343 


2F 64 407 


13F 71 478 


15A 63 541 


12J 32 573 


O7 89 662 


1L 59 721 


1A 44 765 


8A 39 804 


11J 44 848 


3K 36 884 


N6 39 923 


6B 34 957 


F4 33 990 


M9 21 1011 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Inkey 8 6:28 -673 338 1.7989 Inkey 8 6:28 -673 338
Chelsea 3 9:15 -723 288 2.7315 Chelsea 3 9:15 -723 288
LongJump22 3 3:17 -752 259 Group: novice
LLLLLL1112 0 3:11 -899 112 1.5959 LongJump22 3 3:17 -752 259
MMMMMM1112 1 0:56 -948 63 2.5673 LLLLLL1112 0 3:11 -899 112
6. -
pppp2246 1 1:59 -948 63 3.5801 MMMMMM1112 1 0:56 -948 63
KKKKKK1112 1 1:42 -967 44 4.5500 KKKKKK1112 1 1:42 -967 44
NNNNNN1112 0 1:56 -978 33 5.5694 NNNNNN1112 0 1:56 -978 33
Group: not rated
1. - pppp2246 1 1:59 -948 63
On 1st draw, GABE(L)LE H2 74 --- GABELLE a tax on salt [n]
Other tops: BEAGLE(D) H4 74, BEAGLE(R) H4 74, BEAGLE(S) H4 74, GABEL(L)E H2 74, GELAB(L)E H8 74, GE(L)ABLE H8 74, GE(T)ABLE H8 74
Other moves: GABEL(L)E H4 72, GABE(L)LE H4 72, GELAB(L)E H4 72, GE(L)ABLE H4 72, GE(T)ABLE H4 72
On 2nd draw, GAUCIEST 5C 72 --- GAUCY gaucie [adj]
Other moves: GAUCIEST 8C 62, ASCI 9G 20, BUSTIC 4H 20, CAGIEST 5D 20, CUTIS I1 20
On 3rd draw, SUBADULT E4 72 --- SUBADULT an individual approaching adulthood [n]
Other moves: SUBLATED 8B 64, BAUD 4A 29, BLAD 4A 29, DAUB 4A 29, DATABUS 3G 26
On 4th draw, WINE(S)OP 12A 91 --- WINESOP a food sopped in wine [n]
Other moves: POWE(R)ING 2A 80, WINE(S)OP G8 68, POWNIE(S) G8 67, GOWPEN(S) 2H 40, WIPE(S) 12A 37
WINE(S)OP 12A 91 LongJump22
On 5th draw, VAINER B10 34 --- VAIN filled with undue admiration for oneself [adj]
Other tops: VEINAL B10 34
Other moves: NAVEW A8 33, VAIRE B10 32, VEALS 4A 31, LAVED 8A 30, RAVED 8A 30
NAVEW A8 33 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112
On 6th draw, ERGATOID 2F 64 --- ERGATOID worker-like [adj]
Other moves: TERATOID J1 63, TERATOID J5 63, AWETO A11 36, TWIRE A11 36, WADE A12 35
ERGATOID 2F 64 LongJump22
On 7th draw, MISUSED 13F 71 --- MISUSE to use incorrectly [v]
Other moves: MISUSED I8 66, MEDIUSES 14A 63, MEDIUSES 8G 62, DISMES H10 43, MISSED H10 43
MISUSED 13F 71 LongJump22
On 8th draw, PREX 15A 63 --- PREX a president [n]
Other moves: TRIPLEX 15A 57, DIPLEX M2 48, ILEX 12L 44, XENIA D1 44, PAXES I1 43
PREX 15A 63 MMMMMM1112, pppp2246
On 9th draw, URATIC 12J 32 --- URATE a chemical salt [adj] --- URATIC pertaining to urate [adj]
Other moves: CUATRO 1A 29, TURACO 1A 29, URTICA 1A 29, ARGOTIC C3 28, TAROC 12K 28
On 10th draw, OOTHECAL O7 89 --- OOTHECA the egg case of certain insects [adj] --- OOTHECAL pertaining to a ootheca [adj]
Other moves: THOLE 1K 50, HAET 1L 45, HALE 1L 45, HALO 1L 45, HALT 1L 45
On 11th draw, KAIM 1L 59 --- KAIM a ridge of gravel or sand left by a glacier [n]
Other tops: KAME 1L 59, KAMI 1L 59
Other moves: KAIE 1L 53, KAIN 1L 53, KANE 1L 53, KAON 1L 53, KENO 1L 53
KAMI 1L 59 Inkey
KINO 1L 53 Chelsea
On 12th draw, TWEENY 1A 44 --- TWEENY a housemaid [n]
Other tops: TWEELY 1A 44
Other moves: TWEEDY 8A 42, WYLED 8A 39, WYTED 8A 39, CYTE F5 37, WEY 11J 37
TWEENY 1A 44 Inkey, KKKKKK1112
WITE N11 25 Chelsea
On 13th draw, HOVED 8A 39 --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other tops: HIVED 8A 39
Other moves: FOHN 3L 38, FOH 3L 36, INFO 3J 36, FOEN 3L 32, FOIN 3L 32
HOVED 8A 39 Inkey
OH 2B 25 Chelsea
On 14th draw, JOLE 11J 44 --- JOLE jowl [n] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other moves: JOL 11J 40, JOR 11J 40, JO 11J 34, JOLE N6 33, ORDER 3K 31
JOLE 11J 44 Inkey, Chelsea
On 15th draw, FROG 3K 36 --- FROG to hunt frogs (web-footed, tailless amphibians) [v]
Other moves: FOID 3L 34, FOOD 3L 34, FORD 3L 34, DROOG 3K 32, FOG 3L 32
FROG 3K 36 Inkey
FOOD 3L 34 Chelsea
On 16th draw, ZONA N6 39 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other moves: AZON N5 37, GINZO N3 37, SAZ H13 36, ZIN N6 36, AZO 6A 35
ZONA N6 39 Chelsea, Inkey
On 17th draw, QI 6B 34 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QADIS I1 26, QAT 9M 22, FRET M9 21, DIF 9H 19, KIRRI L1 18
QI 6B 34 Chelsea, Inkey
On 18th draw, ICY F4 33 --- ICY covered with ice [adj]
Other moves: FRY 9G 27, FY E14 25, DRY 9G 23, FAINLY 7D 22, FAIRLY 7D 22
FAY I1 22 Inkey
SNY H13 18 Chelsea
On 19th draw, FRET M9 21 --- FRET to worry [v]
Other moves: DIF 9H 19, KIRRI L1 18, SIF H13 18, RIF 9H 17, DIN 9H 16
FRET M9 21 Inkey
IF 4J 16 Chelsea
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