Game on September 3, 2024 at 06:57, 6 players
1. 255 pts Chelsea
2. 118 pts LongJump22
3. 79 pts LLLLLL1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 68 68 


12G 68 136 


N8 78 214 


O3 96 310 


15K 39 349 


J5 64 413 


K11 26 439 


G5 38 477 


M3 82 559 


5D 44 603 


15H 54 657 


D1 28 685 


1C 33 718 


13C 32 750 


12B 47 797 


4K 39 836 


E5 30 866 


8A 30 896 


C1 24 920 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 10:49 -665 255 1.7334 Chelsea 2 10:49 -665 255
LongJump22 3 2:21 -802 118 Group: novice
LLLLLL1112 2 3:42 -841 79 1.5959 LongJump22 3 2:21 -802 118
NNNNNN1112 1 1:07 -873 47 2.5727 LLLLLL1112 2 3:42 -841 79
MMMMMM1112 1 1:26 -873 47 3.5694 NNNNNN1112 1 1:07 -873 47
KKKKKK1112 0 0:58 -894 26 4.5801 MMMMMM1112 1 1:26 -873 47
5.5500 KKKKKK1112 0 0:58 -894 26
On 1st draw, LEADIER H7 68 --- LEADY resembling lead [adj]
Other tops: LEADIER H2 68, LEADIER H3 68, LEADIER H4 68, LEADIER H6 68, LEADIER H8 68
Other moves: LEADIER H5 66, AERIED H7 18, ARILED H7 18, DEALER H4 18, DEARIE H4 18
On 2nd draw, DEASOILS 12G 68 --- DEASOIL motion in the same direction as the sun [n]
Other tops: ASSOILED 12B 68, ISOLEADS 12D 68
Other moves: DISLOADS 10B 66, DISLOADS 10H 66, ASSOILED 8B 60, DEASOILS 8G 60, ISOLEADS 8D 60
On 3rd draw, M(E)DUSANS N8 78 --- MEDUSAN a jellyfish [n]
Other moves: MAUND(E)RS 13B 77, SUM(M)AND G3 73, SUM(M)AND I3 73, SU(M)MAND G3 73, SU(M)MAND I3 73
On 4th draw, NONFUEL O3 96 --- NONFUEL not used as a fuel [adj]
Other moves: FUNNEL O4 52, FOULE O4 48, FELON O7 42, FOULE O6 40, FUME 8L 39
On 5th draw, Q(U)EST 15K 39 --- QUEST to make a search [v]
Other tops: Q(U)ASI 15K 39, Q(U)IST 15K 39
Other moves: (W)AQF 6L 35, QADI 10F 34, QADI(S) 10F 34, QI(N)TAR 13C 34, Q(U)AINT 14J 34
QADI 10F 34 Chelsea
On 6th draw, INDIGOES J5 64 --- INDIGO a blue dye [n]
Other moves: DOGIE N2 32, GENII N2 29, DINGIER 13B 24, DINGE I6 23, DINGO I6 23
DINGIER 13B 24 Chelsea
On 7th draw, HOC K11 26 --- HOC this [pron]
Other tops: CHILE N1 26, CHILI N1 26, HELD G9 26, HILD G9 26
Other moves: HIE N4 22, HOE K11 22, HOI K11 22, HUE N4 22, HUI N4 22
CHILE N1 26 Chelsea
On 8th draw, CHEWY G5 38 --- CHEWY not easily chewed [adj]
Other moves: CHAWER 13C 34, WHEY N1 33, HOYA K4 32, OCHERY 13D 32, CHARY 13E 31
CHAWER 13C 34 Chelsea
On 9th draw, FRONTES M3 82 --- FRONS the upper anterior portion of an insect's head [n]
Other moves: FOEN K5 31, FOES K5 31, STERN F6 31, STORE F6 31, TERFS F7 31
On 10th draw, GARCINIA 5D 44 --- GARCINIA a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: AGAR F6 30, AGER F6 30, GARNI F7 24, AGA F6 23, AGE F6 23
AGER F6 30 Chelsea
On 11th draw, OPAQ(U)EST 15H 54 --- OPAQUE impervious to light [adj]
Other moves: REMAP F5 37, PARAMO F3 30, MOPE F7 29, PIMA 4A 28, ARAME F4 27
MOPE F7 29 Chelsea
On 12th draw, BEWIG D1 28 --- BEWIG to adorn with a wig [v]
Other tops: GREBE F4 28
Other moves: BLEE L1 27, GIBLI H1 27, EWE N4 25, WIGGLE D3 24, GLEE L1 23
WIGGLE D3 24 Chelsea
On 13th draw, OBVERT 1C 33 --- OBVERT to turn so as to show a different surface [v]
Other moves: BEVOR 1D 30, BLIVE 1D 30, VERB 1A 27, VOLTI H1 27, BETOIL 1D 24
VOWER 3B 22 Chelsea
On 14th draw, YUKIER 13C 32 --- YUKY itchy [adj]
Other moves: ERK F8 29, KYE N1 26, KYU N1 26, KYE 2B 25, KI 4H 24
YUKIER 13C 32 LongJump22, Chelsea, LLLLLL1112
On 15th draw, MAX 12B 47 --- MAX the greatest possible amount [n] --- MAX to reach a maximum, MAXED, MAXES, MAXING [v]
Other moves: RAX 12B 43, AX 12C 41, OX 12C 41, AX C3 37, IXORA 14A 37
MAX 12B 47 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112
On 16th draw, ZORRO 4K 39 --- ZORRO a South American fox [n]
Other tops: ZERO F7 39
Other moves: TOWZE 3B 34, TREZ F4 34, REZ F5 33, RETORT F5 32, ZA J14 31
ZORRO 4K 39 LongJump22
On 17th draw, AJUTAGE E5 30 --- AJUTAGE a nozzle in a fountain [n]
Other moves: GJU 14A 28, JAM B10 28, TAJ 11A 27, JAR N2 26, JAW 3B 26
JAW 3B 26 KKKKKK1112
On 18th draw, LEAPT 8A 30 --- LEAP to spring off the ground [v]
Other moves: OPAL C1 28, VALET 8A 27, PALET 8A 24, PETIT 8A 24, PLAIT 8A 24
On 19th draw, OBO C1 24 --- OBO an oil bulk ore vessel [n]
Other tops: OB 14I 24
Other moves: OB C3 22, VIBE 2A 22, BIRO N2 21, VROW 3A 20, BOA 9C 19
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