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Game on September 3, 2024 at 10:45, 7 players
1. 301 pts Chelsea
2. 240 pts LongJump22
3. 146 pts LLLLLL1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. einprrv   H4    28    28   viper
 2. ?acegir   5D    90   118   reaginic
 3. aimostz   7B    81   199   atomizes
 4. deeoort   8A    37   236   erode
 5. adefilt   4A    33   269   fated
 6. acensuy   9B    38   307   cyans
 7. aeginnw   A1    30   337   waif
 8. iknostu  10D    27   364   stinko
 9. ?abdenr  11I    72   436   banders
10. hiloptv   B7    50   486   archivolt
11. aegnnow  12E    75   561   nonwage
12. adeglpu   O8    30   591   plusage
13. amootxy  H12    51   642   waxy
14. eeinort   K2    60   702   erection
15. bfoqstu  15L    69   771   fubs
16. eijortu  A13    47   818   jeu
17. hiloqtu   2A    36   854   aliquot
18. deilmor   1E    35   889   moider

Remaining tiles: hl

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7286 FileChelsea     4  8:56  -588  301     1.7286 Chelsea     4  8:56  -588  301 
  2.5959 FileLongJump22  3  4:15  -649  240            Group: novice
  3.5727 FileLLLLLL1112  1  4:47  -743  146     1.5959 LongJump22  3  4:15  -649  240 
  4.5694 FileNNNNNN1112  1  6:46  -743  146     2.5727 LLLLLL1112  1  4:47  -743  146 
  5.5500 FileKKKKKK1112  0  4:44  -789  100     3.5694 NNNNNN1112  1  6:46  -743  146 
  6.  -  FileFFFFFF1144  1  1:57  -820   69     4.5500 KKKKKK1112  0  4:44  -789  100 
  7.5801 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:16  -859   30     5.5801 MMMMMM1112  1  1:16  -859   30 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  FFFFFF1144  1  1:57  -820   69 

On 1st draw, VIPER H4 28 --- VIPER a venomous snake [n]
Other moves: VINER H4 24, VIPER H8 22, PRIER H4 20, VIPER H5 20, VIPER H6 20
VIPER H4 28 Chelsea

On 2nd draw, REAGI(N)IC 5D 90 --- REAGIN a type of antibody [adj] --- REAGINIC pertaining to a reagin [adj]
Other moves: CRAG(G)IER 8A 86, CRA(G)GIER 8A 80, GRI(M)ACER 8A 80, VICAR(A)GE 4H 78, VIC(A)RAGE 4H 78
(S)CARE 9H 19 Chelsea

On 3rd draw, ATOMIZES 7B 81 --- ATOMIZE to reduce to a fine spray [v]
Other moves: TZARISM D2 42, MIRZAS D3 36, MOZ G7 36, ZATIS J2 36, ZIRAMS D3 36
ZITIS J2 36 Chelsea

On 4th draw, ERODE 8A 37 --- ERODE to wear away by constant friction [v]
Other tops: TRODE 8A 37
Other moves: ERED 8A 30, REED 8A 30, TEED 8A 30, TROD 8A 30, ODOR 8A 26
TRODE 8A 37 Chelsea

On 5th draw, FATED 4A 33 --- FATE to destine [v]
Other tops: FILED 4A 33, FLIED 4A 33
Other moves: FETAL 9A 30, FILET 4A 30, DEFAT 4A 28, FADE 4A 28, ALEFT 4B 27
FATED 4A 33 Chelsea

On 6th draw, CYANS 9B 38 --- CYAN a blue colour [n]
Other moves: CYAN 9B 37, SCYE 9A 34, EYAS 9B 33, SYEN 9B 33, SYCE 9A 32

On 7th draw, WAIF A1 30 --- WAIF to throw away [v]
Other moves: NAIF A1 21, NEIF A1 21, NIEF A1 21, SWANNIE F9 20, SWINGE F9 20
WAIF A1 30 Chelsea

On 8th draw, STINKO 10D 27 --- STINKO drunk [adj]
Other moves: STINK 10D 26, STONK 10D 26, SKINT 9H 25, KOS 10A 24, SKIN 9H 24
SKIN F9 18 Chelsea

On 9th draw, BANDER(S) 11I 72 --- BANDER one that bands [n]
Other tops: BAND(I)ER 11I 72, BAND(O)RE 11I 72, BAR(T)END 11I 72, BRANDE(D) 11I 72, BRANDE(R) 11I 72, BRAN(D)ED 11I 72, BRAN(K)ED 11I 72, BRAN(N)ED 11I 72, BRA(I)NED 11I 72, BRA(N)NED 11I 72, BRA(W)NED 11I 72, BR(O)ADEN 11I 72, B(L)ANDER 11I 72, B(R)ANDER 11I 72
Other moves: BRANDE(D) 9I 71, BRANDE(R) 9I 71, BR(O)ADEN 9I 71, B(L)ANDER 9I 71, B(R)ANDER 9I 71
BANDER(S) 11I 72 LongJump22
BANDER 11I 22 Chelsea

On 10th draw, ARCHIVOLT B7 50 --- ARCHIVOLT [n]
Other moves: POLI(S)H O7 42, ARCTOPHIL B7 36, LITHOP(S) O5 33, OH 10A 30, PITHO(S) O6 30
POLI(S)H O7 42 Chelsea, LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, KKKKKK1112, NNNNNN1112

On 11th draw, NONWAGE 12E 75 --- NONWAGE not including or involving wages (money paid for work or services) [adj]
Other moves: NONWAGE 9I 69, AWRONG N9 36, (S)WAGE O11 36, (S)WANG O11 36, WRANG N10 34
NONWAGE 12E 75 LongJump22
(S)WANG O11 36 Chelsea

On 12th draw, PLU(S)AGE O8 30 --- PLUSAGE an extra amount [n]
Other tops: UPGRADE N8 30, (S)PADE O11 30, (S)PAED O11 30, (S)PALD O11 30, (S)PELD O11 30, (S)PEUG O11 30, (S)PUED O11 30
Other moves: GRAPED N10 28, PRUDE N10 28, LAP(S)ED O8 27, PAU(S)ED O8 27, PEA A13 27

On 13th draw, WAXY H12 51 --- WAXY resembling wax [adj]
Other moves: OX B1 41, ATOMY 15A 39, OXY 13E 37, MYXO 13D 34, ATAXY 2A 30
WAXY H12 51 LongJump22

On 14th draw, ERECTION K2 60 --- ERECTION the act of erecting [n]
Other moves: ETERNITY 15A 36, NEON G12 22, ORIENT 8G 20, EINA B1 19, ETNA B1 19
NEE G12 16 LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112, KKKKKK1112

On 15th draw, FUBS 15L 69 --- FUB to cheat [v]
Other tops: FOBS 15L 69
Other moves: BUFOS 15K 63, FOUS 15L 63, BOTS 15L 57, BUTS 15L 57, TOFUS 15K 57
FOBS 15L 69 FFFFFF1144

On 16th draw, JEU A13 47 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: JIRRE 3I 40, JUROR 3I 40, JOE 14J 31, JEU N6 30, EEJIT 2J 28
JEU A13 47 LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112

On 17th draw, ALIQUOT 2A 36 --- ALIQUOT a number that divides equally into another [n]
Other moves: HELIO 2J 32, HELOT 2J 32, THO J1 29, HO J2 28, OH J1 26
HOX 14F 21 NNNNNN1112, LLLLLL1112, KKKKKK1112

On 18th draw, MOIDER 1E 35 --- MOIDER to confuse [v]
Other tops: MEDII J2 35, MODII J2 35, MOILED 1E 35
Other moves: EM C13 33, EMEROID 2I 32, MOILER 1E 32, ED C13 30, EMEROD 2I 30
MEL 1F 21 KKKKKK1112

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