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Game on September 4, 2024 at 09:26, 5 players
1. 176 pts LongJump22
2. 97 pts MMMMMM1112
3. 96 pts LLLLLL1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeknsz   H4    34    34   dazes
 2. ?beeflo   8A    98   132   beefalos
 3. aegiils   I3    28   160   gilas
 4. acilntu   5A    72   232   lunatical
 5. afotvwy   6D    37   269   wof
 6. akloprv   B2    42   311   plouk
 7. ?enooty   5A    30   341   lunatically
 8. aginort   A8    86   427   borating
 9. acehinr   2I    85   512   archine
10. adeiruw   O1    42   554   deawie
11. eimrrtu   N6    25   579   murre
12. adeoqrs   8J    27   606   ardors
13. aeemntx  O10    71   677   taxeme
14. behinop  12I    38   715   phoenix
15. eijrstv   7G    38   753   jest
16. eenoqst   M1    24   777   qis
17. bgnotuy  11H    37   814   buoy
18. deortuv   C7    86   900   devouter
19. aegiint   4A    27   927   eoan
20. egiintv  15H    89  1016   genitive

Remaining tile: i

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5943 FileLongJump22  2  4:15  -840  176     1.5943 LongJump22  2  4:15  -840  176 
  2.5806 FileMMMMMM1112  1  4:50  -919   97     2.5806 MMMMMM1112  1  4:50  -919   97 
  3.5813 FileLLLLLL1112  2  4:42  -920   96     3.5813 LLLLLL1112  2  4:42  -920   96 
  4.  -  FileEEEEEE1144  1  1:55  -945   71     4.5973 OOOOOO1112  0  1:48  -983   33 
  5.5973 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:48  -983   33            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  EEEEEE1144  1  1:55  -945   71 

On 1st draw, DAZES H4 34 --- DAZE to stun [v]
Other tops: ZEKS H5 34, ZEKS H6 34, ZEKS H7 34, ZEKS H8 34
Other moves: ADZES H4 32, ADZES H8 32, DAZES H8 32, KNEADS H4 32, SANDEK H7 32

On 2nd draw, BEEF(A)LOS 8A 98 --- BEEFALO the offspring of an American buffalo and domestic cattle [n]
Other tops: BEEFALO(S) 5D 98
Other moves: BEFO(O)LED 4A 82, BEFO(U)LED 4A 82, BEF(O)OLED 4A 82, BEEF(A)LO G7 75, EF(F)ABLE 5E 44

On 3rd draw, GILAS I3 28 --- GILA a venomous lizard [n]
Other moves: EGAL I4 26, AEGIS 9C 23, GILA I3 23, GAE I5 22, GAL I5 22

On 4th draw, LUNATICAL 5A 72 --- LUNATICAL
Other moves: LUNATIC 2F 70, NAUTIC(A)L E2 68, N(A)UTICAL E7 68, LUN(A)TIC E5 32, TUNICAE B2 30

On 5th draw, WOF 6D 37 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: FOOTWAY G7 35, FAW 9C 31, FAY 9C 31, FAYEST 7E 31, FOY 7C 31

On 6th draw, PLOUK B2 42 --- PLOUK a pimple [n]
Other moves: OAK 4B 38, POKAL A1 36, KOP J2 28, ORVAL A1 27, POKAL G7 27

On 7th draw, LUNATICAL(L)Y 5A 30 --- LUNATICALLY
Other moves: (S)TONY J6 29, ETY(M)ON 9B 28, LOONEY 3B 26, (K)EYNOTE C7 26, EO(A)N 4A 24

On 8th draw, BORATING A8 86 --- BORATE to mix with borax or boric acid [v]
Other moves: GYRATION K4 74, ORATING 2G 67, ROATING 2G 67, ROGATION G7 67, ABORTING A7 62

On 9th draw, ARCHINE 2I 85 --- ARCHINE a Russian unit of linear measure [n]
Other moves: ACHIER 2I 41, ARCHEI 2I 33, HERNIAE C7 30, CHENAR 2E 28, CHINAR 2E 28

On 10th draw, DEAWIE O1 42 --- DEAWIE covered with dew [adj]
Other moves: DAW 1M 41, DEW 1M 41, DEAW O1 36, WEARIED O1 36, DEWIER O1 33
DEW 1M 41 LongJump22

On 11th draw, MURRE N6 25 --- MURRE a diving bird [n]
Other tops: MERIT N6 25, MITER N6 25, MITRE N6 25, MURRI N6 25, MURTI N6 25, MUTER N6 25, ORMER 9A 25
Other moves: MERI 9C 24, MITE B11 24, FERRUM D8 22, FIRMER D8 22, FREMIT D8 22

On 12th draw, ARDORS 8J 27 --- ARDOR intensity of emotion [n]
Other tops: ORDERS 8J 27
Other moves: ADORES O10 26, SARODE O10 26, SOARED O10 26, DEROS 9C 25, RESOD 9C 25
ADORES O10 26 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112

On 13th draw, TAXEME O10 71 --- TAXEME a minimum grammatical feature of selection [n]
Other tops: TAXMEN O10 71
Other moves: AXEMEN O10 50, EXAMEN O10 50, EXAMEN C8 46, MAX 9E 42, EXO M6 40
TAXMEN O10 71 LongJump22, EEEEEE1144

On 14th draw, PHOENIX 12I 38 --- PHOENIX a mythical bird [n]
Other tops: PHENOM 14J 38
Other moves: HIPBONE 13I 36, HOPBINE 13I 36, PHENIX 12J 36, PHO N13 36, EBON N12 35
HOP N13 33 MMMMMM1112, OOOOOO1112
HOB N13 33 LLLLLL1112

On 15th draw, JEST 7G 38 --- JEST to joke [v]
Other tops: VERISM 14J 38
Other moves: JINS M10 32, JIVER M1 30, JIVES M1 30, VERIEST C7 30, VERITES C7 30
VERISM 14J 38 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112

On 16th draw, QIS M1 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ESNE 11J 21, ESNE 13J 21, NOES 11H 21, SNEE 11J 21, SONE 11J 21

On 17th draw, BUOY 11H 37 --- BUOY to mark with a buoy (a warning float) [v]
Other moves: BONY B11 36, GOUTY 11H 36, BOY 9E 34, G*Y 9E 32, YOB 9E 32

On 18th draw, DEVOUTER C7 86 --- DEVOUT pious [adj]
Other moves: REVOTED C7 32, VENDOR M10 26, OUD 4B 24, ROTOV(A)TED E3 24, VOE A1 24

On 19th draw, EOAN 4A 27 --- EOAN pertaining to dawn [adj]
Other moves: NAG 9E 22, TAG 9E 22, TIG 9E 22, TINEA D11 22, GANE D11 21

On 20th draw, GENITIVE 15H 89 --- GENITIVE a grammatical case [n]
Other moves: RIVETING 14C 68, LEGIT 3B 26, NERVING 14A 26, VINING M10 26, LEG 3B 22

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