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Game on September 4, 2024 at 23:18, 1 player
1. 450 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acelruv   H4    28    28   calver
 2. efinnst   5E    94   122   infantes
 3. abdemny   F3    72   194   bandymen
 4. ?eegity   L2    72   266   eyesight
 5. ?aeiopt   E8    76   342   opiates
 6. abdlstu   D8    38   380   dalts
 7. hiotuwz   M1    45   425   zho
 8. einootv   1M    36   461   zoo
 9. dilorsu   J1    63   524   dilutors
10. abeintu   1C    86   610   unbaited
11. efirstu   O1    95   705   outfires
12. ailnopx   M9    33   738   oxlip
13. aegijor  10B    30   768   joling
14. aaegino  L11    26   794   agone
15. aaaeiqr   N8    25   819   aria
16. dehimnw  15H    39   858   whined
17. ceemrru  O11    34   892   emure
18. acekrvw  14G    51   943   wack

Remaining tiles: eqrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6360 Filefatcat      2 11:52  -493  450     1.6360 fatcat      2 11:52  -493  450 

On 1st draw, CALVER H4 28 --- CALVER to prepare [v]
Other tops: CARVEL H4 28, CLAVER H4 28, CULVER H4 28, VAREC H4 28
Other moves: CALVE H4 26, CARVE H4 26, CAVEL H4 26, CAVER H4 26, CLAVE H4 26
CRAVE H4 26 fatcat

On 2nd draw, INFANTES 5E 94 --- INFANTE a younger son of a Portuguese or Spanish monarch [n]
Other moves: FERNINST 9F 64, FENNIEST 8C 62, FENNIEST 8G 62, ENFANTS 5E 40, INFANTE 5E 40
FIST 10F 27 fatcat

On 3rd draw, BANDYMEN F3 72 --- BANDYMAN a cart driver [n]
Other moves: BANDY 6B 41, BEADY 6B 41, BENDY 6B 41, BEAMY 4K 40, BEANY 6B 39
BEAM 4K 24 fatcat

On 4th draw, EYESIG(H)T L2 72 --- EYESIGHT the ability to see [n]
Other moves: TIGE(R)EYE K2 61, EYEI(N)G 4J 33, EYEI(N)G E8 29, (B)EIGY 4K 29, G(L)EBY 3C 28
G(R)ITTY J1 17 fatcat

On 5th draw, OPIATE(S) E8 76 --- OPIATE to treat with opium [v]
Other tops: OPIATE(D) E8 76
Other moves: ATOPIE(S) E8 74, ATOPIE(S) M9 71, E(C)TOPIA M9 71, OPIATE(D) M9 71, OPIATE(S) M9 71
PATIO E9 20 fatcat

On 6th draw, DALTS D8 38 --- DALT a foster-child [n]
Other moves: BUDAS D11 30, BAUD M1 29, BLAD M1 29, ABLEST 2I 28, ABLETS 2I 28
BUST 10J 24 fatcat

On 7th draw, ZHO M1 45 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: WHOT M1 37, TOZIE 2H 34, WHO M1 33, YUTZ 3L 32, ZHO(S) 14B 30
ZIT(S) 14B 24 fatcat

On 8th draw, ZOO 1M 36 --- ZOO a place where animals are kept for public exhibition [n]
Other tops: ZIN 1M 36, ZIT 1M 36
Other moves: ENVOI M9 21, OVINE M9 21, INVE(S)T 14A 20, ENVOI K9 18, OVI(S)T 14B 18
ZOO 1M 36 fatcat

On 9th draw, DILUTORS J1 63 --- DILUTOR one that dilutes [n]
Other moves: COURES 4H 30, IDES 4J 26, RESID 4K 26, RESOD 4K 26, SODAIC 4C 26
SOLD 10L 19 fatcat

On 10th draw, UNBAITED 1C 86 --- UNBAITED not baited [adj]
Other moves: UNBATED 1D 33, BAITED 1E 27, BANTED 1E 27, BUNTED 1E 27, TABUED 1E 27
UNBAITED 1C 36 fatcat

On 11th draw, OUTFIRES O1 95 --- OUTFIRE to surpass in firing [v]
Other moves: SURFEIT N3 74, SURFEIT K9 72, (S)URFEITS 14E 64, (S)URFIEST 14E 64, RESIFT 10J 31
FIST 10J 27 fatcat

On 12th draw, OXLIP M9 33 --- OXLIP a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: OXLAND 6A 32, NIX N3 31, NOX N3 31, AXION M9 29, PAX C12 29
OX N4 23 fatcat

On 13th draw, JOLING 10B 30 --- JOL to have a good time (S African Slang), JOLLED, JOLLING, JOLS [v] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other moves: JIRGA 4B 29, JAGA 4C 27, AGIO N8 26, JAGIR 12J 26, JAILER 11J 26
JOG 2A 25 fatcat

On 14th draw, AGONE L11 26 --- AGONE gone [adv]
Other tops: AGIO N8 26, JINGO B10 26
Other moves: NAOI N7 24, GIO N9 23, AGON L11 22, GONE L12 22, ANI N8 21
GO 11A 12 fatcat

On 15th draw, ARIA N8 25 --- ARIA an elaborate melody for a single voice [n]
Other moves: RIA N9 22, AREA I7 19, ARE I7 18, ARF G3 17, ERF G3 17
QI 5N 11 fatcat

On 16th draw, WHINED 15H 39 --- WHINE to utter a plaintive, high-pitched sound [v]
Other moves: NEWI(S)H 14A 38, HEWED 15K 36, INME(S)H 14A 36, MEN(S)H 14B 34, MEWED 15K 33
WHINED 15H 39 fatcat

On 17th draw, EMURE O11 34 --- EMURE to enclose behind walls [v]
Other moves: RECUR O11 28, EM 14I 25, UM 14I 25, MEN 14J 23, MUN 14J 23
CRUMB 3B 22 fatcat

On 18th draw, WACK 14G 51 --- WACK an eccentric person [n] --- WACK bad, unfashionable [adj]
Other moves: RACK 14G 48, JACKER B10 38, KEN 14J 35, WAKA 4C 28, WEKA 4C 28
JACKER B10 38 fatcat

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