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Game on September 8, 2024 at 10:59, 16 players
1. 376 pts Chelsea
2. 277 pts vendanges
3. 151 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefggmr   H4    28    28   frame
 2. aggnort   4H    22    50   faggot
 3. adeinst   N2    82   132   instead
 4. aegikrt   O7    44   176   takier
 5. abcenrt   2H    68   244   bacterin
 6. ?adeorw   1C    96   340   rodeway
 7. aeillno   2A    27   367   lienal
 8. ?abelnu   8A    80   447   banlieue
 9. cehimou  N10    50   497   mouch
10. eiiosst   C7    70   567   inosites
11. eiilnvy  14C    74   641   sylviine
12. deoqrst  15G    39   680   stored
13. aeopqux   A1    81   761   plaque
14. eghinou   3C    34   795   hog
15. djnoopy   F8    31   826   enjoy
16. efioprz  E11    49   875   zo
17. efpruvw   M2    44   919   returf
18. diipvwx   6E    27   946   ixia

Remaining tiles: dpvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7252 FileChelsea     2 14:31  -570  376     1.7252 Chelsea     2 14:31  -570  376 
  2.6873 Filevendanges   1  6:19  -669  277     2.7144 ArcticFox   1  2:36  -852   94 
  3.5952 FileLongJump22  2  2:02  -795  151     3.7393 queen66     0  1:14  -926   20 
  4.5572 FileMMMMMM1112  2  3:31  -826  120     4.7342 moonmonkey  0  1:28  -926   20 
  5.7144 FileArcticFox   1  2:36  -852   94     5.7502 Mycophot    0  1:41  -926   20 
  6.  -  Filepppp2246    1  1:19  -865   81            Group: intermediate
  7.6569 FileJavelin22   1  0:49  -897   49     1.6873 vendanges   1  6:19  -669  277 
  8.6585 FileShotPut22   1  1:05  -897   49     2.6569 Javelin22   1  0:49  -897   49 
  9.6450 FileDiscus22    0  1:24  -900   46     3.6585 ShotPut22   1  1:05  -897   49 
 10.6540 FileHammer22    0  1:39  -900   46     4.6450 Discus22    0  1:24  -900   46 
 11.5609 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:19  -907   39     5.6540 Hammer22    0  1:39  -900   46 
 12.5729 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:53  -915   31            Group: novice
 13.5913 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:16  -916   30     1.5952 LongJump22  2  2:02  -795  151 
 14.7393 Filequeen66     0  1:14  -926   20     2.5572 MMMMMM1112  2  3:31  -826  120 
 15.7342 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:28  -926   20     3.5609 LLLLLL1112  1  1:19  -907   39 
 16.7502 FileMycophot    0  1:41  -926   20     4.5729 NNNNNN1112  0  1:53  -915   31 
                                             5.5913 OOOOOO1112  0  1:16  -916   30 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  pppp2246    1  1:19  -865   81 

On 1st draw, FRAME H4 28 --- FRAME to construct by putting together the various parts [v]
Other moves: FRAME H8 22, MARGE H4 22, FRAME H5 20, FRAME H6 20, FRAME H7 20
FRAME H4 28 Chelsea

On 2nd draw, FAGGOT 4H 22 --- FAGGOT to bind together in a bundle [v]
Other moves: AGGRO 9E 21, ARGON 9G 20, ARGOT 9G 20, FORGAT 4H 20, GRANT 9G 20
GANT I6 17 Chelsea

On 3rd draw, INSTEAD N2 82 --- INSTEAD as a substitute or alternative [adv]
Other tops: DESTAIN N2 82
Other moves: ANDESITE 8A 80, SAINTED N4 76, SATINED N4 76, STAINED N4 76, DESTAIN 9H 72
INSTEAD N2 32 Chelsea

On 4th draw, TAKIER O7 44 --- TAKY attractive [adj]
Other moves: ARKITE O8 42, KADE 8L 42, KADI 8L 42, TRAIK O6 40, TRIKE O6 40
TRIKE O6 40 Chelsea

On 5th draw, BACTERIN 2H 68 --- BACTERIN a vaccine prepared from dead bacteria [n]
Other moves: CABERNET 8B 65, CABERNET 8E 63, BRACE N10 44, BRACT N10 44, BRANT N10 40
BRACE N10 44 Chelsea

On 6th draw, RODEWA(Y) 1C 96 --- RODEWAY roadway [n]
Other moves: WORDA(G)E M7 94, RODEWA(Y) M7 84, TA(R)ROWED M4 77, OARWE(E)D 9F 76, OARWE(E)D M8 76
WOAD 1F 39 Chelsea

On 7th draw, LIENAL 2A 27 --- LIENAL pertaining to the spleen [adj]
Other moves: RATINE M2 26, RATION M2 26, RETIAL M2 26, ANOLE N10 22, ALONE G5 18
LANE G6 15 Chelsea

On 8th draw, BANL(I)EUE 8A 80 --- BANLIEUE a suburb [n]
Other tops: (T)UNEABLE 8A 80
Other moves: BANE(F)UL G6 71, BANE(F)UL I6 71, NEBULA(E) G6 71, NEBULA(R) G6 71, NEBULA(S) G6 71
BEAN(S) N10 38 Chelsea

On 9th draw, MOUCH N10 50 --- MOUCH to mooch [v]
Other moves: ELCHI A1 42, HEM 3C 37, HOM 3C 37, CLIME A1 36, CLEM A1 33

On 10th draw, INOSITES C7 70 --- INOSITE an alcohol found in plant and animal tissue [n]
Other moves: NOISIEST C8 68, SOILIEST D5 66, TOSES 3B 28, OSES 3C 24, TOES 3C 24

On 11th draw, SYLVIINE 14C 74 --- SYLVIINE of the thrush family [adj]
Other tops: SYLVIINE 10C 74
Other moves: VINY 3L 37, ILLY A1 33, VINYLIC 13H 32, LIVERY 5D 29, VINERY 5D 29
ILLY A1 33 vendanges

On 12th draw, STORED 15G 39 --- STORE to put away for future use [v]
Other moves: DOTERS 15H 37, QIS H13 36, DEROS 15H 34, DOERS 15H 34, DOEST 15H 34
STORED 15G 39 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
QIS H13 36 vendanges

On 13th draw, PLAQUE A1 81 --- PLAQUE an ornamental plate or disk [n]
Other moves: PLEX A1 63, ULEX A1 57, AXONE 3K 46, AXON 3K 42, EXON 3K 42
PLAQUE A1 81 LongJump22, pppp2246, MMMMMM1112
PLEX A1 63 vendanges

On 14th draw, HOG 3C 34 --- HOG to take more than one's share [v]
Other moves: ROTING M2 32, HEN 3C 31, HOE 3C 31, HON 3C 31, HOA B6 29
HEN 3C 31 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112
HOA B6 29 vendanges

On 15th draw, ENJOY F8 31 --- ENJOY to receive pleasure from [v]
Other moves: JOEY F6 30, JOE F6 26, YOOP M6 26, DOJO 9H 25, YOUPON G6 25
JOEY F6 30 OOOOOO1112, Chelsea
JOUR 12L 22 vendanges

On 16th draw, ZO E11 49 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: P**F**R 11E 48, ZITE 12A 46, POZ M7 39, FRIZED L10 38, FOZIER 11E 36
ZO E11 49 Javelin22, ArcticFox, ShotPut22, vendanges, Chelsea
ZITE 12A 46 Discus22, Hammer22

On 17th draw, RETURF M2 44 --- RETURF to lay new turf [v]
Other moves: TERF M4 25, TURF M4 25, EF M6 21, EF 1K 20, EF O14 20
WE 1L 20 vendanges, queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot
EF O14 20 ArcticFox
PEW B11 19 Chelsea

On 18th draw, IXIA 6E 27 --- IXIA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: DIXI 9H 25, EX 6A 25, XI I6 24, DIX(I) E5 22, DIVI 9H 21
EX 6A 25 vendanges, ArcticFox, Chelsea

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