Game on September 8, 2024 at 11:43, 11 players
1. 423 pts ArcticFox
2. 422 pts Chelsea
3. 164 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 20 20
2. 5D 110 130
3. 6C 41 171
4. 4A 44 215
5. A4 42 257
6. 8H 83 340
7. 4G 26 366
8. 3I 39 405
9. 3E 46 451
10. 2J 58 509
11. O1 39 548
12. 2B 39 587
13. 1E 40 627
14. L6 72 699
15. 10G 66 765
16. 11D 35 800
17. A1 27 827
18. 12A 30 857
19. A12 24 881
20. M13 24 905
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.7144 ArcticFox 8 15:11 -482 423 1.9783 Pacific 4 6:21 -759 146
2.7267 Chelsea 3 15:31 -483 422 Group: advanced
3.5952 LongJump22 2 3:05 -741 164 1.7144 ArcticFox 8 15:11 -482 423
4.9783 Pacific 4 6:21 -759 146 2.7267 Chelsea 3 15:31 -483 422
5.5572 MMMMMM1112 0 1:27 -845 60 3.7578 HollyIvy 1 0:45 -863 42
6.5729 NNNNNN1112 0 1:57 -845 60 4.7393 queen66 1 1:04 -863 42
7.7578 HollyIvy 1 0:45 -863 42 5.7342 moonmonkey 1 1:22 -863 42
8.7393 queen66 1 1:04 -863 42 Group: novice
9.7342 moonmonkey 1 1:22 -863 42 1.5952 LongJump22 2 3:05 -741 164
10.5913 OOOOOO1112 0 1:46 -871 34 2.5572 MMMMMM1112 0 1:27 -845 60
11.5609 LLLLLL1112 0 1:23 -878 27 3.5729 NNNNNN1112 0 1:57 -845 60
4.5913 OOOOOO1112 0 1:46 -871 34
5.5609 LLLLLL1112 0 1:23 -878 27
On 1st draw, MAISE H4 20 --- MAISE a measure of five `hundreds' of herrings [n]
Other moves: AMIAS H4 16, AMIAS H8 16, AMIES H4 16, AMIES H8 16, MAISE H8 16
MAISE H4 20 ArcticFox, LongJump22
On 2nd draw, OXIDAT(E)S 5D 110 --- OXIDATE to oxidize [v]
Other tops: DOXASTI(C) 5E 110, OXIDA(N)TS 5D 110
Other moves: EXODIST(S) 8H 98, EXODI(S)TS 8H 98, TOX(O)IDS I3 87, T(O)XOIDS I3 87, T(R)IOXIDS 6F 83
OXIDAT(E)S 5D 110 LongJump22
(E)XITS I2 27 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, COIF 6C 41 --- COIF to style the hair [v]
Other moves: RIF 6D 38, IF 6E 35, FIBRO 6J 34, FORB 4A 34, FRIB 4A 34
COIF 6C 41 ArcticFox
FIBRO 6J 34 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112
On 4th draw, JEER 4A 44 --- JEER to mock [v]
Other moves: RIOJA 4J 27, JAR 4B 26, JOR 4B 26, JATO I3 25, ROJI 4J 25
JEER 4A 44 ArcticFox, Pacific
On 5th draw, JOMON A4 42 --- JOMON (Japanese) a particular era in Japanese history. No -S [n] --- JOMON pertaining to a Japanese cultural period [adj]
Other moves: TOWMON 4J 27, MOLTO 6J 26, MOWN 6J 26, MOW 6J 25, MOLT 6J 23
JOMON A4 42 HollyIvy, queen66, moonmonkey
MOW 4J 21 Chelsea
On 6th draw, EL(E)VATOR 8H 83 --- ELEVATOR one that elevates [n]
Other moves: L(E)VATOR(S) J4 69, (E)L(E)VATOR J3 69, VARLET(T)O 8D 64, VARLE(T)TO 8D 64, OV(E)R(S)ALT J3 63
RAV(E)L 4J 17 Chelsea
On 7th draw, EMIRATE 4G 26 --- EMIRATE the rank of an emir [n]
Other tops: EMERITA 4G 26
Other moves: KAME 4F 25, KAMI 4F 25, RETAKE 4J 25, TAKIER 4J 25, IMARET 4G 24
TAKIER 4J 25 Chelsea
On 8th draw, PILAO 3I 39 --- PILAO a dish made from seasoned rice and meat [n]
Other tops: PULAO 3I 39
Other moves: IGAPO 3J 32, APIOL 3C 31, LOGIA 3I 30, GAPO 3K 28, APIOL 3J 27
GAPO 3K 28 Chelsea
On 9th draw, ADZ 3E 46 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: HAED 2J 41, HAW 2J 41, HAZED B1 39, HAZE 7L 38, DZHO N5 37
HAZED B1 39 Chelsea
ZED G3 23 ArcticFox
On 10th draw, WANTER 2J 58 --- WANTER one that wants [n]
Other moves: CANTER 2J 49, CARTE 2J 47, WANT 2J 39, WART 2J 39, CAW 2J 35
WANTER 2J 58 ArcticFox
WART 2J 39 Chelsea
On 11th draw, PREY O1 39 --- PREY to seize and devour animals for food [v]
Other tops: PRAY O1 39
Other moves: YA 1N 26, YE 1N 26, PANNE 2B 25, PENNA 2B 25, PENNY 2A 25
PRAY O1 39 ArcticFox
PREY O1 39 Pacific
YE 1N 26 Chelsea
On 12th draw, QUINE 2B 39 --- QUINE a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUOIN N6 36, QUEEN B1 30, QUINE 2A 30, CINQUE C6 28, QUIN 2B 28
QUINE 2B 39 ArcticFox, Pacific
QUOIN N6 36 Chelsea
On 13th draw, AREFY 1E 40 --- AREFY to dry up [v]
Other moves: FRAY 1F 37, FAH 1F 34, FAY 1F 34, FEH 1F 34, FEY 1F 34
FEH 1F 34 Chelsea
On 14th draw, COAGENTS L6 72 --- COAGENT a person, force, or other agent working together with another [n]
Other moves: CONGES 9C 21, NE A1 21, OE A1 21, TE A1 21, CENTOS 9C 20
TE A1 21 Chelsea
COOTS N6 15 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, NODDIEST 10G 66 --- NODDY easy to understand [adj]
Other moves: DOITS M10 23, DOIT M10 21, DIS 5M 19, DOS 5M 19, DIDST 13I 18
DOS K10 17 Chelsea
WIR(E)D J2 12 ArcticFox
On 16th draw, BEKAH 11D 35 --- BEKAH a half-shekel [n]
Other moves: KEBAB 11D 32, HE A1 30, KUEH 11E 29, BE A1 27, BAUK B7 26
HE A1 30 Chelsea
HUB M13 26 ArcticFox
On 17th draw, BE A1 27 --- BE to have actuality [v]
Other moves: BALE 12A 26, BAUBLE D8 26, BILE 12A 26, BLAE 12A 26, BLUE 12A 26
BE A1 27 Chelsea
BABEL D9 18 ArcticFox
On 18th draw, WILI 12A 30 --- WILI the spirit of a maiden [n]
Other tops: WILI 12C 30
Other moves: LIRI 12C 24, IWI 12B 20, LIRI 12A 18, GIBLI D9 16, IWI M13 16
GI 12C 14 Chelsea
KIWI F11 13 ArcticFox
On 19th draw, WANG A12 24 --- WANG the cheek [n]
Other tops: LAVING B9 24, RAVING B9 24
Other moves: WARN A12 21, WAUL A12 21, WAUR A12 21, AGLU 13C 20, NAG 13B 20
WANG A12 24 Chelsea, ArcticFox, Pacific
On 20th draw, HUG M13 24 --- HUG to clasp tightly in the arms [v]
Other moves: GURSH 13I 22, HUT M6 17, UGH B8 17, VRIL B10 17, CHUG C6 16
HUG M13 24 Chelsea, ArcticFox
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