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Game on September 10, 2024 at 07:15, 7 players
1. 294 pts Chelsea
2. 208 pts LongJump22
3. 104 pts MMMMMM1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?elnotu   H7    64    64   outline
 2. aeimotv   9F    66   130   motivate
 3. ?elnnos   N6    74   204   nelsons
 4. acginsv  14B    87   291   cavings
 5. deinoru   M1    77   368   neuroid
 6. adehilt  O12    44   412   head
 7. benoprz   K5    72   484   zebrano
 8. adegrsy   O1    42   526   grydes
 9. aaelrsw  12K    39   565   swash
10. aadeily  10B    36   601   delay
11. aeeghir   I1    66   667   hireage
12. aeikoru   H1    44   711   oka
13. almprtu   C9    24   735   templar
14. aeiortu   D8    26   761   teloi
15. aceptuw  E10    33   794   awa
16. abefiux  I11    44   838   fax
17. efiortu   E2    72   910   outfire
18. bcijqtu   4A    52   962   qubit

Remaining tiles: ciijpt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7319 FileChelsea     4  6:30  -668  294     1.7319 Chelsea     4  6:30  -668  294 
  2.5825 FileLongJump22  3  3:51  -754  208            Group: novice
  3.5645 FileMMMMMM1112  1  4:46  -858  104     1.5825 LongJump22  3  3:51  -754  208 
  4.  -  FileEEEEEE1144  1  2:00  -890   72     2.5645 MMMMMM1112  1  4:46  -858  104 
  5.5677 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:40  -918   44     3.5677 OOOOOO1112  1  1:40  -918   44 
  6.5646 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:39  -932   30     4.5646 NNNNNN1112  0  1:39  -932   30 
  7.5554 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:35  -939   23     5.5554 LLLLLL1112  0  1:35  -939   23 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  EEEEEE1144  1  2:00  -890   72 

On 1st draw, OUTL(I)NE H7 64 --- OUTLINE to indicate the main features or different parts of [v]
Other tops: ELUT(I)ON H2 64, ELUT(I)ON H3 64, ELUT(I)ON H4 64, ELUT(I)ON H6 64, ELUT(I)ON H7 64, LENTOU(S) H2 64, LENTOU(S) H3 64, LENTOU(S) H4 64, LENTOU(S) H7 64, LENTOU(S) H8 64, NO(C)TULE H3 64, NO(C)TULE H4 64, NO(C)TULE H6 64, NO(C)TULE H7 64, NO(C)TULE H8 64, OUTL(I)NE H2 64, OUTL(I)NE H3 64, OUTL(I)NE H4 64, OUTL(I)NE H6 64, O(P)ULENT H2 64, O(P)ULENT H4 64, O(P)ULENT H6 64, O(P)ULENT H7 64, O(P)ULENT H8 64, TOLUEN(E) H2 64, TOLUEN(E) H3 64, TOLUEN(E) H4 64, TOLUEN(E) H7 64, TOLUEN(E) H8 64, TOLU(E)NE H2 64, TOLU(E)NE H3 64, TOLU(E)NE H4 64, TOLU(E)NE H6 64, TOLU(E)NE H7 64, (M)OULTEN H2 64, (M)OULTEN H3 64, (M)OULTEN H6 64, (M)OULTEN H7 64, (M)OULTEN H8 64, (Z)ONULET H2 64, (Z)ONULET H3 64, (Z)ONULET H6 64, (Z)ONULET H7 64, (Z)ONULET H8 64
Other moves: ELUT(I)ON H5 62, ELUT(I)ON H8 62, LENTOU(S) H5 62, LENTOU(S) H6 62, NO(C)TULE H2 62

On 2nd draw, MOTIVATE 9F 66 --- MOTIVATE to provide with an incentive [v]
Other tops: MOTIVATE 9B 66
Other moves: EMOTIVE 13B 32, EMOTIVE 13H 30, MOTIVE 13C 30, VATMEN 12C 22, VOEMA I5 22

On 3rd draw, NELSON(S) N6 74 --- NELSON a wrestling hold [n]
Other tops: NONL(I)(V)ES 11D 74, NONSEL(F) N6 74, ONL(I)NE(R)S 11E 74
Other moves: NEL(S)ONS 14B 73, NEL(S)ONS N6 73, (R)ONNELS 14B 73, NELSON(S) 14B 72, (R)ONNELS 14H 72

On 4th draw, CAVINGS 14B 87 --- CAVING the sport of exploring caves [n]
Other moves: CAVINGS G1 71, CAVINGS I1 71, CAV(I)NGS 11E 48, VEGANIC 13G 38, INCAVES 13C 34

On 5th draw, NEUROID M1 77 --- NEUROID resembling a nerve [adj]
Other moves: DOUANIER K6 68, UNIRONED 12C 68, NEUROID G1 66, NEUROID I1 66, DOURINE I1 63

On 6th draw, HEAD O12 44 --- HEAD to be chief of [v]
Other tops: HADE O12 44, HAED O12 44, HEID O12 44, HELD O12 44, HIDE O12 44, HIED O12 44, HILD O12 44
Other moves: HAILED O10 42, HAET O12 41, HAIL O12 41, HALE O12 41, HALT O12 41
HELD O12 44 Chelsea

On 7th draw, ZEBRANO K5 72 --- ZEBRANO a tree having striped wood [n]
Other moves: ZONER 2J 68, BRONZE 8A 58, BRONZEN 1G 57, BRONZE 1J 54, BONZE 1K 51
ZEBRANO K5 72 LongJump22, EEEEEE1144
ZONER 2J 68 Chelsea

On 8th draw, GRYDES O1 42 --- GRYDE to scrape harshly [v]
Other moves: DYNES 1K 39, GYNAE 1K 39, RAYNES 1J 39, RYNDS 1K 39, SYNED 1K 39
YARNED 1J 33 Chelsea

On 9th draw, SWA(S)H 12K 39 --- SWASH to swagger [v]
Other tops: RESAWN 1H 39
Other moves: WARSLE 8A 34, SLA(S)H 12K 33, SEAWAN 1H 30, AREA N1 28, AWNERS 12F 28
SWA(S)H 12K 39 Chelsea
RESAWN 1H 39 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112

On 10th draw, DELAY 10B 36 --- DELAY to put off to a later time [v]
Other tops: DAILY 10B 36, YELD 10F 36
Other moves: LEADY 10B 34, IDLY 10C 31, LADY 10C 31, ALAY 10C 30, DAVY D12 30
DELAY 10B 36 Chelsea
DAVY D12 30 MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112

On 11th draw, HIREAGE I1 66 --- HIREAGE the fee for hiring something [n]
Other moves: HEGIRA 14J 36, GERAH 11A 35, GHI 15A 30, HA J6 30, HEREIN 1H 30
HIREAGE I1 66 LongJump22
HA J6 30 Chelsea

On 12th draw, OKA H1 44 --- OKA a Turkish unit of weight [n]
Other tops: AKE H1 44, OKE H1 44, UKE H1 44
Other moves: KEHUA 1G 36, KHOR 1H 33, KOHA 1G 33, KUEH 1F 33, OKEH 1F 33
OKA H1 44 Chelsea
OKE H1 44 OOOOOO1112

On 13th draw, TEMPLAR C9 24 --- TEMPLAR a lawyer or student of law in London [n]
Other moves: LARUM G3 23, LAM 11C 22, PETARA C9 22, RAM 11C 22, TAM 11C 22

On 14th draw, TELOI D8 26 --- TELOS an ultimate end [n]
Other tops: TELIA D8 26
Other moves: ORE J1 23, ORT J1 23, RAMIE 11A 23, REMIT 11A 23, RIMAE 11A 23

On 15th draw, AWA E10 33 --- AWA away [adj] --- AWA away [adv]
Other tops: AWE E10 33
Other moves: PEA J2 31, PET J2 31, ACE E10 29, ACT E10 29, APE E10 29
PET J2 31 LongJump22

On 16th draw, FAX I11 44 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: EX 13L 41, AX I12 36, EX I12 36, AXE L2 35, FE J2 34

On 17th draw, OUTFIRE E2 72 --- OUTFIRE to surpass in firing [v]
Other moves: OFT J1 41, FER J2 37, FET J2 37, OF J1 37, FE J2 34

On 18th draw, QUBIT 4A 52 --- QUBIT in computing, a quantum bit [n]
Other moves: JIB G3 38, QUBIT 6B 38, JUT G3 36, BIJOU 2B 32, JUBA 14L 26

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