Game on September 10, 2024 at 14:08, 10 players
1. 237 pts LongJump22
2. 222 pts moonmonkey
3. 222 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 74 74
2. G9 30 104
3. 12G 72 176
4. M7 40 216
5. 8K 45 261
6. F10 55 316
7. E9 41 357
8. 13A 26 383
9. A9 39 422
10. B4 78 500
11. A1 25 525
12. I3 78 603
13. 4F 72 675
14. 14F 33 708
15. O12 48 756
16. J2 20 776
17. D12 26 802
18. 11J 38 840
19. 3C 21 861
20. K4 32 893
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5825 LongJump22 2 4:56 -656 237 1.7103 ArcticFox 1 2:48 -781 112
2. - moonmonkey 2 7:33 -671 222 2.7650 sicilianc5 2 1:09 -835 58
3. - Mycophot 2 7:37 -671 222 3.7407 queen66 2 2:13 -835 58
4.7103 ArcticFox 1 2:48 -781 112 4.7449 VVVVVV1112 0 0:27 -864 29
5.7650 sicilianc5 2 1:09 -835 58 5.7578 HollyIvy 1 0:54 -867 26
6.7407 queen66 2 2:13 -835 58 Group: novice
7.5645 MMMMMM1112 1 1:16 -838 55 1.5825 LongJump22 2 4:56 -656 237
8.7449 VVVVVV1112 0 0:27 -864 29 2.5645 MMMMMM1112 1 1:16 -838 55
9.7578 HollyIvy 1 0:54 -867 26 3.5646 NNNNNN1112 0 0:52 -867 26
10.5646 NNNNNN1112 0 0:52 -867 26 Group: not rated
1. - moonmonkey 2 7:33 -671 222
2. - Mycophot 2 7:37 -671 222
On 1st draw, AEROBUS H8 74 --- AEROBUS a small passenger airplane [n]
Other moves: AEROBUS H2 70, AEROBUS H3 70, AEROBUS H4 70, AEROBUS H6 70, AEROBUS H7 70
AEROBUS H8 74 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, FADO G9 30 --- FADO a Portuguese folk song [n]
Other moves: VIFDA G6 27, DEFI I9 26, FAVORED 10D 26, VIDEO I7 26, FAD G9 25
On 3rd draw, OBESI(T)IES 12G 72 --- OBESITY the state or condition of being obese [n]
Other moves: ASEI(T)IES 8H 71, SEI(T)IES I4 69, SEI(T)IES I3 68, (D)ISSEISE 14B 68, (D)ISSEISE 14E 61
SEI(T)IES I4 69 LongJump22
On 4th draw, WAYLAI(D) M7 40 --- WAYLAY to ambush [v]
Other moves: L(O)GWAYS O6 39, WYLE(S) I9 38, WYLE I9 37, ALWAYS O7 36, ALWAY(S) I5 36
L(O)GWAYS O6 39 LongJump22
On 5th draw, PHAGE 8K 45 --- PHAGE an organism that destroys bacteria [n]
Other tops: HOMAGE 8J 45, OHMAGE 8J 45
Other moves: POMADE 8J 42, HAEM 8L 39, HAME 8L 39, EPHOD L4 36, EPHODS O7 36
On 6th draw, JA F10 55 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: MASJID O10 48, ADJIGOS 14B 40, JAM I7 36, SIJO O12 33, SOJA O12 33
JA F10 55 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 7th draw, KADE E9 41 --- KADE a wingless fly that attacks sheep [n]
Other moves: GOATEED N8 34, LADE E9 33, LEAD E8 33, LOAD E8 33, TASKED O10 33
DOEK E11 30 Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 8th draw, INCASE 13A 26 --- INCASE to put in a case [v]
Other moves: ACAIS 13A 24, ACNES 13A 24, CAINS 13A 24, CANES 13A 24, CASEIN O10 24
CINES 13A 24 moonmonkey
CAINS 13A 24 Mycophot
On 9th draw, OUTGIVE A9 39 --- OUTGIVE to give more than [v]
Other moves: YOUNG B10 34, EGOITY A10 33, OGIVE A11 33, TIVY A12 33, VITE A12 33
OUTGIVE A9 39 Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 10th draw, POMFRET B4 78 --- POMFRET a marine fish [n]
Other tops: POMFRET I3 78
Other moves: POMFRET I2 68, FARM D12 34, TROMPE B6 34, PROEM B6 33, FOSTER 14F 32
FARM D12 34 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 11th draw, TRIOL A1 25 --- TRIOL a type of chemical compound [n]
Other tops: LIROT A1 25
Other moves: TIRO A1 20, TRIO A1 20, LIRI C3 18, TIRO C3 18, TORI C3 18
TIRO A1 20 Mycophot
TRIO A1 20 moonmonkey
On 12th draw, BANGLED I3 78 --- BANGLED wearing bangles [adj]
Other moves: BANGLED I2 66, GLEBA C2 30, BESANG O10 27, BALD D12 26, BAND D12 26
BAND D12 26 NNNNNN1112
BAD D12 20 moonmonkey
BAG D12 20 Mycophot
On 13th draw, ATRAMENT 4F 72 --- ATRAMENT black fluid [n]
Other moves: REAM H1 38, TEAM H1 38, TRAM H1 38, MEAN H1 28, MEAT H1 28
On 14th draw, HISTED 14F 33 --- HIST to hoist [v]
Other moves: HAED D12 30, HAND D12 30, HEAD 11K 30, HEID 5K 30, HISTED O10 30
HEST 14F 28 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, SIZY O12 48 --- SIZY thick and adhesive [adj]
Other moves: ZINGY 6F 46, ZING 6F 34, NAZI D12 32, OYEZ K2 32, QIS J10 32
ZINGY 6F 46 ArcticFox
On 16th draw, VIM J2 20 --- VIM energy [n]
Other moves: IVORY 15K 18, LOVING 6D 18, ROVING 6D 18, VINO 5D 18, ANVIL F4 16
On 17th draw, WANE D12 26 --- WANE to decrease in size or extent [v]
Other moves: NEW C3 23, WOE C5 23, RENOWN 2A 22, WAE D12 22, WAN D12 22
WANE D12 26 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, queen66
On 18th draw, OX 11J 38 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: XU 5K 38
Other moves: OXO 5E 31, LOX 5D 29, LUX 5D 29, NOX 5D 29, LANX F3 27
OX 11J 38 ArcticFox
LUX 5D 29 VVVVVV1112
On 19th draw, CURLI 3C 21 --- CURLI Curled hairlike processes on the E. coli bacteria. No -S [n]
Other tops: OCULI 3C 21
Other moves: GUILE N8 19, LOCULI 5A 18, COG N6 17, CORGI 6F 16, LOIR 5K 16
On 20th draw, EQUIP K4 32 --- EQUIP to provide with whatever is needed [v]
Other moves: QUINO D2 28, QUOIN D2 28, QUIN D2 26, QUIT M1 26, QUINE O4 24
EQUIP K4 32 sicilianc5, queen66
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