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Game on September 11, 2024 at 18:17, 10 players
1. 198 pts LongJump22
2. 156 pts Inkey
3. 42 pts MMMMMM1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeoopr   H7    22    22   rooped
 2. binorty   G4    30    52   briony
 3. egilnor   4C    74   126   ignobler
 4. ?ilootv  12A    80   206   volutoid
 5. ceilmnt   C3    78   284   limnetic
 6. ?aemnty   3H    89   373   amenity
 7. abcjnos   8A    39   412   jotas
 8. eikltuw   I7    41   453   ewk
 9. adeeruw   5F    37   490   drawee
10. dhiirst   N1    42   532   dryish
11. aefgstt  A10    36   568   favest
12. egilnpr  14A    80   648   springle
13. adenqsu   L1    59   707   qaids
14. aagnrtu   1H    42   749   tranq
15. efhiitv  15H    51   800   thief
16. bcegiux   O6    44   844   ibex
17. aaegioz   N9    41   885   azo
18. aaceiuv   J9    22   907   ecu
19. aagiuuv  K11    20   927   guv

Remaining tiles: aaiuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5360 FileLongJump22  3  3:50  -729  198     1.7946 Inkey       2  2:34  -771  156 
  2.7946 FileInkey       2  2:34  -771  156     2.7615 Mycophot    1  0:20  -886   41 
  3.5671 FileMMMMMM1112  1  0:56  -885   42     3.7407 queen66     1  0:37  -886   41 
  4.5672 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:19  -885   42     4.7650 sicilianc5  0  1:36  -891   36 
  5.5694 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:42  -885   42     5.7434 moonmonkey  0  1:53  -891   36 
  6.7615 FileMycophot    1  0:20  -886   41            Group: novice
  7.7407 Filequeen66     1  0:37  -886   41     1.5360 LongJump22  3  3:50  -729  198 
  8.5662 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:16  -891   36     2.5671 MMMMMM1112  1  0:56  -885   42 
  9.7650 Filesicilianc5  0  1:36  -891   36     3.5672 NNNNNN1112  1  1:19  -885   42 
 10.7434 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:53  -891   36     4.5694 OOOOOO1112  1  1:42  -885   42 
                                             5.5662 LLLLLL1112  1  1:16  -891   36 

On 1st draw, ROOPED H7 22 --- ROOP to make a hoarse sound [v]
Other tops: DROOP H8 22, PADRE H4 22, PARED H4 22, PEDRO H4 22, POOED H4 22, PORED H4 22
Other moves: DOPER H4 20, DRAPE H4 20, DROOP H4 20, OOPED H8 20, PARED H8 20

On 2nd draw, BRIONY G4 30 --- BRIONY a climbing plant [n]
Other tops: TOBY G6 30
Other moves: YOB G9 29, YONI G9 29, YONI I9 29, BONY G6 28, NITRY 6F 28

On 3rd draw, IGNOBLER 4C 74 --- IGNOBLE of low character [adj]
Other moves: ELOIGNER 11B 68, ELOIGNER 11H 68, LOGIE H1 28, LORINER 5E 28, NEROLI I9 24

On 4th draw, VOL(U)TOID 12A 80 --- VOLUTOID like a volute [adj]
Other moves: VOLITIO(N) 6D 74, VOLITIO(N) C1 72, OVE(R)TOIL 11F 70, OV(E)RTOIL J1 70, VIT(R)IOL 6F 29

On 5th draw, LIMNETIC C3 78 --- LIMNETIC pertaining to the open water of a lake or pond [adj]
Other moves: MELIC 3I 33, METIC 3I 33, EVICT A11 30, MEINT 3I 29, VICE A12 27

On 6th draw, AMEN(I)TY 3H 89 --- AMENITY the quality of being pleasant or agreeable [n]
Other moves: (P)AYMENT 3I 75, (W)AYMENT 3I 75, PAYMENT(S) 10H 74, TYRAM(I)NE J2 70, (B)AYMEN I6 41

On 7th draw, JOTAS 8A 39 --- JOTA a Spanish dance [n]
Other tops: JATOS 8A 39
Other moves: JO(I)NS L1 38, SJOE 11E 37, JATO 8A 36, JOTA 8A 36, JOTS 8A 36

On 8th draw, EWK I7 41 --- EWK to itch [v]
Other moves: LEKU 2L 37, LIKE 2L 37, LUKE 2L 37, TIKE 2L 37, TOUK F3 36
EWK I7 41 LongJump22

On 9th draw, DRAWEE 5F 37 --- DRAWEE the person on whom a bill of exchange is drawn [n]
Other tops: DRAWER 5F 37
Other moves: DEAW 4L 35, REWARD 5G 34, WEYARD N1 34, WARED 13B 33, REDRAW 5G 32
DEAW 4L 35 LongJump22

On 10th draw, DRYISH N1 42 --- DRYISH somewhat dry [adj]
Other tops: SH*T 2I 42
Other moves: SH 2I 37, HITS 2J 35, HID 2J 34, HIS 2J 32, HIT 2J 32
SH*T 2I 42 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 11th draw, FAVEST A10 36 --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other tops: FADE 1L 36, FADS 1L 36, FEDS 1L 36
Other moves: FAG 2J 34, FEG 2J 34, TEFS J8 33, FAS 2J 32, FAT 2J 32

On 12th draw, SPRINGLE 14A 80 --- SPRINGLE a snare [n]
Other moves: SPERLING 14A 76, PINGLED 1H 36, PILER 2J 30, LEP J8 29, NEP J8 29
SPRINGLE 14A 80 LongJump22

On 13th draw, QA(I)DS L1 59 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other tops: QU(I)DS L1 59
Other moves: QU(I)NS L1 57, SQUAD 15H 57, QUADS 1K 48, QA(I)D L1 46, QU(I)D L1 46

On 14th draw, TRANQ 1H 42 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: TAGUAN 15H 30, TAGUAN O5 28, ARGAN 15H 27, NATURA 15H 27, TANGA 15H 27
ARGAN 15G 26 Inkey

On 15th draw, THIEF 15H 51 --- THIEF one that steals [n]
Other moves: THIEF O4 49, FIVE 15H 45, HEFT 15H 45, HIVE 15H 45, FEH 15H 42
HIVE 15H 45 Inkey

On 16th draw, IBEX O6 44 --- IBEX a wild goat [n]
Other moves: XEBEC 11G 41, EX J9 36, IBEX 14L 31, XI 11D 30, XU 11D 30
IBEX O6 44 Inkey
EX J9 36 sicilianc5, moonmonkey

On 17th draw, AZO N9 41 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: AGAZE M6 33, ZOO F10 32, AGAZE K11 30, ZOAEAE K10 30, ZAX 9M 29
AZO N9 41 Inkey, Mycophot, queen66

On 18th draw, ECU J9 22 --- ECU an old French coin [n]
Other moves: AECIA 14K 21, CAVIE K11 20, CUVEE K11 20, CAUF L12 18, CUIF L12 18

On 19th draw, GUV K11 20 --- GUV a governor [n]
Other moves: AIGA 14K 17, GUV M11 17, AVA M6 16, EREV J3 15, GUV M6 15

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