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Game on September 16, 2024 at 10:15, 7 players
1. 246 pts Chelsea
2. 191 pts LongJump22
3. 103 pts OOOOOO1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ilnnor   H8    64    64   onliner
 2. aegipuv  12D    24    88   paving
 3. dehikmo  13A    33   121   hiked
 4. aeegsst  14H    72   193   restages
 5. ?beeott  10B    61   254   rebottle
 6. ddelouv   J6    36   290   voled
 7. acegmty  O10    45   335   mayest
 8. cehooru  A11    39   374   ocher
 9. deistuw  15D    65   439   widest
10. aeimnuz   M9    42   481   mazing
11. afhinsu   8L    61   542   hauf
12. abfirru  11K    30   572   fiz
13. bdegirs   G2    66   638   begirds
14. aelooqy   9C    28   666   yale
15. aeijort   8A    48   714   jeat
16. anprrux   H1    49   763   pax
17. innooru   1H    83   846   prounion
18. aciloru   F1    31   877   coral
19. ioqruuw   B4    34   911   roque

Remaining tiles: inuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7370 FileChelsea     2  5:31  -665  246     1.7370 Chelsea     2  5:31  -665  246 
  2.5541 FileLongJump22  3  3:01  -720  191            Group: novice
  3.5406 FileOOOOOO1112  1  4:26  -808  103     1.5541 LongJump22  3  3:01  -720  191 
  4.  -  FileFFFFFF1144  1  1:57  -850   61     2.5406 OOOOOO1112  1  4:26  -808  103 
  5.5346 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:31  -881   30     3.5346 NNNNNN1112  1  1:31  -881   30 
  6.5382 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:50  -881   30     4.5382 MMMMMM1112  1  1:50  -881   30 
  7.5468 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:03  -884   27     5.5468 LLLLLL1112  0  1:03  -884   27 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  FFFFFF1144  1  1:57  -850   61 

On 1st draw, ONLIN(E)R H8 64 --- ONLINER a user of the internet [n]
Other tops: LIN(U)RON H2 64, LIN(U)RON H3 64, LIN(U)RON H4 64, LIN(U)RON H6 64, LIN(U)RON H7 64, LIN(U)RON H8 64, ONLIN(E)R H2 64, ONLIN(E)R H3 64, ONLIN(E)R H4 64, ONLIN(E)R H6 64
Other moves: LIN(U)RON H5 62, ONLIN(E)R H5 62, ONLIN(E)R H7 62, IN(B)ORN H3 12, IN(B)ORN H4 12

On 2nd draw, PAVING 12D 24 --- PAVING a pavement [n]
Other tops: PAREV 14F 24
Other moves: GAPE G11 23, GAP G11 20, GIP G11 20, GUP G11 20, PAVEN 12D 20

On 3rd draw, HIKED 13A 33 --- HIKE to walk a long distance [v]
Other tops: HOKED 13A 33
Other moves: MIKED 13A 31, OKEH 13B 31, HOMED 13A 29, DOH 11C 28, HAKIM E11 28

On 4th draw, RESTAGES 14H 72 --- RESTAGE to put on the same play again [v]
Other moves: GATELESS 10D 63, EGESTS 15C 48, ETAGES 15C 45, GASES 15D 45, GASTS 15D 45

On 5th draw, (R)EBOTTLE 10B 61 --- BOTTLE to put into a bottle (a rigid container) [v] --- REBOTTLE to bottle again [v]
Other tops: TOTE(A)BLE 10B 61
Other moves: BEET(R)OOT 8B 60, BEET(R)OOT 8C 60, BE(G)OTTEN 9A 60, BEET(S) 15D 45, BETE(S) 15D 45
BE(S)T 15F 35 Chelsea

On 6th draw, VOLED J6 36 --- VOLE to win all the tricks in a card game [v]
Other moves: DOVED J6 33, LUDO 15L 33, DHOL A12 30, DOLED J6 30, LOVED J6 30
LOVED J6 30 Chelsea

On 7th draw, MAYEST O10 45 --- MAY to gather flowers in the spring [v]
Other tops: CHAY A12 45, GAMESY O10 45
Other moves: CHAM A12 42, GAYEST O10 42, LEGACY 8J 42, CHAT A12 36, CYST O12 36
CHAY A12 45 Chelsea

On 8th draw, OCHER A11 39 --- OCHER a reddish pigment [n] --- OCHER to color with ocher (a red or yellow iron ore used as a pigment) [v]
Other tops: OCHRE A11 39
Other moves: ROUCHE N6 38, CHER A12 36, CHOU A12 36, LOUCHE 8J 36, RUCHE N7 35
OUCH N7 32 Chelsea

On 9th draw, WIDEST 15D 65 --- WIDE having great extent from side to side [adj]
Other moves: WEIDS 15D 60, WIDES 15D 60, WITES 15D 57, STIED 15H 56, DEWS 15E 45
WIDEST 15D 65 Chelsea

On 10th draw, MAZING M9 42 --- MAZE to bewilder [v]
Other tops: MAZE 9C 42
Other moves: ZA 13L 39, MAZEY 12K 38, NIZAM L11 38, MAZY 12L 36, NIZAM N6 36
ZA 13L 39 Chelsea

On 11th draw, HAUF 8L 61 --- HAUF (Scots) half [n]
Other tops: FAHS 8L 61, FASH 8L 61
Other moves: FAIN 8L 52, FANS 8L 52, FAUN 8L 52, HAIN 8L 52, NAIF 8L 43

On 12th draw, FIZ 11K 30 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other moves: FAB 9C 29, BIZ 11K 28, INFER 9G 25, RIZ 11K 24, RUBAI 9A 24
FIZ 11K 30 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, NNNNNN1112, MMMMMM1112

On 13th draw, BEGIRDS G2 66 --- BEGIRD to surround [v]
Other moves: BRIDGES G2 65, BESIGH L3 24, DIB L10 23, BID L10 22, BIG L10 22
BEGIRDS G2 66 LongJump22

On 14th draw, YALE 9C 28 --- YALE a mythical animal [n]
Other moves: AYE H1 27, LYE H1 27, OYE H1 27, ELOGY 4D 26, HELIO L8 26
LYE H1 27 LLLLLL1112
OYE H1 27 OOOOOO1112

On 15th draw, JEAT 8A 48 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: JATO H1 46, JIAO H1 46, RAJ 8B 44, TAJ 8B 44, JO I7 38
JIAO H1 46 LongJump22

On 16th draw, PAX H1 49 --- PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n]
Other moves: PIX L10 46, RAX H1 43, NIX L10 40, AX 15K 36, NIXY 12L 32
PAX H1 49 LongJump22

On 17th draw, PROUNION 1H 83 --- PROUNION favouring labour unions [adj]
Other moves: IRON I1 25, ONO I1 24, NOR F1 22, OOR F1 22, NOIR I2 21

On 18th draw, CORAL F1 31 --- CORAL a rocklike substance on the sea bottom [n]
Other moves: AURICLE B2 30, LORICAE B2 30, COLA F1 28, ORAL F2 28, ILIAC L11 26

On 19th draw, ROQUE B4 34 --- ROQUE a form of croquet [n]
Other moves: QUAG 4D 28, QUOIF O4 27, OW 2M 22, WO 2N 22, WO I7 22

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