Game on September 16, 2024 at 21:05, 9 players
1. 347 pts LongJump22
2. 226 pts Javelin22
3. 226 pts ShotPut22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. 5D 82 110
3. D1 82 192
4. 8A 36 228
5. G7 68 296
6. 1C 36 332
7. L1 29 361
8. 13C 66 427
9. 14J 61 488
10. H11 79 567
11. 12G 37 604
12. A7 65 669
13. 15L 43 712
14. 1L 54 766
15. 2I 50 816
16. D11 42 858
17. E9 30 888
18. 11J 32 920
19. 3L 28 948
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.5541 LongJump22 2 4:26 -601 347 1.6521 Javelin22 0 4:49 -722 226
2.6521 Javelin22 0 4:49 -722 226 2.6596 ShotPut22 0 5:49 -722 226
3.6596 ShotPut22 0 5:49 -722 226 3.6425 Discus22 0 6:40 -722 226
4.6425 Discus22 0 6:40 -722 226 4.6494 Hammer22 0 4:17 -774 174
5.6494 Hammer22 0 4:17 -774 174 Group: novice
6.5468 LLLLLL1112 1 7:23 -792 156 1.5541 LongJump22 2 4:26 -601 347
7.5382 MMMMMM1112 1 8:20 -792 156 2.5468 LLLLLL1112 1 7:23 -792 156
8.5406 OOOOOO1112 1 7:09 -810 138 3.5382 MMMMMM1112 1 8:20 -792 156
9.5346 NNNNNN1112 1 7:58 -810 138 4.5406 OOOOOO1112 1 7:09 -810 138
5.5346 NNNNNN1112 1 7:58 -810 138
On 1st draw, FLUBS H4 28 --- FLUB to bungle [v]
Other moves: UNSELF H7 26, FLUES H4 24, FUELS H4 24, FUSEL H4 24, FLUBS H8 22
FLUBS H4 28 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
On 2nd draw, REGALI(S)T 5D 82 --- REGALIST one who advocates regalism [n]
Other tops: REGALIT(Y) 5D 82, TA(N)GLIER 5D 82, T(H)IRLAGE 5D 82
Other moves: STA(G)GIER 8H 80, STRIGA(T)E 8H 80, S(T)RIGATE 8H 80, (F)RIGATES 8A 80, (V)IRGATES 8A 80
REGALIT(Y) 5D 82 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, INTERLAY D1 82 --- INTERLAY to place between [v]
Other moves: BINATELY 7H 65, LAITY I3 31, INERTLY D2 28, TEARILY D2 28, INLAY 4A 27
INLAY 4A 27 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, NNNNNN1112
On 4th draw, COWY 8A 36 --- COWY suggestive of a cow [adj]
Other moves: C(O)WY 8A 33, CLOW(S) L1 32, COWL(S) L1 32, OWLY 8A 30, WILY 8A 30
WILY 8A 30 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, NNNNNN1112, MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112
On 5th draw, OUTGOES G7 68 --- OUTGO to go beyond [v]
Other moves: OUTGOES G8 62, OUTGOES I8 62, GOUTS L1 25, OOSE 9B 25, GOOIEST 1A 24
OUTGOES I8 62 LongJump22
On 6th draw, NICKER 1C 36 --- NICKER to neigh [v]
Other moves: ICKER 1D 33, CREEK 12D 32, KEEN C1 30, CRONK B6 27, INKER 1D 27
ROCK B7 20 LongJump22
On 7th draw, MANAS L1 29 --- MANA a supernatural force in certain Pacific island religions [n]
Other tops: MALAS L1 29, MANUS L1 29, MAULS L1 29
Other moves: MASULA L3 27, SAMAN B1 27, ALMAS L1 25, ALUMS L1 25, AMLAS L1 25
LOAM B7 12 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, NNNNNN1112
On 8th draw, DOLESO(M)E 13C 66 --- DOLESOME doleful [adj]
Other moves: (F)EELGOOD 10C 65, DOLE(S)O(M)E J1 61, LOCO(W)EED A6 61, LOO(S)E(N)ED J2 61, LOOSE(N)ED 13D 58
MODE 1L 21 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112
On 9th draw, FEIJOA 14J 61 --- FEIJOA a green edible fruit [n]
Other moves: JOEY 12A 57, JEFE 12D 53, JIAO 12A 45, FEIJOA 12J 39, FEIJOA 2G 39
JOEY 12A 57 LongJump22, Javelin22, ShotPut22, Discus22
On 10th draw, EXONS H11 79 --- EXON within a nucleic acid, a sequence which codes for protein synthesis [n]
Other moves: SEXTAN O10 63, EX 15N 56, NIX 14D 55, SIX 14D 55, NIXERS 15E 45
NIX 14D 55 Javelin22, ShotPut22
SIX 14D 55 Discus22
ME 1L 4 LongJump22
On 11th draw, EXERTED 12G 37 --- EXERT to put into action [v]
Other moves: BETREAD O9 33, BREDE 12A 33, BEAD O12 30, BEADER 2J 30, BEANED 2J 30
BE 15N 22 Javelin22, ShotPut22, Discus22
ME 1L 4 LongJump22
On 12th draw, ECHINOID A7 65 --- ECHINOID a spiny marine animal [n]
Other moves: DOEN 15L 43, DONE 15L 43, NODE 15L 39, NODI 15L 39, HEAD O12 36
OH 15N 32 ShotPut22, Javelin22, Hammer22
EH 15N 32 Discus22
On 13th draw, NABE 15L 43 --- NABE a neighbourhood movie theatre [n]
Other moves: ARB 15M 38, ANTBEAR O9 36, NARE 15L 35, TANE 15L 35, TARE 15L 35
ANTBEAR O9 36 Javelin22, ShotPut22, Discus22, Hammer22
On 14th draw, MAZY 1L 54 --- MAZY full of confusing turns and passages [adj]
Other moves: ZA 12D 46, ZILA 6B 35, RITZY 3B 34, IZAR 10A 33, IZAR(S) J1 33
ZA 12D 46 Hammer22
ZA K2 24 Discus22, Javelin22, ShotPut22
On 15th draw, PARAMO 2I 50 --- PARAMO a plateau region of South America [n]
Other moves: MONICKER 1A 48, VARA 2K 38, AMA 2L 36, MARA 2K 36, PARA 2K 36
AMA 2L 36 Hammer22
On 16th draw, QUOTH D11 42 --- QUETHE to say [v] --- QUOTH said -- QUOTH is the only accepted form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other moves: (S)QUIRT J5 36, (S)QUID J5 34, (S)QUIT J5 33, QUOIT D11 30, QUILT E10 28
QUID M9 24 Hammer22
On 17th draw, DUI E9 30 --- DUO an instrumental duet [n]
Other moves: DI E10 28, GI E10 28, NIL 3L 28, AI E10 26, LI E10 26
On 18th draw, TAPIR 11J 32 --- TAPIR a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: TIPI 11J 30, TAP 11J 25, TIP 11J 25, ATRIP 3C 20, PROA B6 19
On 19th draw, NIL 3L 28 --- NIL nothing [n]
Other moves: VILLI 6B 25, VILL 6B 17, WILL 6B 17, WIVER 4A 17, VIGIL F3 16
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