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Game on September 17, 2024 at 20:36, 5 players
1. 390 pts LongJump22
2. 33 pts LLLLLL1112
3. 33 pts MMMMMM1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeelnu   H2    74    74   nebulae
 2. fginory   7E    70   144   foraying
 3. dehmstu   J4    72   216   humidest
 4. ?eimrst   K5   108   324   minister
 5. ?abeqxy   8A    80   404   braxy
 6. adfinrt   E3    32   436   draffy
 7. aeiknuv   D1    33   469   kuia
 8. acdilno   C6    80   549   diaconal
 9. aadeqrs   1A    33   582   drakes
10. ainoprs  13G    86   668   parison
11. aeerttv   2G    76   744   antevert
12. egilopv  H10    42   786   lovage
13. cegnotw  B10    31   817   woe
14. eilpqtz  A12    91   908   zite
15. eghiotw   B1    29   937   righto
16. acilnpw   1L    46   983   wain
17. ceejlno  D10    41  1024   eel
18. inoopqu   M9    24  1048   quoin

Remaining tiles: cjnop

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5609 FileLongJump22  3  5:40  -658  390     1.5609 LongJump22  3  5:40  -658  390 
  2.5473 FileLLLLLL1112  0  0:38 -1015   33     2.5473 LLLLLL1112  0  0:38 -1015   33 
  3.5401 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:01 -1015   33     3.5401 MMMMMM1112  0  1:01 -1015   33 
  4.5357 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:24 -1015   33     4.5357 NNNNNN1112  0  1:24 -1015   33 
  5.5526 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:47 -1015   33     5.5526 OOOOOO1112  0  1:47 -1015   33 

On 1st draw, NEBULAE H2 74 --- NEBULA a cloud-like interstellar mass [n]
Other moves: NEBULAE H3 70, NEBULAE H4 70, NEBULAE H6 70, NEBULAE H7 70, NEBULAE H8 70
NEBULAE H2 74 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, FORAYING 7E 70 --- FORAY to raid [v]
Other moves: FRYING G7 32, FOY G3 31, FIGO I3 30, FRINGY G7 29, FINO I3 28
FORAYING 7E 70 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, HUMIDEST J4 72 --- HUMID having much humidity [adj]
Other moves: MUSHED 8A 56, TUSHED 8A 50, HELMS 6F 46, SHUTED 8A 41, HELM 6F 39
HUMIDEST J4 72 LongJump22

On 4th draw, MIN(I)STER K5 108 --- MINISTER to give aid or service [v]
Other tops: M(I)NISTER K5 108
Other moves: METRIST(S) 11D 86, METRIT(I)S 11E 86, METRI(S)TS 11D 86, METR(I)TIS 11E 86, TERMIT(E)S 11E 86
T(H)ERMITS 11D 86 LongJump22

On 5th draw, B(R)AXY 8A 80 --- BRAXY a bacterial disease of sheep [n]
Other moves: BA(R)YE 8A 44, EX(O) I2 43, (P)YX I1 42, Q(U)EY 6C 41, YE(R)BA 8A 41
BOXY F6 22 LongJump22

On 6th draw, DRAFFY E3 32 --- DRAFFY worthless [adj]
Other moves: DAFFY E4 30, AFRAID C8 28, FAINTED 3C 28, NIFFY E4 28, TAFFY E4 28
FA I3 26 LongJump22

On 7th draw, KUIA D1 33 --- KUIA an elderly Maori woman [n]
Other tops: KAIE D1 33
Other moves: AKE D4 29, NEUK D2 29, UKE D4 29, VIAE D1 29, AUK 7A 28
KEN 3G 13 LongJump22

On 8th draw, DIACONAL C6 80 --- DIACONAL pertaining to a deacon [adj]
Other moves: I(R)ONCLAD B7 74, ACNODAL C3 39, NODICAL C3 39, CALKIN 1A 36, DACK 1A 33
D*CK 1A 33 NNNNNN1112
XI D8 9 LongJump22

On 9th draw, DRAKES 1A 33 --- DRAKE a male duck [n]
Other moves: QASIDA 3A 32, DARKS 1A 30, DRAKE 1A 30, DREKS 1A 30, QAIDS 3B 30
RAD 12B 8 LongJump22

On 10th draw, PARISON 13G 86 --- PARISON a lump of pre-moulded glass [n]
Other moves: PORINAS 13E 71, PINAS B10 42, NAPRONS 2H 30, NIPAS B10 30, PORINA D10 30
PAN 12B 10 LongJump22

On 11th draw, ANTEVERT 2G 76 --- ANTEVERT to displace by tipping forward [v]
Other moves: NAVETTE 2H 36, VARA H12 33, VARE H12 33, REAVE H11 27, TRAVE H11 27

On 12th draw, LOVAGE H10 42 --- LOVAGE a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: PAVE H12 36, VAGI H12 36, VAIL H12 33, VALE H12 33, VALI H12 33

On 13th draw, WOE B10 31 --- WOE tremendous grief [n]
Other tops: WEN B10 31, WET B10 31, WON B10 31, WOT B10 31
Other moves: ANCE C1 29, WE B10 28, WO B10 28, WONT D12 28, W*G D10 27

On 14th draw, ZITE A12 91 --- ZITE a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other moves: PIZE A12 62, ZEAL 12A 46, ZEP A12 46, ZIP A12 46, ZEL A12 44

On 15th draw, RIGHTO B1 29 --- RIGHTO used to express cheerful consent [interj]
Other moves: HE C3 27, HO C3 27, HOWE 14L 27, THO I2 27, WIDGIE 3C 27

On 16th draw, WAIN 1L 46 --- WAIN a large, open wagon [n] --- WAIN to convey [v]
Other tops: LAIC D12 46, WAIL 1L 46
Other moves: LAWN D12 44, LIPA D12 42, LAW D12 40, LAC D12 38, LAIN D12 38

On 17th draw, EEL D10 41 --- EEL a snakelike fish [n]
Other moves: LONE D12 38, EL D11 33, LO D12 32, JOG 14F 31, CELEB A4 28

On 18th draw, QUOIN M9 24 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other tops: QUINE 15D 24
Other moves: OUP A4 20, APO G2 19, EQUIP 15H 19, PI I9 19, PIQUE 15D 19

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