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Game on September 18, 2024 at 09:24, 7 players
1. 303 pts Chelsea
2. 267 pts LongJump22
3. 65 pts MMMMMM1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deinnor   H2    70    70   endiron
 2. acglnot   2A    80   150   octangle
 3. egiinpt   A1    30   180   poting
 4. aadefnt   5E    44   224   defiant
 5. aelorst   E5    68   292   delators
 6. ?afgisv   8A    39   331   guavas
 7. aeehiot  F10    32   363   hete
 8. diinosu   J1    63   426   disunion
 9. aeeilrs   A8    80   506   gaselier
10. ?eiorrw   K5    79   585   towerier
11. aacekow  J10    36   621   kea
12. abcemyz  L12    54   675   mazy
13. deilotv   C4    64   739   violated
14. aeopruw  15F    45   784   ropeway
15. ceimouu   8J    33   817   neumic
16. abhoquu   3J    32   849   squab
17. befhijo   2M    41   890   job
18. efhiuxy   F4    54   944   yex

Remaining tiles: efhiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7381 FileChelsea     1  6:03  -641  303     1.7381 Chelsea     1  6:03  -641  303 
  2.5620 FileLongJump22  3  4:24  -677  267            Group: novice
  3.5401 FileMMMMMM1112  1  2:11  -879   65     1.5620 LongJump22  3  4:24  -677  267 
  4.5526 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:13  -884   60     2.5401 MMMMMM1112  1  2:11  -879   65 
  5.  -  FileFFFFFF1144  1  1:58  -900   44     3.5526 OOOOOO1112  1  1:13  -884   60 
  6.5357 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:34  -908   36     4.5357 NNNNNN1112  1  1:34  -908   36 
  7.5473 FileLLLLLL1112  0  0:58  -916   28     5.5473 LLLLLL1112  0  0:58  -916   28 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  FFFFFF1144  1  1:58  -900   44 

On 1st draw, ENDIRON H2 70 --- ENDIRON a metal support for logs in a fireplace [n]
Other moves: ENDIRON H3 68, ENDIRON H4 68, ENDIRON H6 68, ENDIRON H7 68, ENDIRON H8 68

On 2nd draw, OCTANGLE 2A 80 --- OCTANGLE an octagon [n]
Other moves: LOCATING 5C 72, COTINGA 5E 40, ANTILOG 5E 32, COGNATE 2B 24, CANTDOG 4D 22

On 3rd draw, POTING A1 30 --- POTE to poke [v]
Other tops: TOPING A1 30
Other moves: POINTE A1 27, POITIN A1 27, PONG A1 27, PONTIE A1 27, POINT A1 24

On 4th draw, DEFIANT 5E 44 --- DEFIANT showing defiance [adj]
Other moves: DEFAT I5 30, FANTAD D1 28, FANTAD I7 26, FATED D1 26, ANDANTE 3G 25
DEFIANT 5E 44 LongJump22, FFFFFF1144

On 5th draw, DELATORS E5 68 --- DELATOR one that delates [n]
Other tops: OESTRAL 9F 68, OLESTRA 9E 68
Other moves: OESTRAL B6 66, OLESTRA B6 66, OESTRAL G7 65, OESTRAL I7 65, OESTRAL G8 61
OESTRAL 9F 68 LongJump22

On 6th draw, G(U)AVAS 8A 39 --- GUAVA a tropical shrub [n]
Other moves: A(J)IVAS 8A 36, G(U)AVA 8A 36, A(J)IVA 8A 33, FA(N)GAS 8A 33, GIF F8 33

On 7th draw, HETE F10 32 --- HETE to command [v]
Other moves: HET F10 31, THETA 3A 31, THETE 3A 31, SOH F8 29, HE F10 28
HETE F10 32 MMMMMM1112, OOOOOO1112

On 8th draw, DISUNION J1 63 --- DISUNION the state of being disunited [n]
Other moves: IODINS 14A 28, DINOS 14B 26, NIDUS 14B 26, NODUS 14B 26, UDONS 14B 26

On 9th draw, GASELIER A8 80 --- GASELIER a gaslight chandelier [n]
Other moves: REALISE 14A 78, EARLIES K7 68, REALISE K7 68, EARLIES K8 66, AERIES 14A 26
GASELIER A8 80 LongJump22
DEALER 1J 24 Chelsea

On 10th draw, TOWERI(E)R K5 79 --- TOWERY very tall [adj]
Other moves: TOW(E)RIER K5 78, WORRIE(D) K7 75, WORRIE(R) K7 75, WORRIE(S) K7 75, WOR(D)IER K7 75
WOR(D)IER K7 75 LongJump22
DOW(N)ER 1J 39 Chelsea

On 11th draw, KEA J10 36 --- KEA a parrot [n]
Other tops: KAE J10 36, KOA J10 36
Other moves: WACK D1 34, KA J10 33, KO J10 33, CAWK D1 32, KAWA D1 32
KOA J10 36 Chelsea
KAE J10 36 NNNNNN1112

On 12th draw, MAZY L12 54 --- MAZY full of confusing turns and passages [adj]
Other moves: FEZ G5 48, ZEA 1D 48, ZYME G11 46, ZA 1D 44, MAZE L12 42
FEZ G5 48 Chelsea

On 13th draw, VIOLATED C4 64 --- VIOLATE to break or disregard the terms or requirements of [v]
Other moves: DEVOID 1J 45, NEVOID 8J 42, LEVITY 15G 36, TOZED 14J 34, LOVEY 15H 33
LOVEY 15H 33 Chelsea

On 14th draw, ROPEWAY 15F 45 --- ROPEWAY an aerial cable used to transport freight [n]
Other moves: WAE M13 38, WOE M13 38, PROW D12 36, YAWP 15L 36, WEARY 15H 33
ZAP 14L 28 Chelsea

On 15th draw, NEUMIC 8J 33 --- NEUME a sign used in musical notation [adj] --- NEUMIC relating to a neume [adj]
Other moves: ZOIC 14L 30, EMIC D12 28, MO M13 27, EMOS F5 24, MOUE 1D 23
MO M13 27 Chelsea

On 16th draw, SQUAB 3J 32 --- SQUAB a young pigeon [n] --- SQUAB clumsy [adj] --- SQUAB to upholster thickly [v]
Other moves: HA M13 31, HO M13 31, ZHO 14L 30, ZOBU 14L 30, BA M13 27
HA M13 31 Chelsea

On 17th draw, JOB 2M 41 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other moves: JOBBIE N1 38, JOE 2M 37, JO 1D 36, JO 2M 35, FOH 2M 31
JOE 2M 37 Chelsea

On 18th draw, YEX F4 54 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other tops: HEX F4 54
Other moves: EX 6E 50, EX F5 50, HYE 4L 46, YEX 4M 39, ZEX 14L 38

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