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Game on September 18, 2024 at 17:03, 5 players
1. 321 pts LongJump22
2. 42 pts MMMMMM1112
3. 42 pts NNNNNN1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eiknpt   H4    80    80   pinkest
 2. eehorwx   6D    32   112   hexone
 3. aairstt   J6    80   192   striata
 4. aeimrry   5A    46   238   rimaye
 5. ?aeeins   A1   122   360   stearine
 6. aeefgor   4D    46   406   far
 7. adddeln   B8    77   483   dandled
 8. abfginw   8J    42   525   rawing
 9. hinoost   O1    89   614   soothing
10. aceluyz   N3    37   651   zeal
11. delosuy   M2    54   705   odyl
12. eegmotu  A12    31   736   emeu
13. bioprsv   M7    38   774   vibrios
14. aenqruu  10F    32   806   qat
15. befiort  12D    82   888   fireboat
16. ggnoruw  H12    27   915   bowr
17. cejlnuu   2J    29   944   juco
18. ceginou  11J    22   966   ticing
19. eglopuu  O11    27   993   golpe

Remaining tiles: gtuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5620 FileLongJump22  2  3:47  -672  321     1.5620 LongJump22  2  3:47  -672  321 
  2.5410 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:08  -951   42     2.5410 MMMMMM1112  0  1:08  -951   42 
  3.5411 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:31  -951   42     3.5411 NNNNNN1112  0  1:31  -951   42 
  4.5634 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:55  -951   42     4.5634 OOOOOO1112  0  1:55  -951   42 
  5.5508 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:42  -952   41     5.5508 LLLLLL1112  0  1:42  -952   41 

On 1st draw, PINKE(S)T H4 80 --- PINK of a pale reddish hue [adj]
Other moves: PINKE(S)T H2 76, PINKE(S)T H3 76, PINKE(S)T H6 76, PINKE(S)T H8 76, PINKE(S)T H5 74
PINKE(S)T H4 80 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, HEXONE 6D 32 --- HEXONE a hydrocarbon solvent [n]
Other moves: WOXEN 6D 31, HEXER I9 30, HOX G3 30, WOX G3 30, EXON 6E 27

On 3rd draw, STRIATA J6 80 --- STRIATUM a mass of nervous tissue within the brain [n]
Other moves: ARISTATE 8A 77, PARTITAS 4H 72, ARIETTAS E3 66, TSARIT(S)A 9B 60, T(S)ARITSA 9G 60
ARISTATE 8A 77 LongJump22

On 4th draw, RIMAYE 5A 46 --- RIMAYE a bergschrund, a crevasse formed where a glacier or snowfield moves away from a mountain wall [n]
Other moves: RIMAYE 8J 42, AYE 5D 36, REAMIER E5 36, REREMAI E5 36, RAMIE 5E 33
RIMAYE 8J 42 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 5th draw, S(T)EARINE A1 122 --- STEARINE the solid portion of a fat [n]
Other tops: ANSERI(N)E A1 122, A(N)SERINE A1 122, NA(P)ERIES A1 122, SENARIE(S) A1 122, (C)INEREAS A1 122, (D)ENARIES A1 122, (S)ENARIES A1 122
Other moves: A(L)EPINES 4E 83, SAPIEN(C)E 4F 78, SEPA(L)INE 4F 78, ANER(G)IES A2 74, ARENI(T)ES A4 74
SENARIE(S) A1 122 LongJump22
(T)ENES 4B 41 LLLLLL1112

On 6th draw, FAR 4D 46 --- FAR at or to a great distance [adv] --- FAR to remove to a distance [v]
Other tops: FER 4D 46, FOR 4D 46
Other moves: AGORA 4A 37, FA 4D 34, FE 4D 34, EF 4C 32, OF 4C 32

On 7th draw, DANDLED B8 77 --- DANDLE to fondle [v]
Other moves: RADDED 8J 33, RADDLE 8J 30, DADDLE K10 28, LAIDED B3 28, ELDIN B2 27

On 8th draw, RAWING 8J 42 --- RAWING a second mowing of grass [n]
Other moves: FLAWING 12A 36, FAW A13 35, BLAWING 12A 32, FAB A13 32, FIB A13 32

On 9th draw, SOOTHING O1 89 --- SOOTHE to restore to a quiet or normal state [v] --- SOOTHING the act of soothing [n]
Other tops: SHOOTING O1 89
Other moves: (T)ONISH 2A 32, OHOS C12 29, SHOO C8 29, HINTS K10 27, HOIST K10 27

On 10th draw, ZEAL N3 37 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: NAZE N8 33, CEAZE 13A 32, LAZY 12B 32, LAZY 12I 32, PUZEL 4H 32

On 11th draw, ODYL M2 54 --- ODYL a mystical pervasive force [n]
Other moves: OLDY M1 48, YODS M1 45, YOD M1 40, ELDS M1 39, LODS M1 39

On 12th draw, EMEU A12 31 --- EMEU an emu [n]
Other moves: GEMOTE K10 29, GEMOT K10 27, MEG A13 25, MOG A13 25, GEM K10 23

On 13th draw, VIBRIOS M7 38 --- VIBRIO any of a genus of bacteria shaped like a comma [n]
Other moves: BRAVOS 12H 28, BRAVI 12H 26, BRAVO 12H 26, PAVIORS 12I 26, BIROS K10 24

On 14th draw, QAT 10F 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: (T)RANQ 2A 26, (T)UQUE 2A 26, AQUAE 12G 24, AQUAE 9B 24, QUARE 8D 24

On 15th draw, FIREBOAT 12D 82 --- FIREBOAT a boat equipped with fire-fighting apparatus [n]
Other moves: BOITE C9 45, FRIB 11D 33, REIF B3 32, EFT C11 31, FIB 11E 31

On 16th draw, BOWR H12 27 --- BOWR a muscle [n]
Other tops: BROW H12 27, NOW 13G 27, ROW 13G 27
Other moves: OW 13H 22, BONG H12 21, BROG H12 21, BUNG H12 21, BURG H12 21

On 17th draw, JUCO 2J 29 --- JUCO a junior college [n]
Other tops: J*W 14F 29
Other moves: JEUNE 8D 20, JIN E11 20, DUEL 11B 19, TELIC 11J 18, TUNIC 11J 18

On 18th draw, TICING 11J 22 --- TICE to entice [v]
Other tops: NOTICE K10 22
Other moves: COG 3I 21, COWING 14F 20, (T)OEING 2A 20, CON 3I 19, TIEING 11J 18

On 19th draw, GOLPE O11 27 --- GOLPE a purple roundel [n]
Other moves: GOUGE O11 24, OP 11D 21, OPE I12 20, DUEL 11B 19, LOP 13G 19

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