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Game on September 19, 2024 at 15:09, 7 players
1. 243 pts LongJump22
2. 103 pts Pacific
3. 92 pts NNNNNN1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bceeopr   H4    24    24   probe
 2. ?aegiqx   H1    36    60   geoprobe
 3. afirsuu   9E    24    84   aufs
 4. adelmru   5D    94   178   demurral
 5. acegiln   1A    95   273   glaceing
 6. ?abijwy   8A    68   341   wilja
 7. eeflstu   3H    72   413   outfeels
 8. ehinoot   N1    34   447   eolith
 9. aceinrv   7F    68   515   vibrance
10. aadinot   O1    32   547   dost
11. abeorry   4A    37   584   beray
12. dehinno   8L    49   633   heid
13. egknorw   3B    45   678   work
14. adelnst   A8    89   767   wetlands
15. agimnpz  14A    42   809   dazing
16. ioostxy  15F    42   851   oxy
17. einostt  C12    26   877   toze
18. aimnosv   6J    39   916   via
19. inoopru  12C    22   938   turnip
20. inooqst   6B    37   975   qis

Remaining tiles: mnoot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5614 FileLongJump22  3  3:24  -732  243     1.5614 LongJump22  3  3:24  -732  243 
  2.  -  FilePacific     1  4:20  -872  103     2.5411 NNNNNN1112  2  2:37  -883   92 
  3.5411 FileNNNNNN1112  2  2:37  -883   92     3.5508 LLLLLL1112  0  3:19  -886   89 
  4.5508 FileLLLLLL1112  0  3:19  -886   89     4.5410 MMMMMM1112  0  1:17  -931   44 
  5.  -  Filewwww2246    1  1:57  -907   68     5.5634 OOOOOO1112  1  1:21  -951   24 
  6.5410 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:17  -931   44            Group: not rated
  7.5634 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:21  -951   24     1.  -  Pacific     1  4:20  -872  103 
                                             2.  -  wwww2246    1  1:57  -907   68 

On 1st draw, PROBE H4 24 --- PROBE to investigate or examine thoroughly [v]
Other tops: COPER H4 24, CORBE H4 24, CREEP H4 24, CREEP H8 24, CREPE H4 24, PERCE H4 24, REBEC H8 24, REBOP H8 24
Other moves: BOREE H4 20, COPER H8 20, CORBE H8 20, CREPE H8 20, PERCE H8 20
CREEP H8 24 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, GE(O)PROBE H1 36 --- GEOPROBE a spacecraft which explores space near the earth [n]
Other moves: EXI(N)G I5 32, Q(U)AG G3 31, EQ(U)IP 4D 30, PIQ(U)E 4H 30, Q(U)AI G3 29
EQ(U)IP 4D 30 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, AUFS 9E 24 --- AUF an elf's child [n]
Other tops: ARFS 9E 24, RIFS 9E 24
Other moves: IFS 9F 23, FAIRS 9D 22, FIARS 9D 22, FIARS I6 22, FRAUS 9D 22

On 4th draw, DEMURRAL 5D 94 --- DEMURRAL the act of demurring [n]
Other moves: ALARUMED E7 72, DEMURRAL 5C 72, MURALED D5 69, MAULGRED 1D 65, DERMA 8A 35
DEMURRAL 5D 94 LongJump22

On 5th draw, GLACEING 1A 95 --- GLACE to cover with icing [v]
Other moves: CAGELING 1A 89, GLACEING 1H 89, DECALING D5 84, GALENIC D7 80, ANGELICA J5 65
GLACEING 1A 95 LongJump22

On 6th draw, WI(L)JA 8A 68 --- WILJA an Aboriginal shelter [n]
Other moves: WA(R)BY 8A 50, WARBY I3 48, J(U)BA 4A 46, W(A)RBY I3 46, (H)IJAB 8A 46
WI(L)JA 8A 68 NNNNNN1112, wwww2246

On 7th draw, (O)UTFEELS 3H 72 --- OUTFEEL to surpass in feeling [v]
Other moves: FEELS L1 36, FELTS L1 36, FETES L1 36, FETUS L1 36, FLEES L1 36

On 8th draw, EOLITH N1 34 --- EOLITH a prehistoric stone tool [n]
Other tops: OOLITH N1 34
Other moves: EISH O1 33, HISTONE O1 33, HOTEN 6J 33, INSOOTH O1 33, NESH O1 33

On 9th draw, VIBRANCE 7F 68 --- VIBRANCE the state of being vibrant [n]
Other moves: CAVIER 1J 45, ENVIER 1J 39, INCAVE O6 38, CARVEN 1J 36, CRAVEN 1J 36

On 10th draw, DOST O1 32 --- DO to begin and carry through to completion [v]
Other moves: AIDANT O5 28, AIDANT O6 26, ATONED 1J 24, DANIO 4A 24, DIOTA 4B 24

On 11th draw, BERAY 4A 37 --- BERAY to befoul [v]
Other moves: BOYAR 4A 34, BAYE 4C 33, ABYE O6 32, OBEY O6 32, ORBY O6 32

On 12th draw, HEID 8L 49 --- HEID a head [n]
Other tops: HEND 8L 49
Other moves: CHINNED L7 34, OHED 3A 34, OHED 3C 33, CHINED L7 32, CHINONE L7 32

On 13th draw, WORK 3B 45 --- WORK to exert one's powers of body or mind for some purpose [v]
Other moves: EWK 3C 41, NERK 3B 36, NORK 3B 36, REWON 3B 35, ROWEN 3B 35

On 14th draw, WETLANDS A8 89 --- WETLAND land containing much soil moisture [n]
Other moves: DEENS L1 28, DEETS L1 28, DEENS 2F 27, CHANTED L7 26, NEEDS L1 26

On 15th draw, DAZING 14A 42 --- DAZE to stun [v]
Other moves: AMAZING J7 39, AMAZING 12A 38, CHAMPING L7 36, AZAN J5 33, LAZING 11A 32
DAZING 14A 42 Pacific

On 16th draw, OXY 15F 42 --- OXY containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: SOOTY 15D 35, OXO 15F 33, OOZY C12 32, SIZY C12 32, XIS 6B 31

On 17th draw, TOZE C12 26 --- TOZE to tease out [v]
Other tops: SITZ C11 26, SIZE C12 26
Other moves: CHITONS L7 24, ECHOIST L6 24, ETENS L1 24, SEZ C12 24, TEENS L1 24

On 18th draw, VIA 6J 39 --- VIA a way [n] --- VIA by way of [prep]
Other moves: MIENS L1 32, AVENS L1 30, OVENS L1 30, ANIMIS D10 29, SAIMIN D10 29
MA 10F 25 Pacific

On 19th draw, TURNIP 12C 22 --- TURNIP an edible plant root [n] --- TURNIP to plant with an edible plant root [v]
Other moves: IO 2A 21, OO 2A 21, POORI D10 20, OOP B10 18, ORPIN 14H 18
LOWER B1 16 Pacific

On 20th draw, QIS 6B 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: LOWEST B1 22, IO 2A 21, OO 2A 21, QIS I10 21, EOSIN 2H 20
QUOIT D11 20 Pacific

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