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Game on September 21, 2024 at 08:09, 2 players
1. 568 pts fatcat
2. 300 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. begoors   H4    76    76   boogers
 2. einpstt   5E    90   166   nepotist
 3. ?iiijno   L1    40   206   joint
 4. degirtu  10B    66   272   durgiest
 5. aiilmno   I1    76   348   limation
 6. aeilmry   K5    76   424   smearily
 7. adelnrx   8K    63   487   axled
 8. aacfksu   1L    51   538   jack
 9. adefrtu   1B    89   627   tradeful
10. ?aacfho   J2    41   668   foci
11. ?eeginr   O8    83   751   designer
12. ?dehnot  12D    80   831   threnody
13. alnorsu   M1    29   860   anoas
14. aaeirsz   4A    50   910   zaire
15. aiptuvw   3C    32   942   paw
16. abeiqvy  H12    30   972   navy
17. abeeiow   A4    51  1023   zowie
18. aelstuv  14J    34  1057   velate

Remaining tiles: bhqsuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6380 Filefatcat      3 12:00  -489  568     1.7310 Chelsea     2  9:21  -757  300 
  2.7310 FileChelsea     2  9:21  -757  300            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6380 fatcat      3 12:00  -489  568 

On 1st draw, BOOGERS H4 76 --- BOOGER a piece of snot [n]
Other moves: GOOBERS H4 74, BOOGERS H2 72, BOOGERS H3 72, BOOGERS H6 72, BOOGERS H7 72
BERGS H4 22 fatcat

On 2nd draw, NEPOTIST 5E 90 --- NEPOTIST one who practices nepotism [n]
BITTEN 4H 16 fatcat

On 3rd draw, JOINT L1 40 --- JOINT to fit together by means of a junction [v]
Other tops: JIN(G)O 4A 40, JIN(N)I 4A 40, JI(N)NI 4A 40, JOINT(S) L1 40
Other moves: JI(G)OT L1 38, JOI(N)T L1 38, JOI(S)T L1 38, JO(I)NT L1 38, J(O)INT L1 38
JOINT L1 40 fatcat

On 4th draw, DURGIEST 10B 66 --- DURGY dwarfish [adj]
Other moves: TURGIDER 9F 64, TURGIDER 9A 62, JEDI 1L 36, JIRD 1L 36, JURE 1L 33
JEDI 1L 36 fatcat

On 5th draw, LIMATION I1 76 --- LIMATION filing [n]
Other moves: JAIL 1L 33, JIAO 1L 33, JOIN 1L 33, MOOI 6F 28, MOOLA 2J 26
JAIL 1L 33 fatcat

On 6th draw, SMEARILY K5 76 --- SMEARILY in a smeary manner [adv]
Other moves: MISLAYER K3 69, JAIL 1L 33, JARL 1L 33, LAMELY 1E 33, MARLY 1F 30
JAIL 1L 33 Chelsea, fatcat

On 7th draw, AXLED 8K 63 --- AXLE a shaft upon which a wheel revolves [adj] --- AXLED having an axle [adj]
Other moves: RELAX 6B 57, DEX 6D 54, LAX 6D 53, LEX 6D 53, RAX 6D 53
RELAX 6B 57 fatcat, Chelsea

On 8th draw, JACK 1L 51 --- JACK to raise with a type of lever [v]
Other tops: SACKFUL 1C 51
Other moves: FAUCALS 1D 48, FAUCAL 1D 45, JAKS 1L 45, JAUK 1L 45, JAFA 1L 42
JACK 1L 51 fatcat, Chelsea

On 9th draw, TRADEFUL 1B 89 --- TRADEFUL busy in traffic [adj]
Other moves: FEATURED N7 78, FARDEL 1D 42, FEUDAL 1D 42, FAUTED L10 41, DEFAULT 1D 39
DEAF 6C 31 fatcat
CAFE N1 18 Chelsea

On 10th draw, FOCI J2 41 --- FOCUS a point at which rays converge or from which they diverge [n]
Other tops: CH(O)OF 6B 41
Other moves: CA(R)OCH N1 40, CHO(O)F 6B 40, FA(S)H M3 40, F(O)CI J2 39, F(U)CI J2 39
HA 2F 31 fatcat
FA 2F 31 Chelsea

On 11th draw, DE(S)IGNER O8 83 --- DESIGNER one that designs [n]
Other moves: DERINGE(R) O8 80, DE(R)INGER O8 80, RE(D)YEING 12H 78, ENGI(N)EER N8 74, ENGRIE(V)E N8 74
CERING N1 26 Chelsea
C(U)RING N1 24 fatcat

On 12th draw, TH(R)ENODY 12D 80 --- THRENODY a song of lamentation [n]
Other moves: THRON(G)ED D8 78, DETH(R)ONE 14H 76, THR(E)NODE D8 76, DETHRON(E) D6 74, D(E)THRONE D6 74
DOH 2D 34 Chelsea
HE 2F 31 fatcat

On 13th draw, ANOAS M1 29 --- ANOA a wild ox [n]
Other tops: ARNAS M1 29
Other moves: NAS M3 23, NOS M3 23, NUS M3 23, OUS M3 23, CAROLS N1 20
NOUN H12 12 fatcat

On 14th draw, ZAIRE 4A 50 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: NAZE H12 39, NAZI H12 39, DAZE J12 34, RESIZE 14J 34, DARZIS B10 32
ZAIRE 4A 50 Chelsea
REZ F4 32 fatcat

On 15th draw, PAW 3C 32 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other moves: TAWPIE 14J 26, PATU 3C 25, TAW 13G 25, TAW 3C 24, PAT 3C 23
WIVE 14L 20 fatcat

On 16th draw, NAVY H12 30 --- NAVY a nation's warships [n]
Other moves: AYE 5A 27, BAYE 9A 27, AYE N13 26, QI 2A 26, AYE 13H 24
QI 2A 26 fatcat

On 17th draw, ZOWIE A4 51 --- ZOWIE used to express surprise or pleasure [interj]
Other moves: ZOEAE A4 42, AWE 5A 27, BOWIE 13A 27, OWE 5A 27, AWE N13 26
ZOWIE A4 51 fatcat

On 18th draw, VELATE 14J 34 --- VELATE having a velum [adj]
Other tops: VALETE 14J 34
Other moves: LASE 2D 28, LATE 2D 28, SALE 2D 28, SATE 2D 28, SELVA F4 25
SLEAVE 14J 22 fatcat

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