Game on September 22, 2024 at 23:41, 1 player
1. 95 pts bumpkin
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 22 22 


14B 98 120 


11E 106 226 


I10 36 262 


G3 68 330 


12A 50 380 


A8 45 425 


H1 39 464 


M10 27 491 


7A 26 517 


D1 84 601 


1A 33 634 


N12 44 678 


1H 107 785 


O6 87 872 


N6 39 911 


J10 25 936 


M1 20 956 


L4 20 976 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
bumpkin 2 1:58 -881 95 1.7777 bumpkin 2 1:58 -881 95
On 1st draw, RENAME H8 22 --- NAME to give a title to [v] --- RENAME to issue with a new name [v]
Other tops: MEANER H4 22
Other moves: ENARM H8 20, MEANE H4 20, MEARE H4 20, MERER H4 20, REARM H8 20
On 2nd draw, OVERBID 14B 98 --- OVERBID to bid higher than [v]
Other moves: OVENBIRD 10E 74, OVERBED 13C 36, BIDER G9 31, BOVID 14D 29, DOBIE I9 29
On 3rd draw, TR(I)AXIAL 11E 106 --- TRIAXIAL a sponge spicule with three axes [n] --- TRIAXIAL having three axes [adj]
Other tops: TRIAX(I)AL 11E 106
Other moves: TRIAX(I)AL 11B 78, TR(I)AXIAL 11B 78, (Z)ELATRIX 9G 66, LAXAT(O)R 11E 52, LAT(E)X I9 47
On 4th draw, AXONS I10 36 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [n]
Other tops: EXONS I10 36
Other moves: NOSEAN M9 29, ANSAE M9 27, NOXES I9 26, NOSEAN 10H 25, SENNA M11 25
On 5th draw, SHOTTEN G3 68 --- SHOTTEN having spawned -- used of a fish [adj]
Other moves: THORNSET 8E 62, HOSEN M9 39, SHINE J9 38, SHITE J9 38, THINE J9 38
On 6th draw, ZAIRE 12A 50 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: ZEALS L8 48, SENZA M11 43, SIZAR M11 43, SIZER M11 43, ZEAS F2 42
On 7th draw, DORIZ(E) A8 45 --- DORIZE to become like the Dorians [v]
Other moves: DROID H1 35, (C)RUDDIER 8A 33, (S)ORDIDER 8A 33, D(R)OID H1 32, ODOUR(E)D 5E 32
On 8th draw, SAIM H1 39 --- SAIM lard made from pork fat [n]
Other moves: MISGO M9 37, GISMO M9 35, MIGS J10 33, AGIOS H1 31, MIAOUS F2 31
On 9th draw, TSADI M10 27 --- TSADI a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: STAID M11 27
Other moves: SADI M11 25, SAID M11 25, SATAI M11 25, SIDA M11 25, STUD M11 25
On 10th draw, ONCET 7A 26 --- ONCET (Southern US dialect) once [adv]
Other tops: ONCER 7A 26
Other moves: NOTICE J8 25, ONCE 7A 25, CLONE B6 24, CORTILE J7 24, CRONE B6 24
On 11th draw, REPLOWED D1 84 --- REPLOW to plow again [v]
Other moves: POLEWARD K6 64, WIPE J10 41, DWILE J9 39, WIDE J10 39, WILD J10 39
On 12th draw, JOUR 1A 33 --- JOUR a day [n]
Other moves: JO 15A 29, GULY L9 28, JOEY 2B 28, AYU C1 27, GLARY 1A 27
On 13th draw, YAFF N12 44 --- YAFF to bark [v]
Other moves: LAYIN J8 35, NAFF N12 35, AYIN J9 34, FETAL E5 34, YIN J10 33
On 14th draw, SYNECHIA 1H 107 --- SYNECHIA an abnormal adhesion [n]
Other moves: HYACINE O6 105, HYACINE N4 73, HAILY L8 50, NICELY L7 44, CHAINE O7 43
On 15th draw, OPALINE O6 87 --- OPALINE an opaque white glass [n]
Other moves: OPALINE N4 67, LOIPEN O8 38, ALPINE O7 34, PINOLE O7 34, ALPINE J8 33
PLANE O8 31 bumpkin
On 16th draw, KUE N6 39 --- KUE the letter Q [n]
Other moves: LEKU N4 38, ELK N4 33, EUK N4 33, LEK N4 33, LUKE N6 26
KUE N6 39 bumpkin
On 17th draw, GITE J10 25 --- GITE a vacation retreat in France [n]
Other moves: LEGIT J8 23, GENET 9E 21, GIE J10 21, GIT J10 21, TIGE J10 21
GITE J10 25 bumpkin
On 18th draw, HIVE M1 20 --- HIVE to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) [v]
Other moves: CIVE L1 18, OGIVE B1 18, CIVE C7 16, HUGE M1 16, OLIVE B1 16
On 19th draw, BUG L4 20 --- BUG to annoy [v]
Other moves: BIG G13 18, BLEW 4K 18, BLOW 5B 18, BENE 13G 16, BI G13 16
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