Game on September 23, 2024 at 01:56, 5 players
1. 319 pts sunshine12
2. 30 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 30 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 76 76
2. 11F 44 120
3. 5D 98 218
4. G5 38 256
5. 10J 30 286
6. E3 63 349
7. D8 37 386
8. L1 41 427
9. M6 80 507
10. N2 79 586
11. O8 54 640
12. C9 36 676
13. O1 36 712
14. L12 40 752
15. 15I 39 791
16. 1H 36 827
17. 3B 32 859
18. B2 32 891
19. 2F 22 913
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7267 sunshine12 5 12:25 -594 319 1.7267 sunshine12 5 12:25 -594 319
2.7537 GLOBEMAN 1 1:25 -883 30 2.7537 GLOBEMAN 1 1:25 -883 30
3.7072 roocatcher 1 1:53 -883 30 3.7072 roocatcher 1 1:53 -883 30
4.7777 bumpkin 0 1:03 -891 22 4.7777 bumpkin 0 1:03 -891 22
5. - chunk88 0 0:39 -895 18 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 0:39 -895 18
On 1st draw, VA(R)IOLA H4 76 --- VARIOLA smallpox [n]
Other tops: OVA(R)IAL H3 76, VALO(N)IA H4 76, (N)OVALIA H2 76
Other moves: OVA(R)IAL H2 70, OVA(R)IAL H4 70, OVA(R)IAL H6 70, OVA(R)IAL H7 70, OVA(R)IAL H8 70
On 2nd draw, MIRZAS 11F 44 --- MIRZA a Persian title of honour [n]
Other tops: MIRZAS 11C 44, ZIRAMS 11C 44, ZIRAMS 11F 44
Other moves: ZI(R)AMS 6F 42, ZI(R)AM 6F 41, IZARS 11D 38, IZARS 11E 38, RIZAS 11D 38
ZAS 11F 22 bumpkin
On 3rd draw, GRIMACE(R) 5D 98 --- GRIMACER one that grimaces [n]
Other tops: CREAMI(N)G 5E 98, GERMA(N)IC 5D 98, GRIMACE(D) 5D 98, GRIMACE(S) 5D 98, G(R)IMACER 5D 98
Other moves: AMERCI(N)G 5H 74, GERMA(N)IC J7 74, GRIM(A)CES K4 74, (D)ECIGRAM 5B 74, G(R)IMACER J7 70
CRE(A)M 10B 32 sunshine12
On 4th draw, MAX G5 38 --- MAX the greatest possible amount [n] --- MAX to reach a maximum, MAXED, MAXES, MAXING [v]
Other moves: TAXED 12C 33, DENTEX J1 32, TAXED 12K 32, ADNEXA 10C 31, AXED 12D 31
MAX G5 38 sunshine12
On 5th draw, YATE 10J 30 --- YATE a gate [n]
Other tops: VEGA 4A 30, YAG 10J 30, YALE 10J 30, YELT 10J 30
Other moves: LEAVY 12B 29, VEALY 12B 29, YAE 10J 29, YEA 10J 29, YET 10J 29
YAG 10J 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 6th draw, HARTBEES E3 63 --- HARTBEES a large South African antelope [n]
Other moves: BEHEST L1 41, H*B*SHEBES L1 41, BAHTS L1 39, BATHS L1 39, BEATH 10B 39
BEHEST N6 29 sunshine12
SHE N10 18 chunk88
On 7th draw, FAULT D8 37 --- FAULT to criticize [v]
Other moves: FETIAL 6J 33, FETAL 6J 32, FLUATE 12A 30, FUTILE 12A 30, FEAL 6J 29
FETAL 6J 32 sunshine12
On 8th draw, HOOPS L1 41 --- HOOP to fasten with a hoop (a circular band of metal) [v]
Other moves: POOHS L1 39, OUPHS L1 35, POSHO L3 33, PHOS 12J 32, PUSH 10C 32
On 9th draw, DEEPENER M6 80 --- DEEPENER one that deepens [n]
Other moves: DEEPENER M8 74, DEEPENER J1 65, PREHEND 1I 39, PEENGE D1 35, PHEER 1K 30
On 10th draw, DOLLIER N2 79 --- DOLLIER one who wheels a trolley [n]
Other moves: DOLLIER N1 77, LORDLIER 13F 62, DEIFER 8A 30, ROLFED 8A 30, DHOLE 1K 27
On 11th draw, FAVER O8 54 --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: FARDEN O8 51, FARED O8 51, FADER O8 48, FAVE O8 48, FRENA O8 45
On 12th draw, SYEING C9 36 --- SYE to strain [v]
Other tops: BESIGH 1G 36, GYBES 13C 36
Other moves: EYING 13C 34, GYNIES 13C 34, SYEING 13C 34, NEBISH 1G 33, BEY O1 32
On 13th draw, QI O1 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI F2 36
Other moves: NODI O1 27, REDO O1 27, DENI O1 26, DERO O1 26, DINO O1 26
QI F2 36 sunshine12
On 14th draw, BONK L12 40 --- BONK to hit or thump, to have sexual intercourse [v]
Other tops: BANK L12 40, BAUK L12 40, BOAK L12 40, BOUK L12 40, BUNK L12 40
Other moves: DANK L12 36, DOUK L12 36, DUNK L12 36, NABK L12 36, BANDH 1H 33
BONK L12 40 sunshine12
On 15th draw, DOUKING 15I 39 --- DOUK to bathe [v]
Other moves: DEKING 15J 36, DUKING 15J 36, EUKING 15J 33, DOUGH 1H 30, EKING 15K 30
On 16th draw, WIDTH 1H 36 --- WIDTH the extent from side to side [n]
Other tops: WRITHE 1H 36
Other moves: REWTH 1H 33, DREW 14G 32, TWIRED 14E 32, WRITHED 3A 32, DEW 14H 31
On 17th draw, UNTHAW 3B 32 --- UNTHAW to cause to melt [v]
Other moves: ANOW 14G 31, NAW 14H 30, NOW 14H 30, TAW 14H 30, TOW 14H 30
TOW 14H 30 sunshine12
On 18th draw, JUICE B2 32 --- JUICE to extract the juice (the liquid part of a fruit or vegetable) from [v]
Other moves: JUTE 14F 30, EEJIT J4 28, JOCO 3K 26, TUNIC B2 26, JA F2 25
JUTE 14F 30 sunshine12
On 19th draw, TOON 2F 22 --- TOON an East Indian tree [n]
Other moves: ENROOT A6 20, NOTOUR A6 20, TENOUR A6 20, ERN 7A 19, NOO 2F 19
TOON 2F 22 sunshine12
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