Game on September 23, 2024 at 05:46, 6 players
1. 390 pts fatcat
2. 144 pts LongJump22
3. 79 pts OOOOOO1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 26 26
2. 6A 74 100
3. E5 36 136
4. D8 50 186
5. G8 70 256
6. A3 51 307
7. B9 86 393
8. H12 53 446
9. I12 26 472
10. 13G 36 508
11. 12K 54 562
12. O6 30 592
13. C1 73 665
14. 1C 30 695
15. N2 53 748
16. M3 35 783
17. 15A 30 813
18. 2H 28 841
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6385 fatcat 1 8:13 -451 390 1.6385 fatcat 1 8:13 -451 390
2.5644 LongJump22 3 2:18 -697 144 Group: novice
3.5647 OOOOOO1112 1 3:14 -762 79 1.5644 LongJump22 3 2:18 -697 144
4.5644 NNNNNN1112 2 2:15 -776 65 2.5647 OOOOOO1112 1 3:14 -762 79
5.5588 MMMMMM1112 0 0:43 -792 49 3.5644 NNNNNN1112 2 2:15 -776 65
6.5495 LLLLLL1112 1 1:55 -811 30 4.5588 MMMMMM1112 0 0:43 -792 49
5.5495 LLLLLL1112 1 1:55 -811 30
On 1st draw, VOGIE H4 26 --- VOGIE vain [adj]
Other moves: OGIVE H4 20, OGIVE H8 20, VOGIE H8 20, OGIVE H5 18, OGIVE H6 18
On 2nd draw, WH(E)ELING 6A 74 --- WHEELING the condition of a road for vehicles [n]
Other tops: WHEL(M)ING 6A 74, WHEL(P)ING 6A 74, WHE(E)LING 6A 74
Other moves: WEL(C)HING 6A 68, WEL(S)HING 6A 68, GL(U)HWEIN 6H 66, WHEELIN(G) 8F 64, (P)INWHEEL 8B 64
On 3rd draw, FLUTI(N)A E5 36 --- FLUTINA a type of accordion [n]
Other tops: ALFA(Q)UI E5 36, FATWA(H) A3 36, FATWA(S) A3 36, FLAUTA(S) E5 36, U(P)WAFT A4 36
Other moves: WAIFT A6 33, WAIFT(S) A6 33, AWFU(L) A5 30, WAFT A6 30, WAFT(S) A6 30
On 4th draw, ADOZE D8 50 --- ADOZE dozing [adj]
Other moves: DOZY D9 49, YAWED A4 48, YOWED A4 48, AVYZED 4G 44, DAZE D9 43
On 5th draw, OVERLAY G8 70 --- OVERLAY to lay over [v]
Other moves: LAYOVER I8 67, AVOWRY A3 57, AVOWER A3 48, REAVOW A1 48, YOWLER A4 48
WAVE A6 30 fatcat
On 6th draw, SHAWLIE A3 51 --- SHAWLIE women who wear shawl while working [n]
Other moves: HALSE 15D 50, HOISE 15D 50, HAWSE A4 45, HOWES A4 45, HOWLS A4 45
SHALE 15G 38 fatcat
On 7th draw, RUCKMAN B9 86 --- RUCKMAN in Australian rules football, a player in the ruck [n]
Other moves: CRANKY 14B 50, MAK H13 36, KA F14 35, ARUM H12 31, MAC H13 30
MUCK C12 28 fatcat
On 8th draw, AXEL H12 53 --- AXEL a jump in figure skating [n]
Other moves: ILEX H12 46, AXE C13 39, LAX 7A 39, LEX 7A 39, LAT(E)X C3 38
TAX H13 37 fatcat
On 9th draw, GET I12 26 --- GET a divorce under Jewish law [n] --- GET to obtain or acquire [v]
Other moves: TEG F13 24, TOG F13 24, TEE F13 23, TOE F13 23, TE F13 22
TEE F13 23 fatcat
On 10th draw, AXEBIRDS 13G 36 --- AXEBIRD a bird from Queensland, sounding like a chopping axe [n]
Other moves: AXEBIRD 13G 34, DIB J13 29, DOTISH B1 29, OBI A13 29, DIS J13 27
BO A14 22 fatcat
On 11th draw, QUOAD 12K 54 --- QUOAD so far as [conj]
Other moves: QUA 12K 42, QUAERED L9 38, EQUID K10 30, QUAERE L9 30, SQUAD 3A 30
QUA 12K 42 fatcat
On 12th draw, ERUPTED O6 30 --- ERUPT to break out or through [v]
Other tops: PURGED O7 30, REPUTED O6 30
Other moves: PUGREE D1 29, PUERED O7 27, PUREED O7 27, UNPEG 15A 27, PEASE N10 26
PURGED O7 30 fatcat
On 13th draw, BEERI(E)ST C1 73 --- BEERY affected by beer [adj]
Other moves: YETIS 14G 28, BEST 14L 27, SNEB 15A 27, SNIB 15A 27, BISTRE N2 26
TRIBE N3 25 fatcat
On 14th draw, BONGOS 1C 30 --- BONGO a small drum [n]
Other tops: BOONGS 1C 30
Other moves: BOSTON 1C 27, GOBOS 1A 27, GOBO 1A 24, GOBS 1A 24, NOBS 1A 21
BONGOS 1C 30 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
SNOG 15A 21 fatcat
On 15th draw, RIMAYE N2 53 --- RIMAYE a bergschrund, a crevasse formed where a glacier or snowfield moves away from a mountain wall [n]
Other moves: MORAY N2 49, REAMY N2 49, AIERY N2 45, ANOMY 15A 39, AYRE C12 39
MORAY N2 49 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, OOOOOO1112
AYE A13 33 fatcat
On 16th draw, POND M3 35 --- POND to collect into a pond (a small body of water) [v]
Other moves: PONT M3 32, INDOW 15A 30, INTOWN 15A 30, TWP M5 30, WIMP 4L 28
POND M3 35 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112
WASP N11 23 fatcat
On 17th draw, INTOWN 15A 30 --- INTOWN located in the centre of the city [adj]
Other moves: FASCI N11 25, INFO 15A 24, ONTIC 15A 24, ONTIC 2F 24, FEW 2B 23
INTOWN 15A 30 LongJump22
FAST N11 19 fatcat
On 18th draw, TAJ 2H 28 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: FASCI N11 25, JNANA 5J 24, FA B2 23, FINCA 2G 23, JA 14D 23
FAST N11 19 fatcat
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