Game on September 23, 2024 at 18:34, 12 players
1. 591 pts Inkey
2. 194 pts Pacific
3. 184 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 78 78
2. 8A 107 185
3. 11E 44 229
4. L8 82 311
5. 12D 44 355
6. C3 32 387
7. 14C 65 452
8. B3 38 490
9. 10A 50 540
10. 15A 50 590
11. A1 32 622
12. 13A 26 648
13. K3 23 671
14. 4H 70 741
15. J6 69 810
16. O1 45 855
17. H1 30 885
18. 2F 34 919
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.7845 Inkey 7 15:33 -328 591 1.9784 Pacific 0 3:06 -725 194
2.9784 Pacific 0 3:06 -725 194 Group: advanced
3.5631 LongJump22 3 2:42 -735 184 1.7845 Inkey 7 15:33 -328 591
4.6972 ArcticFox 2 2:37 -776 143 Group: intermediate
5.5619 MMMMMM1112 1 0:43 -850 69 1.6972 ArcticFox 2 2:37 -776 143
6.5706 NNNNNN1112 1 1:04 -850 69 2.6607 ShotPut22 1 1:16 -874 45
7.5647 OOOOOO1112 1 1:23 -850 69 3.6442 Discus22 1 1:31 -874 45
8.5527 LLLLLL1112 1 1:42 -850 69 4.6549 Hammer22 1 1:49 -874 45
9.6607 ShotPut22 1 1:16 -874 45 5.6512 Javelin22 0 0:25 -903 16
10.6442 Discus22 1 1:31 -874 45 Group: novice
11.6549 Hammer22 1 1:49 -874 45 1.5631 LongJump22 3 2:42 -735 184
12.6512 Javelin22 0 0:25 -903 16 2.5619 MMMMMM1112 1 0:43 -850 69
3.5706 NNNNNN1112 1 1:04 -850 69
4.5647 OOOOOO1112 1 1:23 -850 69
5.5527 LLLLLL1112 1 1:42 -850 69
On 1st draw, G(E)ISHAS H8 78 --- GEISHA a Japanese girl trained to entertain [n]
Other moves: G(E)ISHAS H4 74, SASHI(N)G H6 74, G(E)ISHAS H2 72, G(E)ISHAS H6 72, G(E)ISHAS H7 72
On 2nd draw, EXHU(M)ING 8A 107 --- EXHUME to dig out from the earth [v]
Other moves: UN(F)IXES 14B 58, UN(M)IXES 14B 58, (L)INUXES 14B 58, HEX I11 48, H(E)X I11 46
HEX I11 48 Pacific, Inkey
On 3rd draw, WESSAND 11E 44 --- WESSAND the throat [n]
Other moves: ACNED 7B 36, ACNES 7B 34, ACNE 7B 31, CHAWED 12G 30, WEAN 7A 30
ACNED 7B 36 Inkey
On 4th draw, GRISTER L8 82 --- GRISTER one that grinds grain [n]
Other moves: GRISTERS 14A 72, RIGHTERS C5 65, GRISTERS 14E 63, RESTRING J5 63, STRINGER J7 63
GRISE L8 28 Inkey
On 5th draw, DEATHLY 12D 44 --- DEATHLY like death [adj]
Other moves: DEATHY 12D 40, DELAY 10B 39, LOATHY 12D 38, TODAY 10B 37, DAY 10D 33
DELAY 10B 39 Pacific
DAY 10D 33 Inkey
On 6th draw, EMBATHE C3 32 --- EMBATHE to bathe [v]
Other tops: AMBEER 13A 32, BEAM 7A 32
Other moves: BERME 14J 30, REAME 7A 30, BREAM 13A 29, BREEM 13A 29, BARRET 14J 28
BEAM 7A 32 Inkey
On 7th draw, ENFROSEN 14C 65 --- ENFREEZE to freeze [v]
Other moves: FORREN 14J 34, FREON B2 34, FEEN D3 33, FEER D3 33, FOEN D3 33
FREON B2 34 Inkey
On 8th draw, ROOF B3 38 --- ROOF to provide with a roof (the external upper covering of a building) [v]
Other moves: AFOOT B2 37, FAX B6 36, AFOOT D2 35, OAF B4 35, OOF B4 35
ROOF B3 38 Inkey
On 9th draw, REDTOP 10A 50 --- REDTOP a type of grass [n]
Other moves: DROP 10C 46, DROP A1 43, TROP A1 40, OPED A1 38, PROD A1 38
DROP A1 43 Pacific
OVER A1 33 Inkey
On 10th draw, PINY 15A 50 --- PINY a showy flower [n] --- PINY suggestive of or covered with pine trees [adj]
Other tops: PATY 15A 50, PITY 15A 50
Other moves: TINY 15A 44, PYAT A1 39, PYIN A1 39, AYIN A1 33, RAPINI A10 33
PINY 15A 50 Inkey
On 11th draw, TAUON A1 32 --- TAUON an elementary particle [n]
Other moves: LOAN A1 24, LOON A1 24, LOOT A1 24, LOUN A1 24, LOUT A1 24
LOAN A1 24 Inkey
On 12th draw, VIM 13A 26 --- VIM energy [n]
Other moves: AIM 13A 20, AM 13B 18, AM M12 18, OM 13B 18, OM M12 18
AIM 13A 20 Inkey
On 13th draw, COBAEA K3 23 --- COBAEA one of a family of South American shrubs [n]
Other moves: BALCONY J6 22, GLOB 8L 21, ALEC M12 20, NOBBLE 5A 20, BOULT D6 19
CABA K5 19 Inkey
On 14th draw, AREOLATE 4H 70 --- AREOLA a small space in a network of leaf veins [adj] --- AREOLATE divided into areolae [adj]
Other tops: LAETARE M2 70
Other moves: RATEABLE 5F 60, TEARABLE 5F 60, LATER J4 23, TALAR J4 23, TALER J4 23
LAETARE M2 70 LongJump22
RECTAL 3I 18 Inkey
On 15th draw, ZOL J6 69 --- ZOL a spliff, a marijuana cigarette [n]
Other moves: ZO J6 64, COZE O1 45, OUZEL O1 42, ZILA H1 39, COLZA 6G 36
ZOL J6 69 Inkey, LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
ZO J6 64 Pacific, ArcticFox
On 16th draw, JUKE O1 45 --- JUKE to fake out of position [v]
Other tops: JOKE O1 45
Other moves: JUGA H1 36, JACK M3 34, KOJI 5E 32, COKE O1 30, CUKE O1 30
JOKE O1 45 ArcticFox, Inkey, LongJump22, ShotPut22, Discus22, Hammer22
On 17th draw, VOCAL H1 30 --- VOCAL a sound produced with the voice [n]
Other moves: LID 5M 25, LOD 5M 25, DIVA H1 24, CAVIL M3 22, ID 5N 22
VOCAL H1 30 Inkey
VAC M3 16 Javelin22
On 18th draw, QUOD 2F 34 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: QADI M3 28, QAID M3 28, QUAD M2 28, QUAG M2 28, GID 5M 27
QUOD 2F 34 Inkey, ArcticFox
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