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Game on September 24, 2024 at 15:07, 10 players
1. 204 pts LongJump22
2. 84 pts ArcticFox
3. 48 pts OOOOOO1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cfhipru   H4    34    34   fichu
 2. ?agrsuv   9B    79   113   avrugas
 3. ejlnorw   5D    34   147   jowlier
 4. aeinoty   D3    30   177   yojan
 5. abdiprx  10A    49   226   ax
 6. deeoops   C9    30   256   veeps
 7. aabdilo   C1    28   284   doab
 8. ?beottt   B2    28   312   blot
 9. adghirt   A4    44   356   garth
10. aeelstz  12B    90   446   spaetzle
11. acdilno  13I    75   521   nodical
12. aaeinot   J3    62   583   aeration
13. deeikos   1C    39   622   disked
14. efgimmn  O12    39   661   flim
15. deelmqr  N10    37   698   dream
16. eioprtw  14H    39   737   pewit
17. eenoqrt  15D    30   767   ronte
18. eilnouv   O5    30   797   unlive
19. eginruy   2F    32   829   ye
20. iinoqru   N2    38   867   quino

Remaining tiles: gir

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5585 FileLongJump22  3  3:25  -663  204     1.6973 ArcticFox   1  3:26  -783   84 
  2.6973 FileArcticFox   1  3:26  -783   84     2.6607 ShotPut22   0  0:56  -835   32 
  3.5642 FileOOOOOO1112  0  3:41  -819   48     3.6512 Javelin22   0  1:24  -835   32 
  4.5513 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:46  -828   39     4.6442 Discus22    0  1:49  -835   32 
  5.6607 FileShotPut22   0  0:56  -835   32     5.6549 Hammer22    1  1:02  -837   30 
  6.5634 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:23  -835   32            Group: novice
  7.6512 FileJavelin22   0  1:24  -835   32     1.5585 LongJump22  3  3:25  -663  204 
  8.5753 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:47  -835   32     2.5642 OOOOOO1112  0  3:41  -819   48 
  9.6442 FileDiscus22    0  1:49  -835   32     3.5513 LLLLLL1112  1  1:46  -828   39 
 10.6549 FileHammer22    1  1:02  -837   30     4.5634 MMMMMM1112  0  1:23  -835   32 
                                             5.5753 NNNNNN1112  0  1:47  -835   32 

On 1st draw, FICHU H4 34 --- FICHU a woman's scarf [n]
Other moves: CHIRP H4 30, CHIRP H8 30, FICHU H8 28, CHIRU H4 26, FICHU H5 26

On 2nd draw, (A)VRUGAS 9B 79 --- AVRUGA herring roe, cheaper than caviar [n]
Other moves: AVRUG(A)S 9B 78, S(E)VRUGA 9H 76, VU(L)GARS 9B 76, S(E)VRUGA I8 64, RAVI(N)GS 5E 40

On 3rd draw, JOWLIER 5D 34 --- JOWLY having prominent jowls [adj]
Other tops: JOWLER D4 34
Other moves: JOW(A)R B6 32, JONG F6 28, JOINER 5F 26, REFLOWN 4F 26, REJOIN 5D 26

On 4th draw, YOJAN D3 30 --- YOJAN an Indian measure of distance 5 miles [n]
Other tops: ENJOY D3 30
Other moves: AYE 6D 29, OYE 6D 29, ATONE 6B 27, YEAN 6B 26, AY 10A 25

On 5th draw, AX 10A 49 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: PIX 10E 32, PIXY 3A 32, DIXY 3A 30, PYX 3C 30, VARIX C9 30

On 6th draw, VEEPS C9 30 --- VEEP a vice president [n]
Other tops: APODES A10 30, DEPOSE 11A 30
Other moves: P**V*S C6 29, DEEPS 11A 28, PEYSED 3B 28, P**V* C6 28, POYSED 3B 28

On 7th draw, DOAB C1 28 --- DOAB land between two rivers [n]
Other tops: LOBI C1 28
Other moves: BLAD C1 27, *B* C2 26, BIPOD 12A 26, DAB C1 26, DAB C2 26

On 8th draw, B(L)OT B2 28 --- BLOT to spot or stain [v]
Other moves: BEE(N)TO 11A 27, DEBTO(R) 1C 27, B(R)O B2 26, OB(O)E B2 26, BEET(S) 11A 25

On 9th draw, GARTH A4 44 --- GARTH a yard or garden [n]
Other tops: GIRTH A4 44
Other moves: ARIGHT A10 33, AHI A3 31, DAH D11 30, HAIR D11 29, TAHR D11 29

On 10th draw, SPAETZLE 12B 90 --- SPAETZLE a tiny dumpling [n]
Other moves: ZAPS 12A 50, ZEPS 12A 50, ALTEZA A10 48, FEAZES 4H 40, FEAZE 4H 38
SPAETZLE 12B 90 LongJump22

On 11th draw, NODICAL 13I 75 --- NODICAL pertaining to an astronomical point [adj]
Other moves: NODICAL 11I 72, IRONCLAD J4 65, OILCAN 13G 27, AID 13G 26, ANODIC 4J 26
NODICAL 13I 75 LongJump22

On 12th draw, AERATION J3 62 --- AERATION exposure to the action of air [n]
Other moves: DETAIN 1C 24, DITONE 1C 24, DONATE 1C 24, TOENAIL O7 24, ANTLIA O10 21

On 13th draw, DISKED 1C 39 --- DISK to break up land with a type of farm implement [v]
Other moves: SOKE J12 38, KADES 3I 30, KADIS 3I 30, KAIDS 3I 30, KILOS O11 30
DISKED 1C 39 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112

On 14th draw, FLIM O12 39 --- FLIM a five pound note [n]
Other moves: FLEG O12 36, FAMING 3I 32, FEN 14J 32, FIN 14J 32, NIEF 14G 31

On 15th draw, DREAM N10 37 --- DREAM to have a dream (a series of images occurring during sleep) [v]
Other moves: QUEMED E8 36, LEMED 14H 33, REMEAD N9 33, QUEME E8 32, REAME N11 31
QI L12 22 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, PEWIT 14H 39 --- PEWIT the lapwing [n]
Other moves: POWRE O6 33, PEW 14H 32, WET 14J 32, WIT 14J 32, WOT 14J 32
WOT 14J 32 ArcticFox
PEW 14H 32 ShotPut22, Javelin22
WET 14J 32 Discus22

On 17th draw, RONTE 15D 30 --- RONTE the smallest of a litter [n]
Other tops: QUOTER E8 30, RENTE 15D 30, TERNE 15D 30, TRONE 15D 30
Other moves: QUOTE E8 28, TEENE 11A 28, ERNE 15E 24, NETE 15E 24, NOTE 15E 24
TRONE 15D 30 Hammer22
QUOTER E8 30 ArcticFox

On 18th draw, UNLIVE O5 30 --- UNLIVE to live so as to make amends for [v]
Other tops: UNLOVE O5 30
Other moves: ENVOI O6 27, OLIVE O6 27, OVINE O6 27, OVULE O6 27, VOILE O6 27

On 19th draw, YE 2F 32 --- YE you [pron]
Other moves: YAGER 3I 26, EYNE 11C 25, EYRE 11C 25, FEERING 4H 24, FREEING 4H 24

On 20th draw, QUINO N2 38 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: QUINO N1 30, QUOIN N1 30, QUIN N2 28, QUINE E8 28, QUIRE E8 28

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