Game on September 25, 2024 at 05:50, 6 players
1. 505 pts fatcat
2. 196 pts LongJump22
3. 44 pts LLLLLL1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 68 68
2. I6 31 99
3. H11 33 132
4. 15A 89 221
5. 2E 80 301
6. 1K 35 336
7. F1 61 397
8. J9 56 453
9. 14H 64 517
10. 14B 40 557
11. 15K 41 598
12. 12A 76 674
13. K9 30 704
14. 8A 51 755
15. 11E 44 799
16. 4A 26 825
17. 10F 36 861
18. L3 75 936
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6404 fatcat 3 13:08 -431 505 1.6404 fatcat 3 13:08 -431 505
2.5665 LongJump22 4 4:10 -740 196 Group: novice
3.5612 LLLLLL1112 1 1:44 -892 44 1.5665 LongJump22 4 4:10 -740 196
4.5711 MMMMMM1112 1 1:00 -910 26 2.5612 LLLLLL1112 1 1:44 -892 44
5.5696 NNNNNN1112 1 1:26 -910 26 3.5711 MMMMMM1112 1 1:00 -910 26
6.5615 OOOOOO1112 1 1:48 -910 26 4.5696 NNNNNN1112 1 1:26 -910 26
5.5615 OOOOOO1112 1 1:48 -910 26
On 1st draw, IG(N)EOUS H3 68 --- IGNEOUS pertaining to fire [adj]
Other tops: OUG(L)IES H2 68
Other moves: IG(N)EOUS H4 66, IG(N)EOUS H6 66, IG(N)EOUS H7 66, IG(N)EOUS H8 66, OUG(L)IES H3 66
On 2nd draw, TITHED I6 31 --- TITHE to pay a tenth part used as a small tax [v]
Other moves: TITHE I6 29, HUED G3 28, TETH I6 28, ETH I7 25, HUTTED I6 25
On 3rd draw, EDICT H11 33 --- EDICT an authoritative order having the force of law [n]
Other moves: DICTIER 3G 30, DIRECT J10 29, EDITOR J9 29, EROTIC J9 29, DORIC J10 28
DICER J10 24 fatcat
On 4th draw, LIFEB(O)AT 15A 89 --- LIFEBOAT a small rescue boat [n]
Other moves: FILABE(G) 2F 83, BAC(K)FILE 14F 78, GIF(T)ABLE 4H 78, FIB(U)LAE 2D 77, FILABEG(S) 4B 76
FACE 14F 17 fatcat
On 5th draw, PRELACY 2E 80 --- PRELACY the office of a prelate [n]
Other moves: CREEDAL 11E 40, CLYPEI B10 38, PACEY 14F 37, CARPEL G8 36, PAY 14D 36
PAY 14D 36 fatcat
On 6th draw, FLUTE 1K 35 --- FLUTE to play on a flute (a woodwind instrument) [v]
Other moves: EF J9 32, PLUTEI B10 28, PUTELI B10 28, PEPFUL E2 26, PLUFF C11 26
FLUTE 1K 35 fatcat
On 7th draw, GRATINEE F1 61 --- GRATINEE gratine [adj] --- GRATINEE to cook food that is covered with a crust [v]
Other moves: GENA 14B 27, GETA 14B 27, AGEE 14A 25, AGEN 14A 25, AGIN 14A 25
GET 14B 21 fatcat
On 8th draw, AX J9 56 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX J9 56
Other moves: PLEX E2 48, AXE 14A 45, EXO 14A 45, GOX G11 44, AXE E4 42
EX J9 56 fatcat
On 9th draw, CAJONES 14H 64 --- CAJON a steep-sided canyon [n]
Other moves: JACKS 14F 62, JACK 14F 59, KENOS 14B 48, KENO 14B 39, OAK 14D 38
JACKS 14F 62 fatcat
On 10th draw, BIROS 14B 40 --- BIRO a ballpoint pen -- a trademark [n]
Other tops: BORAS 14B 40
Other moves: OVIBOS K10 32, BIRO 14B 31, BORA 14B 31, BRAVOES M9 30, ISOBAR E4 30
BRAVES M10 22 fatcat
On 11th draw, PANIM 15K 41 --- PANIM a heathen [n]
Other moves: MOPANI E5 36, MOUP K9 35, ANOMIE 8A 33, IMPONE 8A 33, MOP K9 33
MOP 15M 27 fatcat
On 12th draw, NARROWED 12A 76 --- NARROW to make narrow [v]
Other moves: REWORN K7 38, REWON K7 36, TARROW N1 34, WORE 13A 34, WORE K9 34
REWORN K7 38 fatcat
On 13th draw, DOGE K9 30 --- DOGE the chief magistrate in the former republics of Venice and Genoa [n]
Other tops: GOAD K9 30
Other moves: DOG K9 28, GOD K9 28, QADI 5C 28, DAG 13K 27, DOE K9 26
QADI 5C 28 fatcat
On 14th draw, MEIKLE 8A 51 --- MEIKLE large [adj]
Other moves: LINKMEN A6 39, UNLIKE L4 39, NUMINA L10 38, MILKEN L5 37, MILKEN A7 36
MEIKLE 8A 51 LongJump22
KINE E5 34 fatcat
On 15th draw, YOWED 11E 44 --- YOW to yowl [v]
Other tops: AVOWRY L4 44, WAYED 11E 44, YAWED 11E 44
Other moves: WYN L8 36, WANED 11E 35, WARED 11E 35, NOWED 11E 32, NOYED 11E 32
AVOWRY L4 44 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112
WAVY L6 29 fatcat
On 16th draw, VORANT 4A 26 --- VORANT devouring [adj]
Other moves: NOR L10 24, NOT L10 24, NUR L10 24, NUT L10 24, OUTRAVE B2 24
VORANT 4A 26 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
VOW F10 17 fatcat
On 17th draw, HO 10F 36 --- HO a prostitute -- usually taken to be offensive [n] --- HO to stop [v] --- HO used to express surprise [interj]
Other tops: HA 10F 36
Other moves: DAH J4 29, DOH J4 29, OHIA 3C 28, TOAD 9C 28, AH J5 27
HO 10F 36 fatcat
On 18th draw, NUTRIAS L3 75 --- NUTRIA an aquatic rodent [n]
Other moves: SNIT L9 35, TRAVIS A1 27, NIS L10 24, NIT L10 24, NUR L10 24
NUTRIAS L3 75 LongJump22
TRAINS L4 23 fatcat
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