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Game on September 25, 2024 at 08:08, 6 players
1. 462 pts fatcat
2. 238 pts LongJump22
3. 57 pts OOOOOO1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeenosy   H8    24    24   nosey
 2. ?demnor  11E    90   114   demeanor
 3. adirrst  13B    79   193   ritards
 4. aegiiot  12A    22   215   gate
 5. eefltuz   G7    52   267   fez
 6. ?eglqtu  B10    70   337   quarte
 7. afnostv   F8    36   373   fave
 8. acilntx  15A    48   421   lexica
 9. ggilosw  M11    27   448   swig
10. abiikoo   L9    38   486   borak
11. aeeeilv   C7    23   509   vali
12. iloprsu   J5    64   573   purloins
13. aehimny   M3    89   662   hymenia
14. beiioot   5E    44   706   biotope
15. adeeinp   H1    33   739   adept
16. ?ceegir  15H    88   827   grecise
17. aeirttu   L1    25   852   urea
18. eiloott   N6    22   874   lotto
19. dehinnw  O10    80   954   whined

Remaining tiles: jnnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6403 Filefatcat      1 10:35  -492  462     1.6403 fatcat      1 10:35  -492  462 
  2.5665 FileLongJump22  3  1:53  -716  238            Group: novice
  3.5612 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:57  -897   57     1.5665 LongJump22  3  1:53  -716  238 
  4.5652 FileNNNNNN1112  0  2:45  -898   56     2.5612 OOOOOO1112  0  1:57  -897   57 
  5.5612 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:27  -917   37     3.5652 NNNNNN1112  0  2:45  -898   56 
  6.5727 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:50  -917   37     4.5612 LLLLLL1112  0  1:27  -917   37 
                                             5.5727 MMMMMM1112  0  1:50  -917   37 

On 1st draw, NOSEY H8 24 --- NOSEY a prying person [n] --- NOSEY unduly curious [adj]
Other tops: YEANS H4 24
Other moves: NOSEY H4 18, NOYES H4 18, NOYES H8 18, SAYNE H4 18, SAYNE H8 18

On 2nd draw, DEME(A)NOR 11E 90 --- DEMEANOR the manner in which one conducts oneself [n]
Other tops: MODERNE(R) 11E 90, MODERNE(S) 11E 90, MODE(R)NER 11E 90, MON(G)ERED 11D 90
Other moves: MODERN(L)Y 12A 82, MODERN(E) G7 80, MODERN(E) I9 80, MODERN(S) G7 80, MODERN(S) I9 80

On 3rd draw, RITARDS 13B 79 --- RITARD a musical passage with a gradual slackening in tempo [n]
Other moves: RITARDS M5 71, TRIDARNS J5 63, TRIDARNS 8B 60, RAIRDS 13C 27, TRIADS 13C 27
SAID M11 21 fatcat

On 4th draw, GATE 12A 22 --- GATE to supply with a gate (a movable barrier) [v]
Other tops: GETA 12A 22
Other moves: TOGA 12A 21, TOGE 12A 21, GATES 10D 19, GETAS 10D 19, GITES 10D 19
GRATE L10 12 fatcat

On 5th draw, FEZ G7 52 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: L*Z G7 46, LUZ G7 46, FUSEE 10F 40, FEZ 12K 39, FEEZE F7 37
FEZ G7 52 fatcat

On 6th draw, QUARTE B10 70 --- QUARTE a fencing movement [n]
Other moves: QUARE B10 68, QUARE(R) B10 68, QUART B10 68, QUART(E) B10 68, QUART(O) B10 68
QUART B10 68 fatcat

On 7th draw, FAVE F8 36 --- FAVE teenage slang for a favourite person or thing [n] --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: SOFA F6 32, NEFAST 15A 30, OAF 10D 30, SAFE F8 30, SAVE F8 30
FEAST 15A 27 fatcat

On 8th draw, LEXICA 15A 48 --- LEXICON a dictionary [n]
Other moves: XENIC 15A 45, XENIAL 15A 42, XENIA 15A 39, NEXT 15A 36, CATLIN I4 31
NEXT 15A 36 fatcat

On 9th draw, SWIG M11 27 --- SWIG to drink deeply or rapidly [v]
Other moves: GOWLS M7 26, SLOW M11 25, SOWL M11 25, GLOWS M7 23, SOW M11 23
SLOW M11 25 fatcat

On 10th draw, BORAK L9 38 --- BORAK nonsense [n]
Other moves: BRAK L10 36, KRAB L10 34, KAROO L9 30, ROK L11 30, KARO L9 26
WOK 12M 15 fatcat

On 11th draw, VALI C7 23 --- VALI a governor [n]
Other tops: VLEI C7 23
Other moves: DAL G13 20, DEL G13 20, ENLEVE J10 19, LEVEE M5 18, LEXICAL 15A 16
ALIVE M5 15 fatcat

On 12th draw, PURLOINS J5 64 --- PURLOIN to steal [v]
Other moves: PILOUS 15H 36, POILUS 15H 36, PROULS 15H 36, SLAP 8A 27, SOAP 8A 27
SOAP 8A 27 fatcat

On 13th draw, HYMENIA M3 89 --- HYMENIUM a layer in certain fungi [n]
Other moves: AYAH 8A 42, YEAH 8A 42, AMAH 8A 39, MYNAH K2 39, HYMEN K2 36
HEM K4 28 fatcat

On 14th draw, BIOTOPE 5E 44 --- BIOTOPE a stable habitat [n]
Other moves: OBOE L3 37, OBE L3 33, OBO L3 33, BET L4 30, BOO L4 30
OBOE L3 37 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
BEAT 8A 21 fatcat

On 15th draw, ADEPT H1 33 --- ADEPT an adept person [n] --- ADEPT highly skilled [adj]
Other tops: PEAN L1 33, PEEN L1 33, PIAN L1 33
Other moves: INAPT H1 30, INEPT H1 30, PAYED 4K 30, PEDATE H1 30, DEAN L1 29
ADEPT H1 33 LongJump22
PIN N13 25 fatcat

On 16th draw, GRECI(S)E 15H 88 --- GRECISE to provide with a Greek style [v]
Other moves: REGIC(I)DE 2B 84, REG(I)CIDE 2B 84, ACIER(A)GE 1H 83, AG(A)CERIE 1H 83, GRECI(S)ED 2A 72
GRECI(S)E 15H 88 LongJump22
DICER 2H 14 fatcat

On 17th draw, UREA L1 25 --- UREA a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ARETT N5 24, URAEI N1 24, TETRA N6 22, TETRI N6 22, AITU N4 21
RUE N13 19 NNNNNN1112
TEAR 8A 15 fatcat

On 18th draw, LOTTO N6 22 --- LOTTO a game of chance [n]
Other tops: LOTTE N6 22
Other moves: TOOTLED 2B 20, LOOT N6 19, TIE N13 19, TOE N13 19, TOOL N6 19
TEAT 8A 15 fatcat

On 19th draw, WHINED O10 80 --- WHINE to utter a plaintive, high-pitched sound [v]
Other moves: WHID O12 78, ENWIND O10 77, WINNED O10 71, HEID O12 69, HEND O12 69
WHINED O10 80 LongJump22
WHINED O1 46 fatcat

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