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Game on September 25, 2024 at 19:28, 1 player
1. 375 pts Inkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeiorsv   H7    78    78   erosive
 2. ?aacdwx   I5    48   126   waxed
 3. deemrtu  11E    40   166   merited
 4. eeinost   J4    28   194   seton
 5. adenprs   5E    56   250   snapweed
 6. hinostu  13A    74   324   outshine
 7. aafimno  A12    39   363   foam
 8. ?eilrty   L1    82   445   trendily
 9. abeglru   B7    89   534   blagueur
10. aadioop   H1    30   564   apoop
11. aeglnqt   2K    28   592   tranq
12. abgknoy   8A    48   640   blanky
13. defhnou  10J    39   679   houfed
14. eglnouw  O10    42   721   dowlne
15. cegiorv   4A    30   751   voice
16. acgirtz   3B    37   788   za
17. egiiltu   3L    25   813   etui
18. aegiijr   2A    54   867   raj
19. egiiilr   1A    25   892   el
20. cgiiiir   F2    20   912   girn

Remaining tiles: cgiii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7828 FileInkey       5  9:20  -537  375     1.7828 Inkey       5  9:20  -537  375 

On 1st draw, EROSIVE H7 78 --- EROSIVE causing erosion [adj]
Other moves: EROSIVE H2 72, EROSIVE H3 72, EROSIVE H4 72, EROSIVE H6 72, EROSIVE H8 72

On 2nd draw, WAX(E)D I5 48 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: D(E)WAX G7 47, AX(E)D I6 44, EXAC(T)A 13H 44, D(E)X I7 43, D(E)WAX I3 42

On 3rd draw, MERITED 11E 40 --- MERIT to earn [v]
Other tops: RETIMED 11E 40
Other moves: TEMED G7 39, DEME G7 38, REMET G7 37, RUME G7 34, TEME G7 34

On 4th draw, SETON J4 28 --- SETON a type of surgical thread [n]
Other tops: STONER G6 28
Other moves: EVITES 12G 27, SENOR G7 27, TENOR G7 27, TONER G7 27, VENITES 12H 27

On 5th draw, SNAPWEED 5E 56 --- SNAPWEED a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: RESAWED 5E 44, DENS K5 41, DRAPE H1 39, DEN K5 36, SPADE H1 36

On 6th draw, OUTSHINE 13A 74 --- OUTSHINE to shine brighter than [v]
Other moves: UNSHOT M3 35, HINTS 10J 34, HOIST 10J 34, HOUTS 10J 34, STOUSH 4J 34

On 7th draw, FOAM A12 39 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other moves: FANUM B10 36, MOFO A12 36, OAF 14D 34, FOAM 10J 33, FOIN A12 33

On 8th draw, TRE(N)DILY L1 82 --- TRENDILY in a trendy manner [adv] --- TRENDY very fashionable [adv]
Other moves: (S)TYLIER M5 78, LY(M)ITER 6A 77, (F)LYTIER 6A 71, (S)TYLIER 6A 71, LIENT(E)RY F2 64
TREY 10C 32 Inkey

On 9th draw, BLAGUEUR B7 89 --- BLAGUEUR one who talks pretentious nonsense [n]
Other moves: BELUGA 10J 32, BURGER 2J 30, BURGLE 2J 30, BAGEL 10J 29, BARGE 10J 29
BURGLE 2J 30 Inkey

On 10th draw, APOOP H1 30 --- APOOP astern [adv]
Other tops: DOPAS 10D 30
Other moves: PODIA 10J 29, APORIA 2I 28, APOS 10E 28, PARDI 2J 28, ALAP 8A 27
DOP 10D 26 Inkey

On 11th draw, TRANQ 2K 28 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: GAEN A6 27, TAEL A6 24, YANG 8L 24, VALET 12H 23, VENAL 12H 23
TRANQ 2K 28 Inkey

On 12th draw, BLANKY 8A 48 --- BLANKY "damnation" expressed euphemistically [n]
Other moves: BOAK A6 46, ALKY 8A 45, GLOBY 8A 42, BLAY 8A 39, KAYOS 10D 39
BLANKY 8A 48 Inkey

On 13th draw, HOUFED 10J 39 --- HOUF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: HOUFED 12J 38, FOEHN 10J 37, FOUND 10J 37, HONED 10J 37, HOUND 10J 37
HOUND 10J 37 Inkey

On 14th draw, DOWLNE O10 42 --- DOWLNE =soft feathers [n]
Other moves: ENDOW O8 39, VOWEL 12H 37, LOWES 10D 35, OWES 10E 34, GLOWED O5 33
LOWES 10D 35 Inkey

On 15th draw, VOICE 4A 30 --- VOICE to express or utter [v]
Other moves: GOVERN 14J 28, VIREO 12H 28, VIRGE 4A 28, VOGIE 4A 28, VIREO 4A 26
VOICE 4A 30 Inkey

On 16th draw, ZA 3B 37 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: HERTZ J10 37
Other moves: FRITZ M10 34, ZAIRE N6 34, ZAP 2F 34, ZIP 2F 34, FRIZ M10 32
ZA 3B 37 Inkey

On 17th draw, ETUI 3L 25 --- ETUI a case for holding small articles [n]
Other moves: GLUTEN 14J 22, YELT 8L 21, YETI 8L 21, YITE 8L 21, YULE 8L 21
ETUI 3L 25 Inkey

On 18th draw, RAJ 2A 54 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other moves: JAR 2A 47, JA 2A 42, AREG 2B 37, GARE 2A 37, GARI 2A 37
JAR 2A 47 Inkey

On 19th draw, EL 1A 25 --- EL an elevated railroad or train [n]
Other moves: REWAX(E)D I3 24, GIRN F2 20, VIRE 12H 19, REG 12J 18, RIGLIN 14J 18

On 20th draw, GIRN F2 20 --- GIRN to snarl [v]
Other moves: FR*G M10 16, RICIN 14K 14, CIRL 13L 12, ERIC F11 12, GRICE N6 12

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