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Game on September 27, 2024 at 05:53, 2 players
1. 456 pts fatcat
2. 69 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deejnp   H4    46    46   jeeped
 2. ceehmnv   5F    28    74   cheven
 3. ?ehmopr   8A   101   175   morpheme
 4. aeflnrr   6J    34   209   farren
 5. airstuy   O4    30   239   sunray
 6. beilnot   N9    27   266   boline
 7. eginovy   L6    36   302   revying
 8. aceistt  15H    89   391   tietacs
 9. adillou   A1    77   468   allodium
10. adeiost  11E    86   554   sedation
11. afotuuw   B4    38   592   wof
12. eemortu  12C    28   620   emoter
13. bdeistx  10I    52   672   ex
14. adgistz  10B    44   716   zatis
15. agikotw   4J    33   749   kaw
16. adgnort   C1    25   774   grand
17. bglootu  14J    25   799   but
18. gilnoqu   N2    32   831   quine
19. agiiloo   1C    27   858   gigolo

Remaining tiles: ai

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6389 Filefatcat      3 10:39  -402  456     1.7212 Chelsea     0  2:49  -789   69 
  2.7212 FileChelsea     0  2:49  -789   69            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6389 fatcat      3 10:39  -402  456 

On 1st draw, JE(E)PED H4 46 --- JEEP to travel by a small type of motor vehicle [v]
Other tops: JEEP(E)D H4 46, J(E)EPED H4 46
Other moves: J(A)PED H4 44, JEEP(S) H4 42, JE(A)NED H4 42, J*w*D H4 40, JE(U)NE H4 38

On 2nd draw, CHEVEN 5F 28 --- CHEVEN the chub [n]
Other tops: CHEVEN 5D 28, HEME I6 28
Other moves: VEHME 5D 26, VEHME 5G 26, HEM I6 22, MENE I6 22, CH(E)VEN 6F 21
CHEEP 7D 13 fatcat

On 3rd draw, (M)ORPHEME 8A 101 --- MORPHEME a linguistic unit [n]
Other tops: MORPHE(M)E 8A 101
Other moves: NEOM(O)RPH K5 78, NE(O)MORPH K5 78, CHOMPER(S) F5 76, MORPHE(D) G8 73, MORPHE(D) I8 73
HEMP 6J 34 fatcat

On 4th draw, FARREN 6J 34 --- FARREN a division of land [n]
Other moves: FARER 6J 33, FARLE 6J 33, FERAL 6J 33, FANE 6J 30, FARE 6J 30
FEAR 6J 30 fatcat

On 5th draw, SUNRAY O4 30 --- SUNRAY a ray of sunlight [n]
Other tops: SANITY O4 30, SYNURA O4 30, UNITARY O5 30
Other moves: SATYR I8 28, SAURY I8 28, ARTSY 4K 27, AUNTY O4 27, RUNTY O4 27
NASTY O6 24 fatcat

On 6th draw, BOLINE N9 27 --- BOLINE a Wiccan knife [n]
Other tops: BETOIL N9 27, BOLETI N9 27
Other moves: OILED 9D 23, HENBIT E8 22, NEPIT 7F 22, OBELION B8 22, THIBLE E7 22
BOOT B6 12 fatcat

On 7th draw, REVYING L6 36 --- REVIE to stake higher [v]
Other moves: VINERY M2 32, ENVYING 13I 30, IVORY M3 30, REVYING C8 30, GEY M12 26
ROVING L6 14 fatcat

On 8th draw, TIETACS 15H 89 --- TIETAC a tie clip [n]
Other tops: CATTIES 15H 89
CAST 15L 36 fatcat

On 9th draw, ALLODIU(M) A1 77 --- ALLODIUM land held in absolute ownership [n]
Other moves: ALOUD K9 26, ODAL 14I 22, ALOUD 14H 21, LAIRD M3 21, LIARD M3 21
HOLD E8 16 fatcat

On 10th draw, SEDATION 11E 86 --- SEDATION the reduction of stress or excitement by the use of sedatives [n]
Other moves: DIOPTASE D5 72, IODATES 14B 72, IODATES 14E 72, TOADIES 14B 72, TOADIES 14C 66
HOISTED E8 22 fatcat

On 11th draw, WOF B4 38 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: TUFA 10D 33, FAW 10D 32, OAF B4 32, UFO 10E 32, WOF 10D 32
WOF 10D 32 fatcat

On 12th draw, EMOTER 12C 28 --- EMOTER one that emotes [n]
Other tops: METEOR 12C 28
Other moves: RETEM 10B 27, RUME 10D 27, TEME 10D 27, TOME 10D 27, EME 10E 26
REMOTE C8 18 fatcat

On 13th draw, EX 10I 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: EXIT 13B 47, XIS 13C 45, DEX 13C 42, DEX 13A 40, XI 13C 40
EX 10I 52 fatcat

On 14th draw, ZATIS 10B 44 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: IZARD M3 39, ZATIS 13A 39, ZATI 10B 36, ZETAS F10 36, ZITS C2 36
ZAS 14F 34 fatcat

On 15th draw, KAW 4J 33 --- KAW to cry like a crow [v]
Other moves: KAGO 4J 31, KWAITO 14E 31, TWA 14I 31, WAT 14J 31, WIT 14J 31
WAT 14J 31 Chelsea
WICK F3 23 fatcat

On 16th draw, GRAND C1 25 --- GRAND a type of piano [n] --- GRAND large and impressive [adj]
Other moves: GROANED C7 24, ADOPT 7E 23, DANG C2 23, DONG C2 23, GNARR M2 23
TANG 3K 19 fatcat
GOD 13A 16 Chelsea

On 17th draw, BUT 14J 25 --- BUT a flatfish [n]
Other moves: BOULT 14F 23, OB 14I 22, BOG 11A 21, BOUGE N2 21, LOBO 3K 21
BUT 14J 25 fatcat
OB 14I 22 Chelsea

On 18th draw, QUINE N2 32 --- QUINE a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: GLUING 1C 27, LORING 2A 22, LURING 2A 22, LOG 11A 19, LONG 3K 19
QUINE N2 32 fatcat

On 19th draw, GIGOLO 1C 27 --- GIGOLO a man supported financially by a woman [n]
Other tops: GILGAI 1C 27
Other moves: GI O1 20, LAG 11A 19, LOG 11A 19, AG 11B 18, GAL 11A 18
GI O1 20 fatcat

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