Game on September 27, 2024 at 21:52, 1 player
1. 159 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 28 28
2. I6 22 50
3. 13B 84 134
4. 11E 43 177
5. E4 76 253
6. 8A 57 310
7. C3 88 398
8. 14E 55 453
9. 15E 57 510
10. J4 35 545
11. A2 61 606
12. B10 49 655
13. 4H 72 727
14. O4 33 760
15. N10 57 817
16. L1 62 879
17. O12 55 934
18. 1G 57 991
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7232 sunshine12 1 6:15 -832 159 1.7232 sunshine12 1 6:15 -832 159
On 1st draw, MAGILP H7 28 --- MAGILP a substance with which pigments are mixed in painting [n]
Other tops: BLIMP H4 28, BLIMP H8 28, MAGILP H4 28
Other moves: GIMBAL H4 26, GIMBAL H3 24, GIMBAL H7 24, GIMBAL H8 24, MAGILP H3 24
On 2nd draw, IODIN I6 22 --- IODIN a nonmetallic element [n]
Other tops: AIDOI I8 22, AUDIO I6 22, AUDIO I8 22
Other moves: DANIO I6 21, UDON I7 21, NIDI I6 19, NODI I6 19, ADO I7 18
On 3rd draw, OUTWARS 13B 84 --- OUTWAR to surpass in warring [v]
Other moves: WOTS J7 30, SWOT J6 29, TWOS J6 29, WAURST J2 28, WORST J5 27
On 4th draw, COOLEST 11E 43 --- COOL moderately cold [adj]
Other moves: COOST J7 29, ASCOT J5 28, COOS J7 28, COTS J7 28, ESCOT J5 28
COOS 12A 26 sunshine12
On 5th draw, ASTHENIC E4 76 --- ASTHENIC a slender, lightly muscled person [n]
Other moves: HESITANT K4 72, HESITANT K7 61, EH 14E 31, HINS 12A 30, HAINTS J2 28
SHE 14B 23 sunshine12
On 6th draw, EVOKED 8A 57 --- EVOKE to call forth [v]
Other moves: EV(O)KED 8A 54, (E)VOKED 8A 54, DOEKS J7 51, EVOKE 8A 51, EVOKE(D) 8A 51
KEP(I) 14A 27 sunshine12
On 7th draw, RINGDOVE C3 88 --- RINGDOVE a European pigeon [n]
Other moves: VIGOR B10 34, VEND D1 30, VERD D1 30, VIED D1 30, VINE 12A 30
VINED J2 28 sunshine12
On 8th draw, EX 14E 55 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: YEX B2 37, EX 14A 36, LUXE B2 35, MUX B2 35, LYME 14A 34
EX 14E 55 sunshine12
On 9th draw, BENJ 15E 57 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: REJON 15A 45, ABORNE 15A 43, BORANE 15A 43, JERBOA J2 42, BEANO 15E 39
On 10th draw, CAFE J4 35 --- CAFE a small restaurant [n]
Other moves: FA J6 31, FE J6 31, CONF J3 30, FONE 12A 30, FANO B10 28
On 11th draw, FLI(M)SIER A2 61 --- FLIMSY lacking solidity or strength [adj]
Other tops: FILIS(T)ER A2 61, FLIS(K)IER A2 61, FRIL(L)IES A2 61, FRI(L)LIES A2 61, F(U)SILIER A2 61
Other moves: FILOS B10 45, FILOS(E) B10 45, FL(O)ORS B10 45, FL(U)ORS B10 45, F(U)ROLS B10 45
On 12th draw, HUMOR B10 49 --- HUMOR to indulge [v]
Other moves: MAHOE B10 42, VEHM B8 39, MAROR B10 36, MACHER 4H 32, HARMER 12J 31
On 13th draw, ARC(H)AEAL 4H 72 --- ARCHAEA a large group of microorganisms [adj] --- ARCHAEAL relating to an [adj]
Other moves: AKA D7 20, A(H)EAD F4 19, LEA B1 19, ACER(O)LA 4I 18, AK(A) D7 18
On 14th draw, LANGLEY O4 33 --- LANGLEY a unit of illumination [n]
Other moves: LEANY N2 32, ALONELY O3 30, EGALLY O1 30, GALLEY O1 30, LONGLY O4 30
On 15th draw, BOOZE N10 57 --- BOOZE to drink liquor excessively [v]
Other tops: BAZOO N10 57
Other moves: BEZ 3L 47, TOAZE N2 47, ZEA 3L 41, ZOA 3L 41, ZOBO F2 41
On 16th draw, DURATION L1 62 --- DURATION continuance in time [n]
Other moves: DORT O12 39, TONDI 15K 39, DIRT 15L 38, DORT 15L 38, DURN 15L 38
On 17th draw, WATE O12 55 --- WIT to know [v]
Other tops: YATE O12 55
Other moves: WYE 15M 47, YAW B2 43, EQUITY 2J 40, AYE 15M 38, TYE 15M 38
On 18th draw, QUYTED 1G 57 --- QUYTE to depart from [v]
Other moves: PIQUED 1G 54, QUYTE F2 50, QUITED 1G 48, EQUID 1H 45, QUITE F2 44
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