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Game on September 28, 2024 at 00:04, 1 player
1. 233 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ainsss   H7    64    64   sanseis
 2. degnopy  13C    32    96   pogeys
 3. aejlnor  12A    46   142   jeon
 4. abegint  10A    65   207   beatings
 5. aefhiru  A12    42   249   jehu
 6. afilnno   9H    63   312   nonfinal
 7. bdeeoru   E4    94   406   bouderie
 8. aefgoty   O4    39   445   foetal
 9. elmoprx  14E    53   498   ox
10. cdeeino   N1    87   585   codeine
11. aceprtu   3G    88   673   captured
12. ?giioyz   H1    81   754   glazy
13. aeeistv   1K    42   796   evict
14. aadekrt   8A    48   844   reaked
15. adimort  15C    41   885   adroit
16. ahimqtu   8L    44   929   qi
17. ailltvw   N9    34   963   avital
18. ahmrsuw   D2    43  1006   shawm
19. illmruw   F6    28  1034   mid

Remaining tiles: llrruw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7247 Filesunshine12  2  5:16  -801  233     1.7247 sunshine12  2  5:16  -801  233 

On 1st draw, SANS(E)IS H7 64 --- SANSEI a grandchild of Japanese immigrants to the United States [n]
Other tops: ASSI(G)NS H2 64, ASSI(G)NS H3 64, ASSI(G)NS H4 64, ASSI(G)NS H6 64, ASSI(G)NS H7 64, SANS(E)IS H2 64, SANS(E)IS H3 64, SANS(E)IS H4 64, SANS(E)IS H6 64, SASIN(E)S H2 64, SASIN(E)S H3 64, SASIN(E)S H4 64, SASIN(E)S H6 64, SASIN(E)S H8 64, SASSIN(G) H2 64, SASSIN(G) H3 64, SASSIN(G) H4 64, SASSIN(G) H7 64, SASSIN(G) H8 64
Other moves: ASSI(G)NS H5 62, ASSI(G)NS H8 62, SANS(E)IS H5 62, SANS(E)IS H8 62, SASIN(E)S H5 62

On 2nd draw, POGEYS 13C 32 --- POGEY any form of government relief [n]
Other moves: DOGEYS 13C 30, POGY I6 30, PONEYS 13C 30, SPENDY 13H 30, SPONGY 13H 30

On 3rd draw, JEON 12A 46 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other moves: JAR 12D 43, JA 12D 39, JANGLE E10 28, JARGON E10 28, JAROOL D10 28

On 4th draw, BEATINGS 10A 65 --- BEATING a defeat [n]
Other moves: BEATINGS 7A 64, BEJANT A10 45, JIBE A12 39, TAJINE A10 39, BEGIN 14B 36

On 5th draw, JEHU A12 42 --- JEHU a fast driver [n]
Other moves: RIFE 14D 39, FERIA 14B 35, JURA A12 33, JURE A12 33, RIF 14D 33

On 6th draw, NONFINAL 9H 63 --- NONFINAL not being the last [adj]
Other moves: FA 14F 31, IF 14E 29, OF 14E 29, FLAB A7 27, FILA 9C 26

On 7th draw, BOUDERIE E4 94 --- BOUDERIE pouting [n]
Other moves: REDOUBLE O3 86, BOUDERIE L3 74, BEDE 8L 48, BODE 8L 48, DEBE 8L 44

On 8th draw, FOETAL O4 39 --- FOETAL pertaining to a fetus [adj]
Other tops: ELOGY O8 39, FLOATY O8 39
Other moves: FOGY D3 38, FAY 10L 37, FEY 10L 37, FOY 10L 37, YATE 10J 37

On 9th draw, OX 14E 53 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: EX 10M 52, OX 10M 52, EXPO F4 45, EXO 8K 42, POX F6 40
OX 14E 53 sunshine12

On 10th draw, CODEINE N1 87 --- CODEINE a narcotic alkaloid [n]
Other moves: CODEINE F1 77, CODEINE G1 66, COINED D3 42, ENCODE N1 34, INCEDE N1 34
DOEN 15E 30 sunshine12

On 11th draw, CAPTURED 3G 88 --- CAPTURE to take by force or cunning [v]
Other moves: OUTCAPER 5E 74, CAPTURE G1 68, PERACUTE B3 64, CARPET 8A 39, CARPET F3 37
PEACE 8A 36 sunshine12

On 12th draw, G(L)AZY H1 81 --- GLAZY covered with a smooth, glossy coating [adj]
Other moves: AZYGO(S) N9 76, GYOZ(A) 15D 74, G(H)AZI H1 72, G(L)OZE 8A 72, G(R)IZE 8A 72
G(R)IZE 8A 72 sunshine12

On 13th draw, EVICT 1K 42 --- EVICT to expel by legal process [v]
Other moves: VACS 1L 39, VICE 1L 39, VENITES M7 38, AVIATES N9 36, SIEVE 8A 36
EVICT 1K 42 sunshine12

On 14th draw, REAKED 8A 48 --- REAK to care [v]
Other moves: DRAKE 8A 45, AKATEA N9 40, KARAT D1 38, KARA D1 34, KATA D1 34

On 15th draw, ADROIT 15C 41 --- ADROIT skillful [adj]
Other moves: DROIT 15D 38, DORM 15E 36, AROID 15D 35, TOMIA 15E 35, TROAD 15D 35

On 16th draw, QI 8L 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: HAIQUE B3 38, QUINTA J6 37, QUAI D2 36, QUANT J6 36, QUAT D2 36

On 17th draw, AVITAL N9 34 --- AVITAL ancestral [adj]
Other tops: VITAL D1 34
Other moves: VAW D3 31, VITA D1 30, VAR 9C 27, WAR 9C 27, LAW D3 25

On 18th draw, SHAWM D2 43 --- SHAWM an early woodwind instrument [n]
Other moves: HAWM D3 41, HUMAS D1 38, HUMAS M11 37, WARMTH 12J 36, WHAM D2 36

On 19th draw, MID F6 28 --- MID the middle [n]
Other moves: MIR 9C 23, MUIR 9B 23, LUM M11 22, MIL O13 21, MIR O13 21

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