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Game on September 29, 2024 at 05:48, 6 players
1. 351 pts fatcat
2. 87 pts LongJump22
3. 20 pts LLLLLL1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abdeim   H3    78    78   embraid
 2. aaeintt   3F    70   148   taeniate
 3. aehoprr   2J    51   199   phare
 4. adeeoru   1K    37   236   arede
 5. ?abnnqu  10H    42   278   suq
 6. efinosx   K5    44   322   foxies
 7. eilorst   F3    62   384   triolets
 8. bnorstu  11K    48   432   turbo
 9. egnostv   8J    42   474   givens
10. ccdeikr  O10    54   528   cocked
11. egilnrs   8A    27   555   single
12. aeijrvz   J6    73   628   zag
13. adeiptw   E5    33   661   dwale
14. finnotw   C3    26   687   intown
15. aelopru   A1    89   776   leaprous
16. ginorvy   D1    40   816   viny
17. efhilor  14J    34   850   ferlie
18. ginooty   1D    36   886   vying
19. ahjootu  15F    50   936   thuja

Remaining tiles: mooo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6388 Filefatcat      1  8:17  -585  351     1.6388 fatcat      1  8:17  -585  351 
  2.5629 FileLongJump22  0  3:47  -849   87            Group: novice
  3.5734 FileLLLLLL1112  0  0:06  -916   20     1.5629 LongJump22  0  3:47  -849   87 
  4.5862 FileMMMMMM1112  0  0:26  -916   20     2.5734 LLLLLL1112  0  0:06  -916   20 
  5.5743 FileNNNNNN1112  0  0:46  -916   20     3.5862 MMMMMM1112  0  0:26  -916   20 
  6.5548 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:06  -916   20     4.5743 NNNNNN1112  0  0:46  -916   20 
                                             5.5548 OOOOOO1112  0  1:06  -916   20 

On 1st draw, EMB(R)AID H3 78 --- EMBRAID to braid [v]
Other tops: AMEB(O)ID H3 78, EMB(R)AID H2 78, IMBA(S)ED H2 78, IMBA(S)ED H3 78
Other moves: AMEB(O)ID H6 76, EMB(R)AID H6 76, IMBA(S)ED H6 76, AMEB(O)ID H2 74, AMEB(O)ID H4 74

On 2nd draw, TAENIATE 3F 70 --- TAENIATE like a tapeworm [adj]
Other moves: TAENIATE 3A 68, ATTAINED 9A 61, ATTAINE(R) 6A 61, (R)EATTAIN 6H 61, AMENTIA 4G 18

On 3rd draw, PHARE 2J 51 --- PHARE a lighthouse [n]
Other moves: HEAP 2J 38, EPHA 2I 34, HEAR 2J 34, EPHOR G6 31, HAE 2J 31

On 4th draw, AREDE 1K 37 --- AREDE to declare [v]
Other moves: M*RD* 4H 36, REED 4J 31, ROED 4J 31, RADE 1L 28, REDE 1L 28

On 5th draw, (S)UQ 10H 42 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: BU(R)QA 2B 38, QU(E)NA 2B 34, QU(I)NA 2B 34, QUA(L)M 4D 33, BU(R)QA 4B 32

On 6th draw, FOXIES K5 44 --- FOXIE (colloquial) a fox-terrier [n]
Other moves: FOXIES 2A 40, EXO I6 38, FIXES 2B 38, FOXES 2B 38, FOXIE 2B 38

On 7th draw, TRIOLETS F3 62 --- TRIOLET a short poem of fixed form [n]
Other moves: SOTERIAL 7B 61, RITES 11I 57, RITE 11I 55, RITS 11I 55, SITE 11I 55

On 8th draw, TURBO 11K 48 --- TURBO a type of engine [n]
Other moves: TUBS 11K 46, TONUS 11K 44, TORUS 11K 44, TOUNS 11K 44, TOURS 11K 44

On 9th draw, GIVENS 8J 42 --- GIVEN something assigned as a basis for a calculation [n]
Other moves: OVENS O11 36, GOVERNS M7 34, EGOS J5 32, EVOS 4L 31, OVEN 4L 31
OVENS O11 36 fatcat

On 10th draw, COCKED O10 54 --- COCK to tilt to one side [v]
Other moves: COCKER O10 51, COKIER O10 51, DOCKER O10 48, ROCKED O10 48, KEG J6 43
COCKER O10 51 fatcat

On 11th draw, SINGLE 8A 27 --- SINGLE to select from a group [v]
Other moves: GLENS E5 26, GRILSE 8A 24, SIGNEE 8A 24, GIEN E5 22, GLEN E5 22
RISK 13L 16 fatcat

On 12th draw, ZAG J6 73 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: JARVIE 14J 64, JAG J6 61, AVIZE E10 36, ZAIRE B6 36, AVIZE 14K 34
ZAG J6 73 fatcat

On 13th draw, DWALE E5 33 --- DWALE deadly nightshade [n]
Other moves: PEDATE 14J 30, DAWTIE 14J 28, DEAWIE 14J 28, GAWPED D8 26, PAWK 13L 26
WE N14 23 fatcat

On 14th draw, INTOWN C3 26 --- INTOWN located in the centre of the city [adj]
Other moves: TWINK 13K 24, WO N14 23, FINK 13L 22, FROWN M10 22, TOWNIE 14J 22
WO N14 23 fatcat

On 15th draw, LEAPROUS A1 89 --- LEAPROUS infected with leprosy [adj]
Other moves: LEVA L6 31, PAIRE B6 30, POILU B6 30, LEAP B3 28, LEV L6 28
PEAK 13L 20 fatcat

On 16th draw, VINY D1 40 --- VINY covered with vines [adj]
Other moves: GYVING D8 34, GROYNE 14J 28, GYRING D8 28, VINO D1 28, G*Y D2 26
YO L5 25 LongJump22
YO 7M 20 LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
GROVE 14K 18 fatcat

On 17th draw, FERLIE 14J 34 --- FERLIE a strange sight [n]
Other moves: EH B5 30, OH B5 30, LEV L6 28, VIOLER 1D 27, FORELIE 14I 24
VIOLER 1D 27 LongJump22
FE N14 23 fatcat

On 18th draw, VYING 1D 36 --- VIE to strive for superiority [v] --- VYING an act of vying [n]
Other moves: GOONY 15F 35, INGO B1 30, VOTING 1D 30, GOON B3 29, G*Y 15H 29
GOONY 15F 35 LongJump22
VOTING 1D 30 fatcat

On 19th draw, THUJA 15F 50 --- THUJA an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: OOH B4 40, JOTA 15G 38, AH B5 30, OH B5 30, UH B5 30
JOTA 15G 38 fatcat

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