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Game on September 29, 2024 at 20:11, 16 players
1. 467 pts Inkey
2. 258 pts Pacific
3. 192 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aceirz   H4   104   104   zebraic
 2. aejlopu   4G    46   150   azulejo
 3. adilrst   K3    68   218   redtails
 4. aeeirtv   3A    75   293   evirate
 5. ehoortu   B2    42   335   overhot
 6. ?definr   8G    98   433   carnified
 7. aadlpqs   A6    39   472   spald
 8. eeginsu   N2    38   510   ensue
 9. aeotvww   C6    34   544   aweto
10. ehiiinr   D1    24   568   hirer
11. aaginuy   1D    39   607   haying
12. befginq   A1    44   651   nief
13. acmostv  B10    30   681   scamto
14. egioovw  15A    33   714   wove
15. amnouxy   O1    53   767   oxy
16. beinoot   E5    90   857   eobiont
17. abilmpu   F6    24   881   bi
18. agklnqu   M2    44   925   kaon
19. dgmpquu  12A    22   947   gamp

Remaining tiles: dglquu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7825 FileInkey       4 14:26  -480  467     1.9857 Pacific     1  4:36  -689  258 
  2.9857 FilePacific     1  4:36  -689  258            Group: advanced
  3.7135 Filesunshine12  4  7:28  -755  192     1.7825 Inkey       4 14:26  -480  467 
  4.5701 FileLongJump22  3  3:25  -785  162     2.7135 sunshine12  4  7:28  -755  192 
  5.6912 FileArcticFox   3  3:46  -822  125     3.7777 bumpkin     1  1:58  -894   53 
  6.7777 Filebumpkin     1  1:58  -894   53     4.7111 roocatcher  0  0:24  -919   28 
  7.5743 FileNNNNNN1112  1  0:58  -908   39     5.7974 lazy.lion   0  0:13  -929   18 
  8.5862 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:23  -908   39            Group: intermediate
  9.5548 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:48  -908   39     1.6912 ArcticFox   3  3:46  -822  125 
 10.6484 FileDiscus22    1  0:59  -914   33     2.6484 Discus22    1  0:59  -914   33 
 11.6549 FileHammer22    1  1:17  -914   33     3.6549 Hammer22    1  1:17  -914   33 
 12.6486 FileJavelin22   1  1:40  -914   33     4.6486 Javelin22   1  1:40  -914   33 
 13.7111 Fileroocatcher  0  0:24  -919   28     5.6665 ShotPut22   0  1:44  -921   26 
 14.5734 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:15  -921   26            Group: novice
 15.6665 FileShotPut22   0  1:44  -921   26     1.5701 LongJump22  3  3:25  -785  162 
 16.7974 Filelazy.lion   0  0:13  -929   18     2.5743 NNNNNN1112  1  0:58  -908   39 
                                             3.5862 MMMMMM1112  1  1:23  -908   39 
                                             4.5548 OOOOOO1112  1  1:48  -908   39 
                                             5.5734 LLLLLL1112  0  1:15  -921   26 

On 1st draw, ZE(B)RAIC H4 104 --- ZEBRA an African mammal that is related to the horse [adj] --- ZEBRAIC like a zebra [adj]
Other moves: CRAZIE(R) H4 90, CRAZIE(S) H4 90, C(R)AZIER H4 90, ZE(B)RAIC H6 90, CRAZIE(R) H2 86
CRAZIE(S) H8 86 Pacific

On 2nd draw, AZULEJO 4G 46 --- AZULEJO a painted pottery tile [n]
Other moves: JOLE I3 33, PUJA I1 32, CAJOLE 10H 31, JOE I3 31, JOL I3 31

On 3rd draw, REDTAILS K3 68 --- REDTAIL a rodent-eating hawk [n]
Other moves: TRICLADS 10E 65, DISTRAIL 9G 63, DISTRAIL 9B 62, DIASTRAL 8B 60, DIASTRAL 8F 60
DISTAL N2 42 Pacific

On 4th draw, EVIRATE 3A 75 --- EVIRATE to castrate [v]
Other moves: TAIVER L8 27, VERITE 3B 23, EVIRATE 5B 22, TAIVER L10 22, AVERT 3C 21

On 5th draw, OVERHOT B2 42 --- OVERHOT too hot [adj]
Other moves: HOOTER L7 32, ITHER 8K 27, THERE A1 27, HURTER D1 26, ETH G7 25
THERE A1 27 Inkey

On 6th draw, (C)ARNIFIED 8G 98 --- CARNIFY to form into flesh [v]
Other moves: FENDI(E)R C7 91, FINDER(S) C7 91, F(E)NDIER C7 90, DEFIN(E)R A7 89, DEFIN(E)R C7 89
FINDER(S) C7 91 Pacific
FE(T)ED 4A 41 Inkey

On 7th draw, SPALD A6 39 --- SPALD the shoulder [n]
Other moves: DAPS N1 38, PADS N1 38, ALPS N1 36, APED A1 36, LAPS N1 36
PLED A1 34 Inkey

On 8th draw, ENSUE N2 38 --- ENSUE to occur afterward or as a result [v]
Other moves: GUISE N1 36, SIGNEE N4 35, EGIS N1 34, ENGS N1 34, GEES N1 34
GUISE N1 36 Inkey

On 9th draw, AWETO C6 34 --- AWETO a wormlike fungus [n]
Other moves: AWEE A1 32, REAVOW D3 32, TWEE A1 32, AWE C6 31, EWT C6 31
AWETO C6 34 Inkey

On 10th draw, HIRER D1 24 --- HIRER one that hires [n]
Other moves: E(C)H G7 22, HERN D1 22, HIE 9G 22, HIRE D1 22, HEN 4A 21
E(C)H G7 22 Inkey

On 11th draw, HAYING 1D 39 --- HAYING the season for harvesting hay [n]
Other moves: HYING 1D 36, GAY O1 28, HANGI 1D 27, YOGINI 2A 26, ANY O1 25
HAYING 1D 39 Inkey, Pacific, LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, ArcticFox, MMMMMM1112, OOOOOO1112

On 12th draw, NIEF A1 44 --- NIEF the fist [n]
Other moves: BIEN A1 26, BIOG M2 25, ERF I7 23, FEIGN D10 23, GIEN A1 23
NIEF A1 44 LongJump22
BEING D10 20 Inkey

On 13th draw, SCAMTO B10 30 --- SCAMTO the argot of urban South African blacks [n]
Other moves: MASCOT D10 26, SCAM 11C 25, CALOS J2 24, COLAS J2 24, MOLAS J2 24
MASCOT D10 26 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, ShotPut22
SCAM 11C 25 Inkey

On 14th draw, WOVE 15A 33 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other moves: VOGIE 15A 30, WAIVE 12A 30, WAVE 12A 28, VOW 15A 27, WOE C12 27
WOVE 15A 33 Inkey, Discus22, Hammer22, ArcticFox, Javelin22, sunshine12

On 15th draw, OXY O1 53 --- OXY containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: MYXOMA 13B 42, AX O1 36, MYXO 14D 36, OX O1 36, LYNX 9K 35
OXY O1 53 sunshine12, LongJump22, Inkey, ArcticFox, bumpkin

On 16th draw, EOBIONT E5 90 --- EOBIONT a type of basic organism [n]
Other moves: EOBIONT 14D 69, TOON M2 32, EOBIONT N8 30, TOO M2 28, BETON E11 25
TOON M2 32 Inkey, sunshine12

On 17th draw, BI F6 24 --- BI a bisexual [n]
Other tops: BA F6 24, IMBALM 13A 24, MA F6 24, MI F6 24, PA F6 24, PI F6 24
Other moves: AM C12 22, BALM 12A 22, BAPU 12A 22, MALIBU 13B 22, PABLUM 14D 22
MA F6 24 sunshine12
MALIBU 13B 22 Inkey
PA A12 18 lazy.lion

On 18th draw, KAON M2 44 --- KAON one of a subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: KAGU 12A 28, KANG 12A 28, KA A12 26, KAAL 12A 26, KANA 12A 26
KANG 12A 28 roocatcher, Inkey, sunshine12

On 19th draw, GAMP 12A 22 --- GAMP a large umbrella [n]
Other tops: DAMP 12A 22
Other moves: QI M7 21, MAUD 12A 20, MU C12 20, MUMP 13B 20, DUMP 14D 18
DAMP 12A 22 sunshine12
QI M7 21 Inkey

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