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Game on September 30, 2024 at 00:45, 1 player
1. 104 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acelrvy   H8    34    34   carvy
 2. aaegort  10F    65    99   arrogate
 3. dehiotw   K5    56   155   towhead
 4. deinnor   N8    89   244   endiron
 5. iiloprs  15L    36   280   piso
 6. abeeqsu   O3    60   340   basque
 7. adelotz   J6    73   413   zoa
 8. abeeknu   I4    42   455   beak
 9. acilott   F8    62   517   coattail
10. ?aehlmo  15C    89   606   mallecho
11. ?eiinxy   8A    45   651   axenic
12. deirtuy   7A    31   682   dey
13. ijlmost  14J    50   732   jo
14. degimnu   6B    40   772   degum
15. aglnstu   L3    38   810   guans
16. filnrtu   M1    27   837   flirt
17. eilnstv   1H    30   867   itself
18. efiinrv   B2    30   897   reindex
19. efnpruw   A1    34   931   few
20. iinpruv   D1    28   959   viring

Remaining tiles: pu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7149 Filesunshine12  1  2:45  -855  104     1.7149 sunshine12  1  2:45  -855  104 

On 1st draw, CARVY H8 34 --- CARVY a herb used in cooking [n]
Other moves: CARVY H4 32, LEAVY H8 30, VEALY H4 30, VEALY H8 30, CALVER H4 28

On 2nd draw, ARROGATE 10F 65 --- ARROGATE to claim or take without right [v]
Other moves: ARROGATE 10G 63, GROVET 11E 20, GYRATE 12G 20, RAVAGE 11F 20, AGAVE 11E 18

On 3rd draw, TOWHEAD K5 56 --- TOWHEAD a head of light blond hair [n]
Other moves: DHOTI N10 41, DOETH N10 41, DOWIE N10 41, WHITED N5 40, WIDTH 11K 39

On 4th draw, ENDIRON N8 89 --- ENDIRON a metal support for logs in a fireplace [n]
Other moves: INDENTOR 5F 59, DINERO N10 37, DINNER N10 37, NOINTED L6 36, DINER N10 35

On 5th draw, PISO 15L 36 --- PISO the Philippine peso [n]
Other tops: PILIS O4 36, PIRLS O4 36, POLIS O4 36
Other moves: LIPOS J4 35, HOPER 8K 33, HOPES 8K 33, POS J6 31, LIPOS O4 30

On 6th draw, BASQUE O3 60 --- BASQUE a bodice [n]
Other moves: QUA O6 42, BASQUE M3 38, SQUAB L2 38, BASQUE 11A 36, BEAUS O4 36

On 7th draw, ZOA J6 73 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: LAZO J4 71, AZO J5 70, ZA J6 67, ZO J6 67, L*Z J4 65

On 8th draw, BEAK I4 42 --- BEAK a bird's bill [n]
Other moves: KAB I5 35, BEAK 9F 34, BAKE N2 32, BEAN L4 32, NAB I5 31

On 9th draw, COATTAIL F8 62 --- COATTAIL the back lower portion of a coat [n]
Other tops: COATTAIL F5 62, TAILCOAT F4 62
Other moves: ATTIC L8 28, COAL H3 27, ALCO H1 26, CALO H1 26, CIAO H1 26

On 10th draw, MALLE(C)HO 15C 89 --- MALLECHO an editorial emendation of malicho (Shakesp) [n]
Other moves: HEAL(S)OME 5B 74, HALIMO(T)E 14C 64, HALI(D)OME 14C 64, HEMIOL(I)A 14C 64, HEMIOLA(S) 14C 62

On 11th draw, (A)XENIC 8A 45 --- AXENIC free from germs [adj]
Other tops: EX(O)NIC 8A 45
Other moves: EXI(L)IC 8A 42, (S)IXTE L7 41, XENI(A) L1 39, (A)X G12 38, (O)X G12 38

On 12th draw, DEY 7A 31 --- DEY a former North African ruler [n]
Other moves: TIDY 9A 30, DUTY 9A 28, END 9M 27, Y*D 9A 27, DERAY 13C 26

On 13th draw, JO 14J 50 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: SIJO H1 41, SLORM 12K 35, STORM 12K 35, JIMP L12 30, JOTTY 12D 30
JO 14J 50 sunshine12

On 14th draw, DEGUM 6B 40 --- DEGUM to free from gum [v]
Other moves: DENIM 6B 39, DEIGN 6B 34, DEG 6B 30, DENI 6B 30, DEI 6B 29
DENIM 6B 39 sunshine12

On 15th draw, GUANS L3 38 --- GUAN a large bird [n]
Other tops: GLANS L3 38
Other moves: GANS L4 36, TUANS L3 36, ULANS L3 36, TANS L4 34, SULTAN L1 29
AG 5D 15 sunshine12

On 16th draw, FLIRT M1 27 --- FLIRT to behave amorously without serious intent [v]
Other tops: FLINT M1 27
Other moves: UNFITLY 12B 26, FIRN M2 25, FITLY 12D 22, FLIR M1 22, FLIT M1 22

On 17th draw, ITSELF 1H 30 --- ITSELF a reflexive form of the pronoun it [pron]
Other tops: STIFLE 1J 30
Other moves: ELFIN 1K 27, LEFTS 1K 27, LIFES 1K 27, LIFTS 1K 27, NIFES 1K 27

On 18th draw, REINDEX B2 30 --- INDEX to provide with an index [v] --- REINDEX to index again [v]
Other moves: FIRING D1 28, VIRING D1 28, VIRENT 12A 26, NEIVE 5E 24, NERVE 5E 24

On 19th draw, FEW A1 34 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other moves: PEW A1 31, ENWRAP 13B 28, UNWRAP 13B 28, WIFE 4A 28, WIPER 4A 28

On 20th draw, VIRING D1 28 --- VIRE to transfer funds [v]
Other moves: PURING D1 24, VINTRY 12C 24, PIRNIT 12A 22, RIVING D1 22, URN C1 21

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