Game on September 30, 2024 at 02:20, 1 player
1. 318 pts Papa_Sloth
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 78 78
2. 15D 66 144
3. 8H 104 248
4. 14G 98 346
5. K5 102 448
6. O1 77 525
7. 5E 82 607
8. O12 54 661
9. F5 66 727
10. L1 36 763
11. 2J 36 799
12. M12 38 837
13. 10J 31 868
14. M1 40 908
15. E8 45 953
16. 1G 26 979
17. 7H 34 1013
18. 2A 73 1086
19. 1A 35 1121
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6989 Papa_Sloth 2 11:06 -803 318 1.6989 Papa_Sloth 2 11:06 -803 318
On 1st draw, ENTAYLE H8 78 --- ENTAYLE to carve [v]
Other moves: ENTAYLE H2 72, ENTAYLE H3 72, ENTAYLE H4 72, ENTAYLE H6 72, ENTAYLE H7 72
On 2nd draw, BOWE(S) 15D 66 --- BOWES boughs [n]
Other tops: BOWE(D) 15D 66
Other moves: WOO(D)BINE 9B 65, WOOE(D) 15D 63, BOW(S)IE 15E 60, BOOE(D) 15D 57, BOW(S)E 15E 57
On 3rd draw, EXACTORS 8H 104 --- EXACTOR one that exacts [n]
Other moves: EXACTORS 14H 88, OXCARTS I2 77, OXCARTS 11E 64, EXACTOR 14H 36, SCROTA 14A 33
On 4th draw, MELODIZE 14G 98 --- MELODIZE to compose a melody [v]
Other moves: ZO 7M 44, ZYMOID 12G 42, DORIZE N6 40, DAMOZEL 11G 38, DOZILY 12C 38
On 5th draw, REACTIVE K5 102 --- REACTIVE tending to react [adj]
Other moves: EVIRATES O1 86, AVERT O11 57, EVERT O11 57, VARE O12 54, VERA O12 54
On 6th draw, ARENITES O1 77 --- ARENITE rock made up chiefly of sand grains [n]
Other tops: TRAINEES O1 77
Other moves: RETAINER N1 70, RETAINER 5D 66, ARSENITE O6 59, RESINATE O6 59, ENTERA O10 42
On 7th draw, FI(N)NMARK 5E 82 --- FINNMARK the monetary unit of Finland [n]
Other tops: FIN(N)MARK 5E 82
Other moves: KNIF(E)MAN 9A 68, FANK 15L 67, FINMARK(S) 5F 66, FA(N)K 15L 63, F(A)NK 15L 63
MA(S)K J7 40 Papa_Sloth
On 8th draw, CUSP O12 54 --- CUSP a pointed end [n]
Other moves: EPUISE O10 48, PISE O12 48, PEISE O11 45, PSI O13 36, CEPES M1 35
On 9th draw, IDEATING F5 66 --- IDEATE to form an idea [v]
Other moves: AGNIZE M10 32, ADZE M12 28, DAZE M12 28, DITZ M11 28, GAINED 4A 28
ADZE M12 28 Papa_Sloth
On 10th draw, WREAKS L1 36 --- WREAK to inflict [v]
Other moves: WAREZ M10 34, WARIER 2J 34, WEAR 6J 34, WEIR 6J 34, WORSER 2J 34
WIZ M12 30 Papa_Sloth
On 11th draw, HARDER 2J 36 --- HARD firm and unyielding [adj]
Other moves: HARED N1 34, HOAED N1 34, HORROR 2J 34, DHOORA 8A 33, HAZE M12 32
HAZE M12 32 Papa_Sloth
On 12th draw, FOZY M12 38 --- FOZY lacking in freshness [adj]
Other moves: ABLAUT J5 35, TOUZY M11 34, BUFO 1G 32, FUTZ M11 32, OYES 6I 32
FAY J4 31 Papa_Sloth
On 13th draw, QI 10J 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: DONEE 3I 29, AGENDA 8A 27, DONGA 1F 26, GEODE 3K 26, AGEE 3J 24
QI 10J 31 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, ODALS M1 40 --- ODAL a Scottish estate without feudal superior [n]
Other moves: SELVA 7E 34, VOLA 7H 34, DALS M2 33, LOVATS 1E 32, VOLANT H1 30
ODALS M1 40 Papa_Sloth
On 15th draw, JUBE E8 45 --- JUBE a platform in a church [n]
Other moves: JOBE 1G 44, JUBE 1G 44, JETON H1 39, JOTUN H1 39, JUTE E8 39
JOE 1H 35 Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, UPDO 1G 26 --- UPDO an upswept hairdo [n]
Other tops: POILU 1F 26
Other moves: LUPIN H1 24, ORPIN H1 24, PRION H1 24, PROIN H1 24, PURIN H1 24
DAP J4 23 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, VOLA 7H 34 --- VOLA the hollow of a hand or foot [n]
Other moves: LOIN L12 30, LAH J4 28, NAH J4 28, AH J5 27, HES 6J 27
NAH J4 28 Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, RIOTING 2A 73 --- RIOT to take part in a violent public disturbance [v] --- RIOTING the act of rioting [n]
Other moves: IGNITOR 2A 72, ROIN L12 30, GORI D9 22, ROTING 2B 21, TIRING 2B 21
On 19th draw, UGH 1A 35 --- UGH the sound of a cough or grunt [n]
Other moves: HIN 3C 26, UH 1A 26, HUG 3G 24, HI 3C 22, HIN 3G 22
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