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Game on September 30, 2024 at 03:06, 1 player
1. 52 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaaimpr   H4    24    24   prima
 2. inoqstu   6E    37    61   squint
 3. efhnoor   E1    24    85   foehns
 4. ?egoort   1E    86   171   footgear
 5. abdeirr   I8    66   237   braider
 6. aiosuvy   2B    51   288   savoy
 7. adeoosu   D4    34   322   sea
 8. cehlntu  11E    36   358   cutline
 9. ?aeennu  14G    68   426   enraunge
10. eghiort  15C    41   467   righto
11. aeejmpv   1A    42   509   jap
12. elostuw  O10    47   556   lowest
13. eiiiloz   4H    32   588   piezo
14. abegitu   5K    38   626   abet
15. ddefilu   2J    50   676   field
16. aadeinu   C1    20   696   padi
17. aacelrv  13A    80   776   caravel
18. dgikouw  L12    32   808   wink
19. dgimoux  10F    52   860   xi
20. dginoou  A11    27   887   incog

Remaining tiles: dmouy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7149 Filesunshine12  1  1:31  -835   52     1.7149 sunshine12  1  1:31  -835   52 

On 1st draw, PRIMA H4 24 --- PRIMA the main part in a musical piece [n]
Other tops: PRAAM H4 24, PRAAM H8 24
Other moves: MARIA H4 20, PRIMA H8 20, PRAAM H5 18, PRAAM H6 18, PRAAM H7 18

On 2nd draw, SQUINT 6E 37 --- SQUINT cross-eyed [adj] --- SQUINT to look with the eyes partly closed [v]
Other tops: QUINOS 6F 37, QUINTS 6F 37
Other moves: QUINO 6F 36, QUINOS 9C 36, QUINS 6F 36, QUINT 6F 36, QUINTS 9C 36

On 3rd draw, FOEHNS E1 24 --- FOEHN a warm, dry wind [n]
Other moves: FOHNS E2 22, FRESH E3 22, FROSH E3 22, HOOFS E2 22, NONHERO I6 22

On 4th draw, FOOTGE(A)R 1E 86 --- FOOTGEAR footwear [n]
Other moves: GROTTOE(D) J2 62, GROTTOE(S) J2 62, ROOT(A)GE I8 62, ROOTAGE(S) 8D 59, (F)OOTGEAR 8B 59

On 5th draw, BRAIDER I8 66 --- BRAIDER one that braids [n]
Other tops: BARDIER G8 66, BARDIER I8 66, BRAIDER G8 66, BRIARED G8 66, BRIARED I8 66
Other moves: RABIDER I8 64, BRAE D2 30, BREI D2 30, DREAR 2J 30, DOBIE 2D 28

On 6th draw, SAVOY 2B 51 --- SAVOY a variety of cabbage [n]
Other moves: IVY K4 37, AVISO 15F 35, AYUS H12 35, SAVOY M1 34, AYUS K5 33

On 7th draw, SEA D4 34 --- SEA the ocean [n]
Other moves: DOUSE 15F 29, DOUSE K3 28, VASE D2 28, ADOS H12 27, ODAS H12 27

On 8th draw, CUTLINE 11E 36 --- CUTLINE a caption [n]
Other moves: UH 2I 29, EH J9 28, LUNCHED 12C 28, HE 2J 27, CHUTED 12D 26

On 9th draw, ENRAUN(G)E 14G 68 --- ENRAUNGE to arrange [v]
Other tops: ENAUN(T)ER 14B 68
Other moves: ANNE(X)URE 14C 61, E(B)URNEAN 14F 61, UNEARNE(D) 14E 61, AENEU(S) 15D 28, ELANE(T) H10 28

On 10th draw, RIGHTO 15C 41 --- RIGHTO used to express cheerful consent [interj]
Other moves: GIRTH 13C 35, GRITH 13C 35, GOITRE 15C 32, RIGHTO 12B 31, GOIER 15K 30

On 11th draw, JAP 1A 42 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other tops: JAM 1A 42
Other moves: JAVA C1 34, JEE 1A 34, EVEJAR C10 32, JEEP 14A 32, JUMP F10 31

On 12th draw, LOWEST O10 47 --- LOW having relatively little upward extension [adj]
Other moves: WEST O12 41, WOST O12 41, LOWSE O11 35, SEWN J8 35, TOWSE O11 35

On 13th draw, PIEZO 4H 32 --- PIEZO produced by piezoelectricity (straining a crystal) [adj]
Other moves: L*Z N9 29, ZEL 14B 28, ZINE L12 28, ZOL 14B 28, ZONE L12 28

On 14th draw, ABET 5K 38 --- ABET to encourage and support [v]
Other tops: ABUT 5K 38
Other moves: AB 5K 34, AITU 5K 32, AIT 5K 30, AUE 5K 30, AE 5K 28

On 15th draw, FIELD 2J 50 --- FIELD to play as a fielder [v]
Other moves: FIDDLER C9 32, FLED 2J 32, FUDDLER C9 32, FIE 2J 30, IF 2I 29

On 16th draw, PADI C1 20 --- PADI a rice field [n]
Other moves: IDEA 6L 19, NADA N9 19, AIDED 12G 18, EQUID F5 18, GADI I1 18

On 17th draw, CARAVEL 13A 80 --- CARAVEL a small sailing ship [n]
Other moves: CALLOWEST O7 42, CALVER 13B 28, CARVEL 13B 28, CLAVER 13B 28, CAVEL 13C 26

On 18th draw, WINK L12 32 --- WINK to close and open one eye quickly [v]
Other tops: WONK L12 32
Other moves: WOK B4 30, KOW B4 29, DINK L12 28, DUNK L12 28, GINK L12 28

On 19th draw, XI 10F 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU 10F 52
Other moves: COX A13 36, DUX B4 35, MUCID A11 33, OXIM 6L 33, OXID 6L 32
XU 10F 52 sunshine12

On 20th draw, INCOG A11 27 --- INCOG a disguised person [n]
Other tops: DUGON(G) M9 27
Other moves: GONAD B10 22, ICON A12 21, CID A13 18, CIG A13 18, COD A13 18

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