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Game on September 30, 2024 at 08:28, 3 players
1. 480 pts babsbedi
2. 461 pts fatcat
3. 244 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?delmou   H4    74    74   moulder
 2. ?eeekno  10F    70   144   kerosene
 3. einorst   K5    82   226   oneriest
 4. aaiopxz  11E    53   279   zax
 5. ccdeeot   8A    95   374   decocted
 6. abdhijo  12B    54   428   hijab
 7. aaopstv  13B    56   484   ataps
 8. adenort   L2    78   562   tornade
 9. elmsuww  A13    35   597   wem
10. adeilnv   F1    66   663   divalent
11. eilrsuy   1D    36   699   ridleys
12. agilnno  B10    24   723   nahal
13. aefnors  N10    33   756   sofar
14. einortu   M9    29   785   retinue
15. abioquy   J1    41   826   squib
16. fghirtu  15H    33   859   figure
17. aggipty   E4    29   888   pay
18. gghiotv   C3    26   914   gothic

Remaining tiles: giovw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6839 Filebabsbedi    2 21:03  -434  480     1.7164 Chelsea     0  8:22  -670  244 
  2.6399 Filefatcat      2 15:07  -453  461            Group: intermediate
  3.7164 FileChelsea     0  8:22  -670  244     1.6839 babsbedi    2 21:03  -434  480 
                                             2.6399 fatcat      2 15:07  -453  461 

On 1st draw, MOULDE(R) H4 74 --- MOULDER to turn to dust by natural decay [v]
Other tops: MODULE(S) H4 74, MOULDE(D) H4 74, MOUL(D)ED H4 74, MOUL(T)ED H4 74, MOU(S)LED H4 74, MO(G)ULED H4 74, MUD(H)OLE H4 74, (R)EMOULD H2 74, (V)OLUMED H8 74
Other moves: MODULE(S) H2 72, MOULDE(D) H8 72, MOULDE(R) H8 72, MOUL(D)ED H6 72, MOUL(T)ED H6 72
MOULDE(R) H4 24 babsbedi
MODEL H4 22 fatcat

On 2nd draw, KE(R)O(S)ENE 10F 70 --- KEROSENE a fuel oil [n]
Other moves: KNEE(H)OLE 7B 64, O(V)E(R)KEEN 10E 62, O(V)E(R)KNEE 10E 62, KEENO(S) 3C 29, KEENO(S) 11C 27
MONKE(Y) 4H 22 fatcat

On 3rd draw, ONERIEST K5 82 --- ONERY stubborn and mean-spirited [adj]
Other tops: SNOOTIER 5E 82
Other moves: OESTRIN N8 81, DRONIEST 8H 80, NORITES 3B 76, ORIENTS 3B 76, STONIER 3H 76
STONER N10 29 babsbedi
STORE N10 27 fatcat

On 4th draw, ZAX 11E 53 --- ZAX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: TOPAZ 12K 52, ZAX L3 47, ZAX I3 42, PAX 11E 39, PIX 11E 39
ZAX 11E 53 fatcat
ZO J5 28 babsbedi

On 5th draw, DECOCTED 8A 95 --- DECOCT to extract the flavor of by boiling [v]
Other moves: COTED 9E 34, RECCE 8K 30, RECCO 8K 30, CODE 9E 29, COT 12D 28
COT 12D 28 fatcat, Chelsea
DO 12D 17 babsbedi

On 6th draw, HIJAB 12B 54 --- HIJAB a head covering worn by Muslim women [n]
Other moves: HODJA 12A 51, JIHAD L1 51, JEHADI M9 50, JEHAD M9 48, HIJAB L1 46
JIHAD L1 51 babsbedi
JAB 12D 44 Chelsea
JOB 12D 44 fatcat

On 7th draw, ATAPS 13B 56 --- ATAP the nipa palm tree [n]
Other moves: TAPS 13C 49, TOPS 13C 49, ATAP 13B 44, ATOP 13B 44, APSO 13D 40
TAPS 13C 49 babsbedi, Chelsea
VAST N8 22 fatcat

On 8th draw, TORNADE L2 78 --- TORNADE a thunderstorm [n]
Other moves: TORNADE J2 73, DEAR 14A 35, NEAR 14A 33, TEAR 14A 33, EAR 14B 31
TAR 14B 31 Chelsea
ORATED 8J 24 babsbedi
RENTED M9 16 fatcat

On 9th draw, WEM A13 35 --- WEM a womb [n]
Other moves: WEMS J4 33, MEWLS N6 31, EMS 14A 29, EMS J5 29, WUS A13 29
MEWLS N6 31 Chelsea
MEW M1 28 fatcat, babsbedi

On 10th draw, DIVALENT F1 66 --- DIVALENT a chemical element with a valency of two [n] --- DIVALENT having a valence of two [adj]
Other tops: DIVALENT 2E 66
Other moves: VITAE 2J 32, VITAL 2J 32, VEINAL J2 31, VENIAL J2 31, VINEAL J2 31
VIDE M1 26 Chelsea
HADE B12 26 babsbedi
VAN M1 18 fatcat

On 11th draw, RIDLEYS 1D 36 --- RIDLEY a sea turtle [n]
Other moves: SURELY N10 35, RIDLEY 1D 33, RUDELY 1D 33, SHALY B11 33, SLYER N10 33
SURELY N10 35 babsbedi, Chelsea
DRYS 1F 24 fatcat

On 12th draw, NAHAL B10 24 --- NAHAL a military agricultural settlement in Israel [n]
Other tops: LOHAN B10 24
Other moves: AGIO(S) J6 22, HALO B12 22, INGAN J3 21, LIGAN J3 21, LOGAN J3 21
NOTING 12I 14 fatcat
GLEAN B6 12 babsbedi

On 13th draw, SOFAR N10 33 --- SOFAR a system for locating underwater explosions [n]
Other tops: SAFER N10 33, SNARF N10 33
Other moves: FANES N6 31, FANOS N6 31, FARES N6 31, FAROS N6 31, FEARS N6 31
SAFER N10 33 fatcat, babsbedi

On 14th draw, RETINUE M9 29 --- RETINUE a group of attendants [n]
Other moves: RETINE M9 27, RETIE M9 23, ERUCT E5 22, NOURICE C3 22, TROUNCE C3 22
TROVE 3C 18 fatcat
REN O13 13 babsbedi

On 15th draw, SQUIB J1 41 --- SQUIB to lampoon [v]
Other tops: SQUAB J1 41
Other moves: ABY L13 29, BAY E4 29, BAY M1 28, BOY M1 28, OUTBY 2J 28
QUAIL 5B 28 fatcat, babsbedi

On 16th draw, FIGURE 15H 33 --- FIGURE to compute [v]
Other moves: FOUGHT I9 30, TRIFF 12K 30, FORTH I9 28, FOUTH I9 28, FOURTH I9 26
FIGURE 15H 33 babsbedi
HI 9C 22 fatcat

On 17th draw, PAY E4 29 --- PAY to give money or something of value in exchange for goods or services [v]
Other tops: YAP E4 29
Other moves: ATYPIC C3 28, PAY M1 28, PITAYA 4A 28, GAY M1 26, YAP M1 26
PAY M1 28 babsbedi
RAGGY D1 20 fatcat

On 18th draw, GOTHIC C3 26 --- GOTHIC a style of printing [n]
Other moves: HI 9C 22, HO 9C 22, HOGG I9 22, OH M2 22, HOG I9 20
HI 9C 22 fatcat
HO 9C 22 babsbedi

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