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Game on September 30, 2024 at 23:02, 1 player
1. 112 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aadegrt   H4    72    72   gradate
 2. aaeilot   G5    20    92   alate
 3. adefghi  11F    33   125   hidage
 4. deooryy  12I    27   152   yode
 5. ahilnos   M9    33   185   hails
 6. beilmot   N7    34   219   timbo
 7. ?adeimo   O2    91   310   miaoued
 8. cenortu  13C    79   389   trounce
 9. aenpprw   K4    84   473   enwrapped
10. ?aenrsx   9A    66   539   extranets
11. beiorsu   D2    72   611   boursier
12. eegilow   8A    39   650   wo
13. efijnoy   L1    42   692   jeon
14. efgiisv   M3    29   721   fegs
15. iiinnou  10A    22   743   no
16. cefiluz  D12    52   795   friz
17. eilnruy   2B    36   831   rebuy
18. iknttuv   1F    33   864   kuti
19. ciilntv   F7    23   887   linch
20. ilnqtvv   6B    32   919   qis

Remaining tiles: lntvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7097 Filesunshine12  1  3:55  -807  112     1.7097 sunshine12  1  3:55  -807  112 

On 1st draw, GRADATE H4 72 --- GRADATE to change by degrees [v]
Other moves: GRADATE H2 70, GRADATE H3 70, GRADATE H6 70, GRADATE H7 70, GRADATE H8 70
GRATED H4 20 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, ALATE G5 20 --- ALATE a winged insect [n]
Other tops: TALEA G6 20, TALEA I6 20, TELIA G6 20, TELIA I6 20
Other moves: ALATE G7 18, ALATE I7 18, ALAE G7 17, ALAE I7 17, ALIT G7 17
ALATE I7 18 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, HIDAGE 11F 33 --- HIDAGE a type of land tax [n]
Other moves: DEAF I7 30, FADE F5 29, FAH F5 29, AHED 11E 27, DEAF 11H 27
HEAD I9 24 sunshine12

On 4th draw, YODE 12I 27 --- YEAD to go or proceed [v] --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: DORY 12I 24, YORE 12I 24, DOY I6 23, YOD I6 23, EYRY 12K 22
YODE 12I 27 sunshine12

On 5th draw, HAILS M9 33 --- HAIL to welcome [v]
Other moves: SOH I7 29, AHIS F6 27, HALONS M10 27, SHAN 13J 27, SHOLA M9 27
SHAN 13K 23 sunshine12

On 6th draw, TIMBO N7 34 --- TIMBO a South American plant [n]
Other tops: LIMBO N7 34
Other moves: LIMB N7 31, MOBILE 12A 31, TOMB N7 31, LIMBO I3 29, LIMO N8 29

On 7th draw, MIAO(U)ED O2 91 --- MIAOU to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other tops: AME(B)OID O2 91, MIAO(W)ED O2 91, (H)AEMOID O2 91
Other moves: AMIDO(N)E O1 85, DOMAI(N)E O1 82, ME(L)ODIA O1 82, MIAO(U)ED 12A 82, MIAO(W)ED 12A 82

On 8th draw, TROUNCE 13C 79 --- TROUNCE to beat severely [v]
Other tops: CORNUTE 13C 79
Other moves: COUNTERED K4 74, RECOUNTED K4 74, COUNTER 13D 72, CENTUM 2J 32, TRONC 10B 28

On 9th draw, ENWRAPPED K4 84 --- ENWRAP to cover by wrapping [v]
Other moves: PAWER F5 35, PREWRAP D9 34, WAPPER D8 34, NAPPE O11 33, PAPER F5 33

On 10th draw, EX(T)RANETS 9A 66 --- EXTRANET an intranet that permits limited access by outsiders [n]
Other moves: RAXES N1 45, AXES N2 43, (F)AXES N1 43, (L)AXES N1 43, (M)AXES N1 43

On 11th draw, BOURSIER D2 72 --- BOURSIER a foundation-scholar [n]
Other moves: BES 8A 37, BOI 8A 37, BOS 8A 37, BOUSIER A4 36, EBRIOSE A3 36

On 12th draw, WO 8A 39 --- WO woe [n]
Other tops: WE 8A 39
Other moves: ELBOW 2B 36, WEBLOG 2B 28, LOW C1 26, WEEL L1 26, WEIL L1 26

On 13th draw, JEON L1 42 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other tops: JOE C3 42, JOIN L1 42, NYE 10A 42
Other moves: FOYNE C1 40, JOY C1 40, NY 10A 40, JO C3 38, FOYNE E1 37

On 14th draw, FEGS M3 29 --- FEGS in faith [interj]
Other tops: FEGS M2 29, FIGS M2 29
Other moves: VISE 12A 28, EFS M2 27, FEG M2 27, FEG M3 27, FEIS M3 27

On 15th draw, NO 10A 22 --- NO a negative reply [n]
Other moves: INION 12A 20, UNION 12A 20, ON 7A 18, OI 10B 17, CON H13 15

On 16th draw, FRIZ D12 52 --- FRIZ to curl hair tightly [v]
Other moves: CUZ H13 42, FUZEE 2H 37, BEZIL 2D 36, FURZE D11 36, ZUFOLI 3A 36

On 17th draw, REBUY 2B 36 --- BUY to purchase [v] --- REBUY to buy again [v]
Other moves: NIRLY O11 30, UEY L6 27, GORY J11 26, NEBULY 2B 26, CLY H13 24

On 18th draw, KUTI 1F 33 --- KUTI female dog (India) [n]
Other tops: KNIT 1F 33, KNUT 1F 33
Other moves: KIN 1F 30, KIT 1F 30, NEK C1 26, KUTI J2 24, KIN J2 21

On 19th draw, LINCH F7 23 --- LINCH a boundary [n]
Other moves: VEIN C1 20, INCH F8 18, VIN J2 18, CLIFT 12A 17, INCLE 2H 17

On 20th draw, QIS 6B 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI I3 24, QI 7C 21, VEIN C1 20, VIN J2 18, VET C1 16

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