Game on October 1, 2024 at 17:15, 11 players
1. 225 pts Pacific
2. 216 pts LongJump22
3. 74 pts ArcticFox
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 22 22 


8A 92 114 


11E 94 208 


M7 90 298 


8L 48 346 


B8 80 426 


L3 25 451 


14A 61 512 


12K 42 554 


15G 44 598 


5E 106 704 


G7 55 759 


C2 81 840 


O11 36 876 


6B 42 918 


12A 42 960 


D1 36 996 


B1 34 1030 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Pacific 1 2:59 -805 225 1.9857 Pacific 1 2:59 -805 225
LongJump22 2 3:20 -814 216 Group: intermediate
ArcticFox 1 2:51 -956 74 1.6956 ArcticFox 1 2:51 -956 74
OOOOOO1112 1 1:46 -982 48 2.6442 ShotPut22 0 0:41 -999 31
ShotPut22 0 0:41 -999 31 3.6733 Discus22 0 0:56 -999 31
Discus22 0 0:56 -999 31 4.6486 Javelin22 0 1:11 -999 31
Javelin22 0 1:11 -999 31 5.6644 Hammer22 0 1:25 -999 31
Hammer22 0 1:25 -999 31 Group: novice
MMMMMM1112 0 1:22 -1001 29 1.5730 LongJump22 2 3:20 -814 216
LLLLLL1112 0 1:54 -1001 29 2.5693 OOOOOO1112 1 1:46 -982 48
NNNNNN1112 0 0:52 -1012 18 3.5647 MMMMMM1112 0 1:22 -1001 29
4.5601 LLLLLL1112 0 1:54 -1001 29
5.5656 NNNNNN1112 0 0:52 -1012 18
On 1st draw, ATABEG H7 22 --- ATABEG Turkish ruler [n]
Other tops: BEGAT H4 22
Other moves: ATABEG H3 20, ATABEG H4 20, ATABEG H8 20, ATABEG H5 18, ATABEG H6 18
On 2nd draw, OVERPLOT 8A 92 --- OVERPLOT to devise an overly complex plot for [v]
Other moves: PLOVER 11D 22, LEP G7 21, POO G9 21, PROLE I6 21, GLOVER 12H 20
On 3rd draw, UNDERMAN 11E 94 --- UNDERMAN an inferior [n] --- UNDERMAN to use too few workers [v]
Other moves: MUNDANER C2 76, MUNDANER 11B 72, UNDERMAN C5 64, UNARMED C3 30, UNNAMED C3 30
On 4th draw, FIN(E)SSE M7 90 --- FINESSE to bring about by adroit maneuvering [v]
Other tops: FINESS(E) M7 90, FIN(I)SES M7 90, F(I)NISES M7 90, INFES(T)S M7 90, INF(U)SES M7 90
Other moves: FESSIN(G) M9 88, FINESS(E)R I4 85, FIN(E)SSE I3 85, FIN(L)ESS I3 85, FI(T)NESS I3 85
FINESS(E) M7 90 LongJump22
FIN(E)SSE M7 90 Pacific
On 5th draw, KIVA 8L 48 --- KIVA an underground ceremonial chamber [n]
Other moves: KILT 8L 39, FATLIKE C2 38, VAKIL L4 34, FIAT 8L 33, FILA 8L 33
KIVA 8L 48 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112
On 6th draw, VERTICES B8 80 --- VERTEX the highest point of something [n]
Other tops: CERITES 13B 80, RECITES 13B 80, TIERCES 13B 80
Other moves: CERITES I2 78, RECITES I2 78, TIERCES I2 78, CERITES 14G 71, RECITES 14G 71
RECITES I2 78 LongJump22
On 7th draw, NANOOK L3 25 --- NANOOK a polar bear [n]
Other moves: SOLANIN 15B 24, ABOON 10G 22, ALI(E)N 10J 18, BOOL 10H 18, BOON 10H 18
ONOS 12J 18 NNNNNN1112
On 8th draw, DENTURAL 14A 61 --- DENTURAL pertaining to a denture [adj] --- DENTURE a set of teeth [adj]
Other moves: LURDAN 14J 29, TUNDRA 14J 29, TUNDRA 14I 28, LUNATED C3 27, NATURED C3 27
On 9th draw, MESHY 12K 42 --- MESHY formed like network [adj]
Other tops: IMPED 15H 42
Other moves: MYSID 12K 40, HYMNED 3I 38, YIPE 15G 38, DIMP 15G 36, EMYS 12J 36
On 10th draw, YOWIE 15G 44 --- YOWIE a small ewe [n]
Other moves: HIYA 15G 41, HOWE 15G 41, HOYA 15G 41, YOWE 15G 41, YAWY O12 39
On 11th draw, LAX(A)TION 5E 106 --- LAXATION the act of relaxing [n]
Other tops: L(A)XATION 5E 106, L(U)XATION 5E 106
Other moves: OXTAIL(S) I2 88, TOXI(C)AL I1 75, (F)OXTAIL I1 75, LAX(A)TION 3E 73, L(A)XATION 3E 73
VOX N8 55 Pacific
On 12th draw, POZ G7 55 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: L*ZLEZ 4F 53, PUTZ D12 50, ZEP 4H 50, YUTZ O12 48, ZAP 7G 48
ZAP 7G 48 Pacific
On 13th draw, GESTURED C2 81 --- GESTURE to express by bodily motion [v]
Other moves: TRUDGENS 3F 76, DURGIEST J1 64, DREST 14J 39, DRUSE 14J 39, TRUDGE 14J 37
On 14th draw, HYLEG O11 36 --- HYLEG the ruling planet at the hour of birth [n]
Other moves: FEH 4F 35, HEW 14J 32, FLEW M1 29, EF 6I 28, FEH 4H 28
HEW 14J 32 Pacific, ArcticFox
On 15th draw, QUAIR 6B 42 --- QUAIR a twentieth part of a ream [n]
Other moves: QUAI 6B 35, BEAR 14J 34, AFRO 6I 32, QUA 6B 32, FAB 4F 31
QUAIR 6B 42 ArcticFox
QI J14 31 ShotPut22, Discus22, Javelin22, Hammer22
On 16th draw, JIBE 12A 42 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other tops: JIB 4H 42
Other moves: JEDI 4F 39, J*WJEW M2 35, WEB 4F 32, HEW N12 31, JE(E)D 10K 30
On 17th draw, COFT D1 36 --- COFF to buy [v]
Other moves: FIDO D1 34, FETID 4F 32, COTED 4F 30, TEF 4F 30, CEDI 4F 29
On 18th draw, WADE B1 34 --- WADE to walk through water [v]
Other moves: CAWED 1D 33, COWED 1D 33, CAW 13B 32, COW 13B 32, HEW N12 31
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