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Game on October 1, 2024 at 19:27, 15 players
1. 596 pts Muincunx
2. 528 pts ArcticFox
3. 443 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. fgiloou   H4    26    26   fugio
 2. aaahist   9B    72    98   taiahas
 3. ?eegntu   D6    68   166   geniture
 4. aegnrst   8H    83   249   orangest
 5. adinnot   L1    74   323   donating
 6. loortwy   2J    38   361   wooly
 7. eeimrux   K4    47   408   mixen
 8. adepsuv  14A    35   443   paused
 9. abeilmr  15E    90   533   mirable
10. ?abcejo  A12    63   596   jape
11. einorsu   N6    62   658   resinous
12. bcdeloo   1H    31   689   blood
13. aefoptv  O12    36   725   pote
14. ehirtwz  M11    57   782   whiz
15. ?cdeiin   B2    78   860   reindict
16. adflorv   A1    38   898   ford
17. aceltvy   C1    41   939   lacey
18. ekqrtvv   M2    27   966   lek

Remaining tiles: qrrtvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7748 FileMuincunx    9 14:28  -370  596     1.7748 Muincunx    9 14:28  -370  596 
  2.6934 FileArcticFox   3 21:21  -438  528     2.7077 sunshine12  3 17:52  -523  443 
  3.7077 Filesunshine12  3 17:52  -523  443     3.7526 HollyIvy    1  1:39  -859  107 
  4.5730 FileLongJump22  2  4:24  -741  225     4.7974 lazy.lion   1  1:49  -903   63 
  5.7526 FileHollyIvy    1  1:39  -859  107     5.7777 bumpkin     0  0:43  -944   22 
  6.7974 Filelazy.lion   1  1:49  -903   63            Group: intermediate
  7.6660 FileHammer22    1  1:03  -925   41     1.6934 ArcticFox   3 21:21  -438  528 
  8.6486 FileJavelin22   1  1:25  -925   41     2.6660 Hammer22    1  1:03  -925   41 
  9.5647 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:14  -928   38     3.6486 Javelin22   1  1:25  -925   41 
 10.5656 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:32  -928   38     4.6442 ShotPut22   0  1:32  -933   33 
 11.5693 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:52  -928   38     5.6733 Discus22    0  1:48  -933   33 
 12.6442 FileShotPut22   0  1:32  -933   33            Group: novice
 13.6733 FileDiscus22    0  1:48  -933   33     1.5730 LongJump22  2  4:24  -741  225 
 14.7777 Filebumpkin     0  0:43  -944   22     2.5647 MMMMMM1112  1  1:14  -928   38 
 15.5601 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:41  -947   19     3.5656 NNNNNN1112  1  1:32  -928   38 
                                             4.5693 OOOOOO1112  1  1:52  -928   38 
                                             5.5601 LLLLLL1112  0  1:41  -947   19 

On 1st draw, FUGIO H4 26 --- FUGIO a former coin of the United States [n]
Other moves: FOLIO H4 24, FUGIO H8 20, FOLIO H8 18, FUGIO H5 18, FUGIO H6 18
FUGIO H4 26 Muincunx
FLOG H5 16 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, TAIAHAS 9B 72 --- TAIAHA a Maori weapon [n]
Other moves: TAIAHAS G8 64, AHIS G6 26, AHI G6 24, AHIS I4 24, AHS G6 24
AHIS G6 26 Muincunx
HITS G7 23 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, GENITU(R)E D6 68 --- GENITURE birth [n]
Other tops: EUGENI(S)T D4 68
Other moves: GAUNT(R)EE C8 66, GAUNT(R)EE E8 66, TEGUE(X)IN D3 66, TEGU(M)ENT B2 66, NUGGETE(D) 6E 63
TENGE(S) 8A 39 Muincunx
GENTE(S) 8A 34 sunshine12
T(I)NGE 8A 31 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, ORANGEST 8H 83 --- ORANGE the colour of an orange (a fruit) [adj]
Other moves: ENGRAFTS 4C 74, GREATENS 13B 72, NEGATERS 13C 72, REAGENTS 13C 72, SEGREANT 13C 72
REAGENTS 13C 72 LongJump22
GRASTE 14A 27 Muincunx, ArcticFox
GENS 14A 19 LLLLLL1112
GENETS 13A 14 sunshine12

On 5th draw, DONATING L1 74 --- DONATE to contribute [v]
Other tops: ANOINTED M2 74
Other moves: ANTINODE M1 72, NUDATION 11C 68, NUDATION 5G 68, ADNATION J5 65, ADNATION J8 63
ADNATION J8 63 LongJump22
NODI C11 19 Muincunx
FAINT 4H 16 ArcticFox
ADO 7L 16 sunshine12

On 6th draw, WOOLY 2J 38 --- WOOLY a woolly [n] --- WOOLY resembling wool [adj]
Other moves: YOWL C11 36, YOW C11 34, OWELTY 13B 32, WROOT 2J 32, YOW M2 32
WOOLY 2J 38 Muincunx, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
WRY C13 28 ArcticFox
DORY 1L 24 sunshine12

On 7th draw, MIXEN K4 47 --- MIXEN a dunghill [n]
Other moves: MUX G5 44, REMEX 13C 44, REMIX 13C 44, MIX K4 41, MUX K4 41
MUX G5 44 Muincunx, HollyIvy, ArcticFox
REMIX E3 40 sunshine12

On 8th draw, PAUSED 14A 35 --- PAUSE to stop temporarily [v]
Other tops: VESPA 1F 35
Other moves: VESPA 14B 33, DEVA 1G 29, EUPAD C3 28, EVADES M8 28, PSEUD C3 28
PAUSED 14A 35 ArcticFox
VESPA 1F 35 Muincunx
VESPA 14B 33 sunshine12

On 9th draw, MIRABLE 15E 90 --- MIRABLE wonderful [adj]
Other moves: LAMBIER 15E 88, REMBLAI 15E 88, MA(R)BLIER 12B 62, EMBRAID 1F 43, MARBLE 15E 37
RAMBLE 15E 35 Muincunx, ArcticFox
DAME 1L 30 sunshine12
DEAL 1L 22 bumpkin

On 10th draw, JAPE A12 63 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other moves: JAP(E) A12 60, JAP(S) A12 60, J(A)PE A12 60, J(U)PE A12 60, JE(R)BOA 1E 47
JAPE A12 63 Muincunx, ArcticFox, LongJump22, HollyIvy, sunshine12, lazy.lion

On 11th draw, RESINOUS N6 62 --- RESINOUS resembling resin [adj]
Other moves: ROUTINES O5 59, SNOUTIER O4 59, NEUROID 1F 31, OESTRIN 10A 28, ESTRIN 10B 27
DENS 1L 22 sunshine12
SEEN M6 20 Muincunx
IS 9J 19 ArcticFox

On 12th draw, BLOOD 1H 31 --- BLOOD to stain with blood (the fluid circulated by the heart) [v]
Other moves: BECLOUD 12I 28, BOOED M11 26, COBLES 13I 26, DECO 1G 26, DOCO 1G 26
BLOOD 1H 31 Muincunx
BECLOUD 12I 28 ArcticFox
BOO 1H 20 sunshine12

On 13th draw, POTE O12 36 --- POTE to poke [v]
Other tops: POET O12 36
Other moves: FOVEAS 13I 32, POUF 12L 26, TOPE O12 26, FOVEA C2 25, FAVEST 13J 24
POET O12 36 Muincunx, sunshine12
PEAN 8A 22 ArcticFox

On 14th draw, WHIZ M11 57 --- WHIZ to move with a buzzing or hissing sound [v]
Other moves: HERTZ B6 45, WHITE M11 41, ZITHER F6 40, WHIR M11 39, WHIT M11 39
HERTZ B6 45 ArcticFox
ZIG 6F 33 Muincunx, ShotPut22, Discus22
HIRE M12 28 sunshine12

On 15th draw, (R)EINDICT B2 78 --- INDICT to charge with a crime [v] --- REINDICT to indict again [v]
Other tops: INCIDE(N)T B2 78, I(N)CIDENT B2 78
Other moves: INDI(R)ECT B2 70, INDICTE(D) B4 66, INDICTE(E) B4 66, INDICTE(R) B4 66, INDICT(E)E B4 64
CID E5 18 Muincunx
CHIDE F8 13 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, FORD A1 38 --- FORD to cross by wading [v]
Other tops: FARD A1 38
Other moves: FADO A1 34, VIFDA 4A 32, FARL A1 30, FARO A1 30, FOAL A1 30
FORD A1 38 ArcticFox, Muincunx, sunshine12

On 17th draw, LACEY C1 41 --- LACEY resembling lacework [adj]
Other moves: CAVE C1 36, LAVE C1 32, AVE C2 30, CALEFY 4D 28, LACE C1 28
LACEY C1 41 Muincunx, Hammer22, Javelin22
LAY M2 24 sunshine12, ArcticFox

On 18th draw, LEK M2 27 --- LEK a monetary unit of Albania [n] --- LEK to assemble for competitive displays during the mating season [v]
Other moves: KERVE K11 24, VERVE K11 22, QI 7G 21, RETEM E11 21, ERUV C12 19
LEK M2 27 LongJump22, Muincunx
QI 7G 21 ArcticFox, sunshine12

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