Game on October 1, 2024 at 20:54, 5 players
1. 433 pts LongJump22
2. 264 pts sicilianc5
3. 77 pts LLLLLL1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 66 66
2. 13G 58 124
3. 14B 25 149
4. D7 68 217
5. 15G 39 256
6. K6 76 332
7. 8K 39 371
8. 8A 30 401
9. F1 87 488
10. 1C 60 548
11. B2 34 582
12. A1 41 623
13. C3 38 661
14. 6J 38 699
15. E5 30 729
16. M3 26 755
17. 13C 48 803
18. 12A 28 831
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5730 LongJump22 1 7:44 -398 433 1.7384 sicilianc5 4 6:09 -567 264
2.7384 sicilianc5 4 6:09 -567 264 Group: novice
3.5601 LLLLLL1112 1 3:14 -754 77 1.5730 LongJump22 1 7:44 -398 433
4.5693 OOOOOO1112 1 3:06 -763 68 2.5601 LLLLLL1112 1 3:14 -754 77
5.5647 MMMMMM1112 0 1:17 -792 39 3.5693 OOOOOO1112 1 3:06 -763 68
4.5647 MMMMMM1112 0 1:17 -792 39
On 1st draw, ROUTINE H7 66 --- ROUTINE a regular course of procedure [n]
Other tops: ROUTINE H2 66, ROUTINE H3 66, ROUTINE H4 66, ROUTINE H6 66, ROUTINE H8 66
Other moves: ROUTINE H5 64, NORITE H3 14, NORITE H4 14, NORITE H7 14, NORITE H8 14
ROUTINE H3 66 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, HEJIRAS 13G 58 --- HEJIRA an exodus [n]
Other moves: HAJIS 14D 39, HIJRAS 11G 32, HAJIS 11E 30, HIJRA 11G 30, HAJI 11E 28
HAJIS 14D 39 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112
On 3rd draw, VO(S)TRO 14B 25 --- VOSTRO of a bank account, 'their' record of an overseas account, cf [adj]
Other moves: ROUTINE(E)R H7 24, (M)ONITOR 11E 24, (S)ON 14H 24, (S)OT 14H 24, ON(E)R 14I 21
(S)ON 14H 24 LongJump22
On 4th draw, LOGLINE(S) D7 68 --- LOGLINE a line for finding the speed of a vessel [n]
Other moves: LOGLINE G1 64, LOGLINE I1 64, LOGLINES M6 61, ELOIGN 15G 30, NIELLO 15G 27
LOGLINE I1 64 LongJump22
On 5th draw, WANNEL 15G 39 --- WANNEL supple [adj]
Other moves: FEW 14J 37, FAWN 12L 34, WANLE 15G 33, FEN 14J 31, FAW 12L 30
FAWN 12L 34 LongJump22
WEAN 15G 30 OOOOOO1112
On 6th draw, UPTOWNER K6 76 --- UPTOWNER one that lives uptown [n]
Other moves: UPTOWN 8A 33, POWN 12L 30, PEW 12L 26, POW 12L 26, PUTON 12J 26
POWN 12L 30 LongJump22
On 7th draw, TYNDE 8K 39 --- TIND to kindle [v]
Other tops: TYNED 8K 39
Other moves: TYND(E) 8K 36, TYN(E)D 8K 36, TY(N)DE 8K 36, TY(N)ED 8K 36, TY(P)ED 8K 36
DEY 12J 27 LongJump22
On 8th draw, FAGOTS 8A 30 --- FAGOT to bind together into a bundle [v]
Other tops: FASTS E11 30, FEATS E11 30, FESTA E11 30, FESTS E11 30, FETTA E11 30, FETTS E11 30
Other moves: FAST E11 28, FEASTS L1 28, FEAT E11 28, FEST E11 28, FESTAS L1 28
TEF 12J 24 LongJump22
On 9th draw, CERV(I)XES F1 87 --- CERVIX a necklike opening, especially the lower part of the uterus [n]
Other moves: CERV(I)X J1 60, C(A)REX J2 60, VER(T)EX J1 58, RE(M)EX J2 54, VEX J4 54
VEX J4 54 LongJump22, sicilianc5
On 10th draw, THICKOS 1C 60 --- THICKO a stupid person [n]
Other moves: THICKO 1C 57, THICKS 1C 57, HICKS 1D 54, HOCKS 1D 54, HOICKS 1C 48
THICKOS 1C 60 sicilianc5
POD N6 12 LongJump22
On 11th draw, MEROPIA B2 34 --- MEROPIA partial blindness [n]
Other tops: PREMOVE 4A 34
Other moves: MOPEY L4 32, PROEM J2 31, IMPROVE 4A 30, MEET E5 30, MOIT E5 30
PROEM J2 31 sicilianc5
MO 2H 10 LongJump22
On 12th draw, TEMED A1 41 --- TEMED harnessed in a team [adj]
Other moves: MERED A1 39, METED A1 39, REDED A1 37, REMET A1 37, RETEM A1 37
TEMED A1 41 sicilianc5
ME A1 16 LongJump22
On 13th draw, SAFE C3 38 --- SAFE a metal receptacle for storing valuables [n] --- SAFE free from danger [adj] --- SAFE to make secure [v]
Other moves: EFS C3 32, TULES C1 32, FASTI E11 30, FEATS E11 30, FELTS E11 30
SAFE C3 38 sicilianc5
IF 11D 10 LongJump22
On 14th draw, QUIRED 6J 38 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other moves: QUAIR 6J 36, QUARE 6J 36, QUIRE 6J 36, EQUID 6I 35, QADI N6 34
QUIRED 6J 38 sicilianc5, LLLLLL1112, OOOOOO1112
QI 11G 11 LongJump22
On 15th draw, BAIT E5 30 --- BAIT to set a trap [v]
Other moves: BEDU 12J 26, BUDO C11 26, BA E5 23, DEB 12J 23, BEAU 12J 22
BI J12 8 LongJump22
AE N5 2 sicilianc5
On 16th draw, BLARING M3 26 --- BLARE to sound loudly [v]
Other moves: LAIRING M3 22, *B*ABO C12 20, BAA J9 20, BOG C13 20, GAB G9 19
BI 11C 4 LongJump22
On 17th draw, ZEA 13C 48 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: DOZY N8 40, COLZA 4K 34, ZOA J9 34, AZOIC 11A 32, LUZ 10D 32
On 18th draw, CYANO 12A 28 --- CYANO pertaining to cyanogen [adj]
Other moves: DEY 12J 27, CLAY 4L 26, CLOY 4L 26, YCLAD 4K 26, YAD G9 25
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